Is building a love connection in a long distance relationships a nightmare?Do long distance relationships work?

June 6, 2021 6:37am CST
I'm a great believer in love and I have no doubt at all when it comes to making it successful but on the mention and the thought of long distance relationships it leaves traces of doubt and overthinking.Cant blame myself so much owing to my nasty experience in my long distance relationships in the past and the experience I've seen my friends have. However,they say out of sight out of mind .I mean there is a distance barrier and you don't see each other often how does that deep love connection grow?is it not like investing your efforts, emotions and heart on someone ur in a fancy dream Land virtual kind of relationship thing? It makes me wonder do long distance relationship deserve a shot at building a deep love connection if it's the only chance available. Is it even worth investing in or it will always end in tears? I hate heartbreaks and personally I have not witnessed any good testimony on long distance relationships .Is it that everyone around me is just sucking it up or is it that long distance relationships dont work. I am still skeptical about long distance relationship though I haven't totally given up on giving it another shot. Would you be comfortable building a love connection over a long distance relationship? What is your experience of being in love throughout a long distance relationship?Do they ever end in "and they lived happily ever after"?
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4 responses
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
6 Jun 21
I would have liked to read your post but find such a long text too trying to read. Why don't you divide it into shorter paragraphs? Other readers with glasses will be grateful, too.
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
6 Jun 21
@Prabhatsingh If you find this funny, I'll refrain from reading your posts at all.
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• India
6 Jun 21
@MALUSE No that was an actual genuine question. My funny sentences start with LOL. I am not sure why you feel that. Plus I use paragraphs.
• India
6 Jun 21
Oh, you got lost between the sentences?
@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
6 Jun 21
It's hard for sure. It differs from person to person. Some are able to work it out and some not. I won't prefer for myself. Have a good day
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• Kenya
7 Jun 21
Why would not prefer?
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@Rashnag (30593)
• Surat, India
8 Jun 21
@Orlando1 I am not comfortable that's it
@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
6 Jun 21
Its hard but possible. I was in long distance relationship, and mine worked. But it wasnt too long distance relationship, we were living in separate cities and we saw each other every 2 weeks, on average. And ofcourse we knew eachother before that and didnt met online, Thats important part if you ask me.
• Kenya
7 Jun 21
Did u feel deeply connected with him?
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@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
7 Jun 21
@Orlando1 Ofcouese, I wouldnt start long distance relationship if I didnt really liked the guy :D Its hard anyway so, i did it coz i thought its worht it
@Bubba90 (1755)
• Indonesia
7 Jun 21
I am currently in a long distance relationship, and that is the most difficult thing, especially during a pandemic, it is difficult for us to meet at this time because of the time-consuming quarantine period, so since the pandemic we have never met, we are waiting for the pandemic to improve.
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