Attacked By Wasps, But Got Lucky A Salve Did The Trick.....

Pamplona, Spain
June 26, 2021 1:20pm CST
She remembers the day The day she took her youngest to A big hospital Where they did some tests She was not allowed to go in As he might not keep still She heard his heart wrenching cries She ran to the door of the testing room But the door was barred by a nurse Who was not letting her get in I said I need to pick him up I need to fetch him out The cries are something that pulls me right here Okay she said you can cry But going in you are not I feel your pain Its something that happens a lot. This morning my youngest got stung by three nasty wasps or maybe four. He was very lucky for them not to have stung him at all. But they did leave red marks. His allergies to wasps has always been strong so I was worried as hell till he managed to get some attention. Back came the memory of the day he had those tests done being very small for allergies. I had quite forgotten it but never forgot the cries they were heart wrenching always will be and you never stop being a Mom ever.
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10 responses
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
26 Jun 21
So sorry about the wasps stings. Dustin was allergic to many insects, poison ivy and sumac.
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• Pamplona, Spain
26 Jun 21
Thank you. It seems that the allergy is still there but not as much as before. He is allergic to cats too and house dust. The woman killed the whole nest of wasps which was hidden on the top of her porch somewhere so it was good she found out too. Sorry to that Dustin had allergies to so many insects. He is going to carry an allergic salve in the car from now on.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
26 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 I used to have to carry an Epi pen with me.
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• Pamplona, Spain
26 Jun 21
@CarolDM Its always good to carry some kind of remedy of course no one wants to get stung but it can happen.
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
27 Jun 21
Sorry to hear that. I worry when I overhear a baby cries.
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• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jun 21
I always react also but now you cannot do anything if its to do with someone else.
@snowy22315 (186511)
• United States
29 Jun 21
My nephew once got attacked by hornets..I think he was chasing a ball into the woods..and disturbed a nest. I don't know how many stings he got if any...but it was certainly a startling experience!
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@snowy22315 (186511)
• United States
29 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 It wasn't good..
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• Pamplona, Spain
29 Jun 21
Oh wow, that was an awful experience for him. Hornets are much worse than wasps although wasps are really nasty.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jun 21
@snowy22315 I can well imagine that it was not. Scary to say the least.
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@divalounger (6182)
• United States
29 Jun 21
Wasp allergies are no joke--hope he is feeling better now.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jun 21
Yes wasp stings can get to be quite nasty and tricky depending on the situation. It seems he has less reaction than before thank goodness.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jun 21
@divalounger Good for himself as well. There were a whole load of them in a nest so he was very lucky as it could have been much worse.
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• United States
30 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 That is good!
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
30 Jun 21
One never stops being a mom. Wasps hurt like heck! Been there.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jun 21
Thanks, I was trying to stop them hurting him see. But much worse would have been the awful treatment they had been giving him before for allergies. Wasps are a pain in the you know what......
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• Pamplona, Spain
6 Jul 21
@DianneN Oh good for him. I don´t mind bees so much but wasps are very sneaky little critters.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
6 Jul 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 I totally understand and agree. My son is allergic to bees and now carries an Epi Pen.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
27 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 I am so so sorry that the bee stings brought you back to that very hard day. I hate bees. I sat on one once and did not know it was there and also was stung by one. I hate bees.
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• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jun 21
Oh yes, it brought back the memory to me alright having to put him through those awful tests but they did save him a lot of other problems in the end. It was a long haul with him health wise till the specialist hit on the right dosis. Wasps are much worse for me and it feels awful to get stung by one sorry you got stung also. Now they do those tests on the inside of the wrist which does not hurt at all. Grown men would come out of there with tears in their eyes too very painful.
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• Pamplona, Spain
28 Jun 21
@Hannihar I can know how you feel but it did end the never ending trips to a very unhelpful Doctor.The last straw was when I asked that one what has he got well otitis woman what do you think? I did not think at the time it would have been as bad as that the test they did on him I mean. Thanks goodness its only on the wrist now and its far more accurate too. He had a big bubble come up on the test for wasp stings not so long back. I don´t dislike bees they will normally leave you be but wasps are really a pest. He rang me twice so I could tell he had been shaken up by it as they have the bad habit of coming out of nowhere. A chemist guy in my own hometown saved his life too by telling me that did you know this medicine they are giving him has been off the market for 30 years because its toxic. So all that ended with those tests. So he sent me to the Hospital for a spray for the asthma instead as he did not have one at hand. A chemist that knew what he was talking about not like now.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
28 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 I understand that it helped him but at the time you did not know that so it was a very bad memory for you. I can understand that. There were times I felt I lived at the doctor's office because I was there so much. Thanks. I bet it was terrifying for him to get stung not once but more by them. I try to keep my distance from bees these days because I personally do not like them. That is so sad that grown men would come out with tears because it was so painful for them.
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@kaylachan (76006)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Jun 21
Getting stung isn't fun, but I hope he'll be okay.
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jun 21
No getting stung is not fun at all but it was very lucky that the stings did not go in.
@BelleStarr (61347)
• United States
29 Jun 21
When they won't let a mother in , that is inexcusable, So sorry you had to go through that.
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Jun 21
She would not let me in no not at all and I could hear the heart wrenching cries. Something that you don´t forget in a hurry. Its the way they are here but they are improving.
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@jstory07 (142428)
• Roseburg, Oregon
27 Jun 21
You get so scared when your child gets hurt.
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• Pamplona, Spain
27 Jun 21
I was really upset but they take it as a matter of fact all the time. In the end they started doing the allergy tests on the front of the inner wrist instead of needles in the spine.
@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
29 Jun 21
Yes that's true. We can't do otherwise. Just plainly react.
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• Pamplona, Spain
29 Jun 21
@Nakitakona Only too right on that one.
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• Pamplona, Spain
29 Jun 21
Sometimes we are not given a choice as to how to react in such situations like that one for me two days ago. Then you calm down after and are able to think more clearly.
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
29 Jun 21
@lovinangelsinstead21 In everything there's always a time or a season.
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