Poetry: Failure learns from success. Success learns from failure.
@innertalks (22425)
April 26, 2021 8:00pm CST
It has been said that we learn more from failure,
than we do from success.
But, this should not really be true,
as true success should teach us just as much too.
Getting knocked down is important for the already puffed up,
then getting up from a knock-down, puffs you up, rightly.
Sometimes, the greatest defeat is the next defeat,
but the greatest feat is to rise again from the feet of defeat.
Failure builds when success lingers without more action.
Doubts do not cause failure, if we don't give them life.
Follow what you know is right for you to follow,
but do not let following lead you away from your real self.
Love doesn't love, looking for success from its loving.
Love just loves as much as it can do so.
Success either comes, or it doesn't come.
But, it more likely comes, when we do what we love.
Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, pixabay.com
The ladder of success can take you up high into the sky, but sometimes, you will still be rained upon. A cloud might still come your way. Learn from both success and failure.
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8 responses
@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
I did write one book once, but I had to get it self-published, and it cost me to do that.
I do not think that I will attempt it again.
It is rather stressful too, with all of the proofing, and arguing with the publisher, to get my own way, in my own writing.
"He knew best, of course, according to him, but it was my writing, so, I never wanted him messing it up for me too."
At least here, I write what I want to write.
Yes, we should learn from both failure, and from success.
@lovebuglena (45951)
• Staten Island, New York
27 Apr 21
@innertalks I've self-published all my books and since i did it with Lulu it didn't cost me anything. The only money I had to spend was to buy a proof copy and that was at an author discount. A real publishing company shouldn't require you to pay money to publish your book.
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@TheHorse (224477)
• Walnut Creek, California
27 Apr 21
@innertalks Did it sell well?
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@lovebuglena (45951)
• Staten Island, New York
27 Apr 21
There are things to ponder after reading this poem.
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@lovebuglena (45951)
• Staten Island, New York
27 Apr 21
@innertalks I think it depends on the situation we are in. Each experience is different and brings us different outcomes and hence varying results and lessons learned.
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
@lovebuglena Yes, as long as we are open, and remain open, to the learning.
Those types of quotes more encourage us not to let failure dampen our spirits, but to learn from them, and to gain the wisdom, and experience, to do better next time.
If failure shuts us down, we will not move on from there, until we open ourselves up to the new possibility of a new success again too.
@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
Thanks. I have achieved my aim then. I like to cause others to ponder, especially over well-known cliches, such as you learn more from failure, than from success.
"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery."
Samuel Smiles, a Scottish writer, (1812 to 1904)
While what he said is true, to some extent, I think the successful learn more and more from each success too. Success leads them on, motivating them towards greater success, as well.

@kanuck1 (4435)
28 Apr 21
@innertalks I'm just saying that learning from success is a lot less trouble.
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
28 Apr 21
@kanuck1 Ha, ha. Yes, I would agree with you there on that then.
@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
Yes, but if you do have a failure, from time to time, as most of us do, it is good to be still positive even about that too. We can learn something from just about every experience.

@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
Thanks, I think that we can learn from both failure and success, and from all of the steps in between too.
We should never stop learning from anything, really.
@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
@Rashnag Yes, thanks again. Take care too, especially over there in India, right now.
@Rashnag (30592)
• Surat, India
27 Apr 21
@innertalks Rightly said. I agree completely. There is no age where you can't learn. Have a good day. Take care

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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
27 Apr 21
i once started a post mortem process for projects we lost. I moved to another job in the company and my mentee called me to complain about the process I had made.
"It went into my review," he said. That was exactly what I had told the managers shouldn't happen. The reality is people feel safe judging.
Judge not lest thee be judged. The line goes. Yet judging is sometimes what people do.
Great poem!!!!!
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
I think judging is related to success too. If we cannot find enough success for ourselves, we become critical and judgemental about those who have done so too.
People can judge from their safe houses then, and they do not have to risk themselves going outside to actually find success for themselves.
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
28 Apr 21
@DocAndersen Good point. I have not thought of jealousy being related to judgement before.
Jealousy is a rigidness of self that needs to be moved aside for true judgement to be made, and only retaining love, for the other person, being judged, can do this.
This is why the Bible says to leave all judging to God, and that only God has enough love to judge, without him gaining a jealous bone in him then too.
@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
28 Apr 21
@innertalks There is a fine line between judgemental and jealously, but I think you are on the jealousy side of that line now.
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
Yes, thanks, sometimes the title helps to attract people to read stuff here.
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@Shiva49 (26976)
• Singapore
27 Apr 21
To boost our morale, it is often said failure is a great teacher.
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work," said Thomas A. Edison.
One should not get carried away by success as it is short-lived with new challenges staring at us soon.
It is how we face failures that prove our mettle.
My father told me "nothing is the end of the world unless we capitulate and throw up our arms in despair".
I see even young taking their own lives unable to face life while also the few carrying on without even knowing where their next meal is going to come from.
“If you can meet success and failure and treat them both as impostors, then you are a balanced man, my son.” – Rudyard Kipling.
I have been living a life on that score. Love as a guiding principle cannot go wrong and balances out success and failures.
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
Yes, those born into success can soon become failures, sometimes too.
It is true what Rudyard said, success and failures are both imposters, but even from an imposter, we can pick up a gleaning of how to live our own life better too.
It is better to polish ourselves, than to hide ourselves, under the mud.
Let our love shine out, rather than to keep it buried too deeply inside.
@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
27 Apr 21
@Shiva49 Yes, life is mostly a balancing act; go/lean too far, either way, off from the balance point, and you risk being tipped off, or dumped off altogether.
Both success and failure can dump on you at times.
@Shiva49 (26976)
• Singapore
27 Apr 21
@innertalks Yes, they are part and parcel of our lives.
Failures should spur us on than act like a wet blanket.
It is how we face them that decides how strong is our self-belief.
Success should not go to our heads nor should failure dampen our resolve.
I recall some back against the wall phases in my life and they gave me meaning and self-confidence
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@Anusha0313 (71)
• Tirupathi, India
28 Apr 21
A famous saying...
"Take risks in your life..
If you win you can lead..
If you loose you can guide "
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@innertalks (22425)
• Australia
28 Apr 21
Yes, I like that saying, and it reminds me of this one from George Bernard Shaw, too.
"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach."