Not a Good Listener

@youfiq (2565)
United States
June 15, 2021 7:13am CST
Most of my friends, or indeed all of my friends, just want to be heard by me and don't let me vent to them. So they are not good listeners because every time I start a little story they will interrupt or even compare me to him
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2 responses
@CuriousGab (3278)
• India
15 Jun 21
@youfiq Next time when they interrupt you tell them to let you complete.If they are your real friends they won't mind it and if they mind,leave them.They are not true friends. Even 1 good friend is enough than bunch of fake people.
15 Jun 21
Unfortunately there are a lot of people like that in the world. They expect you to hang on to every word they have to say but the minute you have something to add or say its no longer a discussion. I to have people like that in my life. At this point I just stop trying to tell them anything and just listen sometimes. Seems to make it easier I guess but it doesnt feel great when you need someone to listen to you as well and validate your concerns. I hope you are able to find someone that will listen as well as talk with you about life and anything else you want ot discuss.