Some Interesting Covid Stats Worth A Glance

@porwest (96814)
United States
June 23, 2021 3:10pm CST
I am posting this in part because I think my 'analyis,' if you want to call it that, sheds some light on something I have been saying about Covid all along. There is a big divide between how Covid is being reported and what the actual numbers look like. A quick P.S.: Sorry about the lengthier posts of late. Just been one of those months where apparently I have a lot to talk about. lol Look, I want to be very clear here that I have no interest in necessarily debunking or even denying the existence of Covid. Of course it is real. Nor am I in any way interested in making light of anyone who has gotten sick, or worse, died from Covid. Any death is a sad moment no matter what from, and no death is insignificant by ANY measure. I want to be clear on that point. Perspective is what I am interested in, and I am also posting this because I really do want to know your views. BUT, your views based on the numbers presented here and the case I am attempting to make. I posted a comment on another post regarding the panic in India, and India's media sort of fueling that panic. ...when the numbers aren't bearing out a NEED for panic. I spent a bit of time putting the comment together and getting the numbers together, and by no means is it a brilliant comment. But I thought it was a comment worth sharing with others who may not be on that post AND who may never get a chance to read and examine it. So, I decided to post it as a separate post. My comment was as follows: It is sad that this virus is still being so overhyped in India. The interesting thing is that when you look at the statistics, India is in far better shape than say us, here in the United States. Consider that the population in the U.S. is 328 million. The population in India is 1.4 billion. So far in the United States 607,000 people have died from Covid. So far in India only 392,000 people have died from Covid. A country like India with almost 5 times more people than the United States has had 35% less deaths. The death rate in the United States is 0.19% of the population. The death rate in India is 0.028% of the population. You are 578% more likely to die from Covid in the United States than in India. So, what IS the crisis I wonder? Why the hype? Why the hysteria? To what end? And even when you look at the total deaths from Covid, around 3.4 million people worldwide with a world population of 8 billion, this is only 0.04% of the entire world population. This is a survival rate of 99.96% overall across the globe. It's a survival rate of 99.81% in the United States. And it's a survival rate of 99.97% in India. What is even more interesting is that the survivability rate in India is HIGHER than the entire world. People need to calm down, do the math, and come back down to reality. If this were the Spanish flu of 1919 we'd have 210 million people dead in the entire world. We are 206.6 million people short of that, and we're almost done with the virus. Again, my apologies for War and Peace, but I think this is an important enough topic that it needs to be hashed out a bit. Especially as some people are still in a panic over this. I say, be cautious. Of course. That is the smart thing to do. But also be able to think this through rationally, and be suspect of any agenda that may be out there to hype this thing and make us panicked. I am really interested to hear your thoughts, and hope I also did not break any rules by copying and pasting my comment from another post here as a separate post.
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12 responses
@NJChicaa (121670)
• United States
23 Jun 21
I wouldn't say we are almost done with the virus. It is still out there, still all over the place, and still killing people. Many people are refusing to get vaccinated. Too many people. And the virus is mutating into different variants. This sucker mutates rapidly. Who knows what it will turn into next?
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
@NJChicaa And you duck out. This irritates me. Because you can only argue the talking points but not the facts. Ugh. Very frustrating. And somewhat proves my point. Put numbers and facts out there and suddenly no one wants to talk about it because the numbers and facts disprove the "theories." You can say all day long this thing mutates rapidly. BUT IT ISN'T KILLING ANYONE in significant numbers considering the world population! lol
@NJChicaa (121670)
• United States
24 Jun 21
@porwest I didn't duck out. I was hanging out with a friend downstairs. Mutated or not COVID is still killing people. The new Delta variant seems to be nastier than the others. Who knows what it will mutate into in the coming months? I think you would stop saying "it isn't killing anyone in significant numbers" if Wifey contracted it. Every life is important. Trump's downplaying of the virus killed thousands upon thousands of Americans. "It is 15 cases that will be soon down to zero". And lets not forget the suggestions to inject disinfectant and somehow shove light up our arses to kill the virus. Real Ivy League stuff right there.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Jun 21
I hope those who don't get vaccinated are thankful toward those of us who have.
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@LindaOHio (183980)
• United States
24 Jun 21
You're right about the statistics. It's not the Spanish flu; but we, as seniors (my husband and I), are very wary when we go out into a large gathering of people. We were at a wedding on Saturday; and I won't made me a little nervous. It's true that the numbers are "hyped" out of proportion; but I have spoken to people that still have effects from the virus months after having it. It's no joke!
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
25 Jun 21
But I am still glad that we've gotten things under control in the last six months or so. @TheHorse Looking at the numbers I am trying to think when things got OUT of control? The only thing I thing we got under control was containing the madness of the whole thing.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
25 Jun 21
@LindaOHio I fully understand the concern of those who were and are most vulnerable to this thing. But looking at the numbers, it just doesn't seem that much unlike other things we have faced in the past that we did not react to the way we did this. And that's my issue with it. But I appreciate your comment, and always enjoy your perspective.
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@LindaOHio (183980)
• United States
25 Jun 21
@porwest The one thing that I am concerned about is that this is not your everyday flu virus. I've talked to several people that have long-lasting effects (some have gone months without feeling better). Just sayin'!
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@divalounger (6182)
• United States
25 Jun 21
Maybe cite your sources?
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• United States
26 Jun 21
@porwest The CDC has the numbers for the US. It doesn't have the numbers for India, so you must have looked at other sources as well. It seems that the transmissibility rate for the Delta variant doesn't scare you. But as the Delta variant becomes the prevalent variant in the US, it is likely that we will experience a surge here in the US. Not all variants are of concern, but this one clearly is--I am not saying that we should panic, but we are hardly done with this virus and as it continues to mutate, more transmissible and more deadly variants are likely to emerge. It may be years before this goes away.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Jun 21
What a thought!
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
30 Jun 21
@divalounger The transmissibility rate? Of COURSE it does not scare me. It doesn't mean its more deadly. It's just a word and a number used to scare people. I am also hearing that the variants are LESS deadly. There have been so many with higher transmissibility rates, and yet... The numbers have not exponentially risen in number of DEATHS. This is an important observation.
@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Jun 21
I think the concern is that India has had a rise in cases over the past two months or so, while the US has had a dip. I'm not sure why India was "spared" for so long.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Jun 21
@porwest We can both do our DD and see what is happening. I DID notice that the "hump" in India is starting to decline. I hope it continues to do so.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
26 Jun 21
We can both do our DD and see what is happening. I DID notice that the "hump" in India is starting to decline. I hope it continues to do so. @TheHorse I think pretty much everyone is interested in a decline in the whole thing around the world so we can just get on with out lives.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
25 Jun 21
I just think, when I look at India's numbers, they would have to have a 100% surge to match the numbers in the U.S. I do not think a 100% surge is possible or likely. But yet, the media has somehow portrayed India as a hot spot, when in reality, the Covid numbers are better than the entire world.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
23 Jun 21
When they started bribing our children I hoped that would convince those not already convinced that this whole affair is part of a much larger agenda. We'll see.
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@lovebuglena (45731)
• Staten Island, New York
24 Jun 21
It's shocking and upsetting that here in the states colleges/universities (not all thankfully) are mandating people to get vaccinated if they want to continue their education there.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
@Namelesss I said this the other day when the topic of the Delta variant came up. I thought to myself, what IS it about this whole thing that the left is so hell bent on preserving fear of? Especially when the numbers just don't bear out the "crisis" this was EVER laid out to be. What IS really going on here? And what has happened to people that they no longer have the ability to do simple math and for God's sake...ASK QUESTIONS! Oh well. It is what it is. I would say the phrase, "You can't fix stupid," applies here. But that would be mean. Even if it sort of fits.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
@lovebuglena I agree. It is wrong headed. I'd be more okay with it if the vaccine was properly tested and vetted such as other vaccines are. I am generally a pro-VAXer. But the disease and severity of it has to justify getting one. Covid has not lived up the crisis we were told it was. And I have no interest putting an unknown substance into my body just because the government says I should. ESPECIALLY because the government says I should.
@dgobucks226 (36178)
26 Jun 21
I think there was a lot of misinformation out there and there still is. Politicians used it to their advantage, by overhyping the disease, the numbers, deaths, and guidelines, because the government wanted to control us and make us dependent on them. It was also a way to attack Trump and win an election. When a state like New Jersey goes from total lockdown, masks required everywhere, closing small businesses and eateries, to everything all of a sudden being open again with no mask restrictions you have to wonder if Dr. Fauci's medical science public announcements had any credibility to them?
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@dgobucks226 (36178)
30 Jun 21
@porwest The political left and media just ignore anything that does not fit their narrative. One word sums up their view when faced with the truth. DENY, DENY, DENY... Sorry that was three words but the fake news media is very emphatic when faced with the actual facts
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
5 Jul 21
@dgobucks226 And it is a shame. Too many people just don't get the whole story, and even more people tend to QUESTION what they are being told. Not only is this sad IMO. It's DANGEROUS.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
30 Jun 21
Sentiments I definitely share. There are so many questions around this whole thing. As I have always said, of course it was real. The thing I question is "was it ever as serious as we were told?" I think the numbers clearly tell us no. It wasn't. But I am no expert. Interesting that Trump got chastised and ridiculed for claiming the virus came out of a Wuhan lab, and now evidence seems pretty clear that's exactly where it came from. I wonder how the media and the left intends to spin that one.
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@kanuck1 (4435)
24 Jun 21
The facts are there but it's hard for people to see them.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Jun 21
@porwest How exactly were people hurt by the reporting?
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
Because no one looks for the facts and the media hides them. It's sad, really. I think more people were hurt by the reporting than the virus itself.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
26 Jun 21
How exactly were people hurt by the reporting? @TheHorse People were put into a panic and fear unreasonably, being told there was a monster hiding under their bed sure to kill them. People were afraid to touch things, even walk outside. The mental health toll was and is enormous. Not to mention it shut down businesses, affected jobs, and we are still experiencing major supply chain issues. If the media had been honest with us I think across the board we'd be in much better shape right now. People are SO scared, in fact, that EVEN WITH vaccinations they still cling to their masks.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
24 Jun 21
I know it's real. I've had family members who had it. I agree the hype far outweighs the seriousness of the disease. I'll be glad when it's no longer an issue.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Jun 21
@porwest You're wrong here. Horse Jr.'s mom thinks it's not real. I think she has fallen victim to Alex Jones.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Jun 21
@porwest I agree with you. The government made something out of nothing and put the world in panic mode. I refuse to panic and I WON'T take the vaccine.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
Of course. And no one has suggested it isn't real. At least I have never said that. But what I have said, and I stand by that, is that when you have something that has a 99.96% survivability rate... It is not necessarily serious, and hardly deadly. That has really been my point all along. We shut down the world for what amounts to nothing more than a really bad case of the flu. And I also stand by my belief there was far more behind the scenes to push this as some monster flu than saving the public from it.
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@lovebuglena (45731)
• Staten Island, New York
24 Jun 21
I think people do not like to focus on percentages. Or they don't understand them. They see the actual numbers and they seem high to them so they panic and make a big deal out of it. But percentages tell a very different story. Also, if the survival rate is over 99% people shouldn't be extremely worried or very paranoid about covid, especially if they are very healthy people with no pre-existing conditions or ailments and are not very old. By the way, lengthy posts are not a bad thing if they are informative, have substance, or share your views on a topic. Typo in your first line: 'analyis'
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Jun 21
Do you think that black-on-black violence is not a problem in my native Chicago? On any given Saturday night, more than 99.9% of black Chicagoans do NOT get shot by other blacks.
@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
26 Jun 21
@lovebuglena I was trying to shed light on a specious argument. I am not a supporter of Black Lives Matter, but I do believe that black lives mater. White and other lives too.
@lovebuglena (45731)
• Staten Island, New York
26 Jun 21
@TheHorse I do not know what is going in Chicago but there is violence everywhere. But as far as percentages go I was talking specifically about covid.
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• United States
24 Jun 21
I think the media is out of control deciding what we should believe and steering us that way. Someone taped a conversation with a higher up from CNN stating they purposely reported the news in a way to get Trump out of office. This makes me feel they can never be trusted. I still haven't decided if I'm going to get the vaccine or not. It's scary how quickly they came up with the vaccine and recently I read they may want us to get a booster every year. I'm not sure what to do yet.
@lovebuglena (45731)
• Staten Island, New York
24 Jun 21
They are saying that the vaccine is very safe. I do not believe that. It should've have taken years to fully research, develop, and test the vaccine, not in under a year. And many are getting it without a second's hesitation.
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@lovebuglena (45731)
• Staten Island, New York
24 Jun 21
@misunderstood_zombie People shouldn't jump to get something that is still in trial stage. And they shouldn't be enticed or bribed to do so.
• United States
24 Jun 21
@lovebuglena Yes, and many are harshly judging those that have decided against it.
@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
24 Jun 21
Good analysis and it's well written.
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@TheHorse (223878)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Jun 21
@porwest I will only read it when it gets turned into a Facebook meme, and all of your figures are distorted.
@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Jun 21
Thank you, and I really do appreciate that. Although few people will read it. lol
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
24 Jun 21
@porwest Though it's lengthy but yet I have to read it.
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26 Jun 21
Actually still many struggle we all have to do before we could claim that we have survive from COVID. Yep, for now I think better we can told each other to make a healty life and wealty matter
@porwest (96814)
• United States
26 Jun 21
Having a hard time following you on this one. Sorry about that.