Putting anger into perspective with Spiritual Cleansing
@innertalks (22409)
May 12, 2021 11:28pm CST
Is anger ever justified?
Does spiritual cleansing have anything to do with anger?
What is spiritual cleansing, anyway?
Cleansing is a form of love becoming alive in you in such a way that it lives from its full fullness in you. It is only in separation that anger exists.
All is love, and anger too is only love that has been turned in on itself, and held isolated long enough within you to fester from the lack of any new flowing love. Fear then often builds a fence around this love, and fenced love turns to anger because it wants to again flow, and to remove itself from this restriction.
Spiritual cleansing allows love to flow full again by renewing all of the energy points in your body, and thereby removing any blocked energy flows.
When we live from God's perfect love, anger never manifests itself within us anymore.
Anger, in spiritual terms, is a misjudging of the continuing godliness of emptiness.
We feel that we must hold onto something that pains us through fear, rather than risk the creation of a newer greater position of love. We feel unworthy of living from this much love. We are always worthy of course; we just need to grow in the conscious understanding of it, to apply it more wisely in our lives.
This fear becomes anger when we fear the fear. We become angry with the fear.
We think that it helps us to be angry, when really anger serves a purpose only when we are not loving, as a highlighting indicator to us that we are not presently being perfectly loving.
Our anger is a sign to us, that we are moving away from love.
Anger is born from our not yet fully knowing, or feeling, God's perfect love, as it lives within us trying always to be us. Anger is a type of language that is trying to show us that the discontentment living in our mind needs to be looked at, and not just pushed aside.
Discontentment turns to anger when we remain fearful of life, and so do not fully appreciate life's gifts. Happiness in life is full appreciation of that life, and it results from allowing ourselves to live from love, despite the fears we might currently still be feeling.
Love exists within us, perfect at all times.
We know this unconsciously, and we just need to move past our fears to knowing this fully consciously as well.
This is telling us that we need to act on this, and become more loving, by seeing more of the love that is within the situation that we right now only think is making us angry, or causing us to be angry. When we are not aware of what's really happening, we delay our return to love, because we fear the fear, and so are angry. We are angry that we are fearful, and so we try to fight this fear, rather than love it.
At the core of all anger is a fear of the love that is not being fully lived from.
We do not yet have the conscious understanding to embrace this unconsciously felt love.
The spiritual journey is about gaining this conscious recognition of love and growing in the understanding of it. When we consciously only live from love, it matches our unconscious knowing of love, as that same love which we were created from.
No more anger is possible when we are again fully balanced within both conscious and unconscious recognition of God's love being us in us, whilst all are still remaining within the greater body of God's oneness.
Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, pixabay.com
We do not need to ever fight against our anger.
Just move more love into it, and it will disappear.
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8 responses
@florelway (23355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
13 May 21
But hard to remove anger when the pain is still there. How can one love a person who caused one.misery? Forgiveness yes, but not love.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
I have heard it said to turn the other cheek, so that the anger does not stick to you. It is their anger, not yours.
Love is a big ask, at times, but it is the only real way to move past misery, or any other emotion, lesser than love.
We need to step ourselves up a notch, and still love the person, for their being a part of it all, of God's overall Universal family.
Anger sits on a bed of non-forgiveness, and of non-love, within a person, retaliating against anger directed at them.
Try not to meet anger with anger, but send love to all, and all will then be moved eventually towards love too.
Anger begets anger, love begets love.
@florelway (23355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
13 May 21
@innertalks thanks for the inspiring words. Yes love begets love and some people don't see the love that you give.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
@florelway Yes, some people do not appreciate our love, but that should never stop us from loving.
Nothing should stop us from loving, as when we stop love, things start to fester inside of us then, unhealed, like resentment, bitterness, feelings of revenge, and of course, anger. Only loving again can heal these sores within us.
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@arunima25 (89386)
• Bangalore, India
13 May 21
Anger is just another emotions and we can not fully nullify it. We just need ways to control and manage it well. Deep breaths, a good walk in fresh air, listening to some good music to distract myself or just doing something that helps me feel good...are my ways to move away from it. But it is not possible all the time. But yes, I make a conscious effort for it.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
If at times our emotions can control us then, and cannot be fully stopped from doing so, are we not responsible still if we allow this, and so then do something bad?
I feel that God allows us to be able to get on top of any emotion with enough love to counter it at all times.
We never need to be controlled like this by anything else.
@Shiva49 (26971)
• Singapore
13 May 21
I have faced issues that trigger anger. It can be intrusive behavior, rudeness, taking advantage of my kindness, plain cheating, deception.
After the initial time needed to get over the shock, I gather myself with a measured approach. It soon dawns on me it is not that bad and "this too shall pass".
I move on but with a hint of disappointment so as not to bottle up my feelings of hurt. It often happens all is water under the bridge and setbacks are part of life just as lucky breaks we get are which we accept as a matter of course.
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@arunima25 (89386)
• Bangalore, India
14 May 21
@innertalks When I do emotion management workshops with children or parents and teachers, I would say that anger can not be completely nullified and nor is it bad. It is just like any emotion that we get and it is natural to feel angry and many a times quite justified. Anger and pain are there and can not be ignored. We need to acknowledge it and that is important. Yes, then we need to manage it in a good way. Anger at times can be streamlined into productivity and creativity.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 May 21
@innertalks Yes, God tested Job, but God was proving to Satan that Job would not fail the test as Satan told God that Job would curse Him if He took everything away from him. We all know Job passed the test and Satan crawled away with his tail between his legs.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
14 May 21
@just4him But, why would God think that he needs to prove anything to Satan, for?
Maybe, he thinks that there must be a slight chance for Satan to still come back to him too.....
@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
Yes, thanks.
God once used evil to obtain good too. He used the evilness of Satan to test Job with.
Was God justified in doing that?
It is a hard one for sure, to try to understand.
Should we ever use anger/righteous anger/evil to achieve results?
God is love, and anger/fear is not in him.
Anger/fear falls out of love, when full love is being spaced apart with the mind.
If we go back again to the heart, love is pieced totally together again then, for us too.
God can allow the minds of his children to bear anger at times, as it is a learningness of love in the school of life, of which God allows the Devil to exist as a sort of backroom janitor or teacher too, that will goad you into learning, when you enter his darkroom too, through your fear rising up against him, and so fear drives you back to love too, and is another signal that you have stepped into darkness, and away from love as well.

@mildredtabitha (16292)
• Nairobi, Kenya
13 May 21
The Bible says we can be angry but not sin.
Spiritual cleansing is not biblical
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
Jesus Christ is our spiritual cleanser.
1 John, chapter 1, verse 7.
"If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin."
Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 31:
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice."
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
@mildredtabitha Yes, or purification.
We need to try to remove the influence of evil from ourselves, and to think pure thoughts, and to love wholely, for God, ourselves, and for the greater World too.
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@mildredtabitha (16292)
• Nairobi, Kenya
13 May 21
@innertalks ooh you mean sanctification?
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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
13 May 21
this brings up so many thoughts - awesome piece Steve!!!!!
initial - anger is the willful push sometimes we need to make changes.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
Thanks, Scott.
It is an interesting question if evil/sin/negativity can really work for love/positivity, or not.
Would you like/rather God, or anybody else, to act loving towards you, or angrily?
Would you like an angry school teacher, to use his anger to try to get the best out of you, or not?
Or would you like a loving teacher to teach you?
Why would we then use anger to try to get the best out of ourselves?
Anger attaches to the mind, and distorts it. We cannot think clearly when angry.
Anger then serves no purpose for us, other than a sign to us, that we have moved away from full loving.
Using a tool to build something with is ok, if you can trust the tool, and are a master of how to use it.
Only God is such a master, and only he can use tools, like this to achieve results in his world.
Only God can judge.
Nobody else should try to use the tool of judging, or anger, but stick with love, and keep themselves within God at all times, not leave him for the tool, which remains a tool, not God.
@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
14 May 21
@innertalks i have to dive into the Supertramp Logical song for an answer. "These questions run too deep for such a simple man"
The reality is the complexity hidden in these questions says it is time to stop, and gather materials for a bridge. there is no way to safely cross this river.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
15 May 21
@DocAndersen Well, if we can hold our breath for long enough, we might swim underwater across, and so not need a bridge.
Otherwise, such questions might dip us so deep, into the murky waters, that we end up drowning in our own thoughts.
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@Belexhanns (3431)
• Kampala, Uganda
13 May 21
That's it we should love one another and fight the ghost of anger
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
Yes, I feel that if we can, we should always not follow our anger, but try to go the way of love instead.
@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
Yes, one of the oldest, and best cures, is simply to take a deep breath, and count to 10, so as to distance yourself a bit, from your own anger.
@Shiva49 (26971)
• Singapore
13 May 21
We can channel the energy from the spurts of anger to positiveness.
No one can be without anger. When I get disappointed, frustrated, anger takes hold, sort of to get relief from the setbacks. Soon I realize it is better to move away from it as it cannot solve the issue; in fact, it can only make it worse.
It happens when someone lets me down. Then I put myself in his shoes to understand the reason. I make it clear I am disappointed but I want to move on. That paves for better understanding and goodwill.
Circumstances make us angry too. A hungry man is an angry man! I feel anger is more due to our stepping away from reality - sort of life has been unkind to us. Then I count my blessings. That I am healthy and able to be independent is the biggest of blessings. So there is no place for anger in my life.
When we overcome anger through logic and reasoning, we move a notch higher in consciousness.
Everything is part of us and that realization subsumes anger under love and compassion thereby dissolving it. We are all on the same journey. And setbacks have to be tackled in unison and not by pointing fingers at one another in endless blame games.
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@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
13 May 21
But have we ever got the brains, the consciousness to try to channel anger into love?
I feel it is better to just step back from the anger, let it dissipate, and return ourselves to the better, pure energy of love, as soon as is possible, for us to do so.
If we get into bed with our anger, for sure, we will have some angry offspring at some time, in our lives.
We should observe it, if it arises, then turn our back on it, and give it as wide a berth as is possible.
Anger is not like a huge wave that we need to learn how to surf it, and to have fun with it.
If we work with anger, it will work against us.
When we are angry, logic and reasoning, usually have been lost.
Rather than logically saying, I am angry, I will try not to be so, I think that we should drop down into our hearts, away from our minds altogether, and see the love still there, and then send it out, even to the person/situation that has angered us.
Only love can cure anger, not logically thinking about it.
If we feel anger, what should we do?
Acknowledge that anger is holding you in its fist, and just open the fist, and let it go.
Love opens all closedness, and can do the same with anger too.
Anger closes you off to love.
Open yourself again, and anger immediately will disappear. Anger cannot be held in a loving heart.
@innertalks (22409)
• Australia
14 May 21
@Shiva49 I am not so sure.
I would like to be inspired by love of music, art, writing, rather than redirect anger to achieve creativity in that field, and yet, maybe you do make a valid point, as I know when I feel sad, or depressed, I can channel those feelings into my poetry.
Perhaps, next time I am feeling angry, I will try to write a poem from that angry emotion too, and see what happens......
@Shiva49 (26971)
• Singapore
14 May 21
@innertalks I think there is another view to anger and how to face that emotion.
Some have turned their emotional outbursts to spur their creative output.
They don't bypass anger, deny its existence with a calm veneer, but dwell into the hurts, disappointments that trigger their anger.
It is also said anger too does play a part in the overall scheme of creation and we need not wish it away, suppress and sugar coat it. It is part of creation and destruction, an ongoing process that is part and parcel of evolution. Some incidents open up certain emotions that lie dormant, suppressed, in us.
In the end, I think it is whatever floats our boats, but take care to temper our reactions so that they do not drive a hole onto others not easy to mend.
My way is never to give my emotions an upper hand, give others the benefit of doubt, treat them better than I like to be treated.
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