Covid Is Still Out There

Laguna Woods, California
October 9, 2021 1:39pm CST
Everything is 99% back to normal here in sunny Southern California. Oh, you are supposed to show a vaccination card or negative test results in order to go into a bar, gym, restaurant, or amusement park, but people have fully adjusted to that. Our football stadiums are packed. There are long lines again at Disneyland, Six Flags, and Universal Studios. I only rarely see anyone wearing a facemask, unless they are in a medical waiting room or a school. Everything is open. Businesses are busy. They can't even find enough workers to meet all the demand. And, people are dying at more than twice the rate they did this time last year. From Sept. 9, 2020 to Oct. 9, 2020, about 23,000 Americans died of Covid. From Sept. 9, 2021 to Oct. 9, 2021, about 59,000 Americans died of Covid. Last year, the Covid death rate dropped in October and early November, before rising to nearly 100,000 a month in January and February. This year, it looks like the Covid death rate will drop in October and early November, since hospitalization are dropping. Will they go back up after the winter holidays? We will see. The husband of a friend of mine died two weeks ago of Covid. The wife got Ivermectin for him. Absolutely no effect. By the time he got real treatment, it was too late. Let's keep taking this disease seriously. Covid is still out there.
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22 responses
@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Oct 21
I've been seeing higher numbers here too. I'm sorry for your husband's friend.
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@TheHorse (216609)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Jan 22
@DeborahDiane Science is for sissies. I trust my angels.
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• Laguna Woods, California
9 Oct 21
@just4him - I've used the same photo for the past three years. I had a different one, but it looked dark, and it was hard to see me, especially in these tiny squares! LOL
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
10 Oct 21
Last year no one was vaccinated, but rules were strict and people were careful. This year with the vaccine, most people think that they are unbreakable, while the truth is that vaccinated people can get Covid and even die, so it is better to be vigilant.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
11 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane What people do not seem to understand is the fact that the virus is still among us, it is mutating, the Big Pharma companies are working to find a vaccine that "works better". This means that even if vaccinated. we must continue to be cautious. We are going nowhere until the virus is still so active. I think it is a big mistake to host luncheon inside with hundred of people.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
12 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane I am sure it would have been worse if we still lived in Monte Carlo. Living inside an apartment, without the possibility to stay out in the garden, would have been depressing. Here we do not feel the need to go outside. I would not feel safe attending a luncheon. All waiters here come from Italy, who assures me that their vaccination pass is real and not a fake? I would not feel safe even sitting too close to people even if they are vaccinated. They can very well be positive or have a common flu and pass it to me. The annual meal for seniors they served here was pretty poor quality. We are missing nothing if it is cancelled. Last year our Mayor sent a $50 gift card as they had to cancel the luncheon. I would love the same this year. An Italian virologist said yesterday that there is something he cannot understand. According to the actual Covid deaths in Italy, they should have many more cases than those declared every day. In his opinion many doctors are not declaring the new cases, particularly of those patients who were vaccinated and have a "Green Card", so they can continue to travel and to work. I am sure this doctor is right, I will never go inside a place without my mask for the moment.
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• Laguna Woods, California
10 Oct 21
@LadyDuck - I totally agree that people are becoming very careless. I just read the statistic that 1 in 500 children have lost a parent or caregiver grandparent in the past year. That means a lot of children have been traumatized by Covid, whether or not they caught it themselves. This has been a terrible pandemic, it isn't over, and people have really thrown caution to the wind. The church donor luncheon at the country club is going on right now. My husband and I are church donors, but we are at home. We just didn't feel safe going, removing our masks, and eating lunch at crowded tables with a bunch of other people. It wasn't worth it.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
9 Oct 21
Didn't know that ivermectin is also taken as medicine against covid 19. In my country, it has also been used but the same results as you are many got fooled into it despite the FDA warning that it's not safe to take them for human and against covid 19 virus. With regards to opening up, my country is a bit conservative as we are still technically under lockdown we are still required to wear face masks and even Faceshield on when we go out and visit establishments, schools are still closed and online classes are allowed.
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• Laguna Woods, California
9 Oct 21
@rsa101 - I am glad to hear that the Philippines is still conservative in dealing with Covid. It is still a very dangerous disease. People who are taking Ivermectin instead of getting medications that are prescribed by a Covid doctor are crazy if they don't do the right thing.
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@rsa101 (38115)
• Philippines
10 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane Yeah but the restrictions are stopping many from doing their normal activities which the government cannot economically sustain anymore. We need to balance things off else we will have hard time to sustain ourselves.
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• Laguna Woods, California
10 Oct 21
@rsa101 - I totally agree we need balance. I think that businesses can and should continue to operate, but people need to practice being respectful of each other by getting vaccinated, wearing facemasks, and maintaining a respectful distance from each other.
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@crossbones27 (49194)
• Mojave, California
9 Oct 21
Yeah, people should, common sense vaccinated unvacinated I would not play with this one and do not think can never happen to me. I normally would not care but the simple fact you can kill other people. That is where its dangerous and people like I do not care. It infuriates me when I hear all that nonsense so you do not care if you kill your own kids. Someone take out a sniper rifle and shoot those fools and save those kids because didn't Texas just pass a law about abortions and yet you allow that. Society is sickening.
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• Laguna Woods, California
9 Oct 21
@crossbones27 - The head of the National Institute of Health is on the news right now, and he is saying that children are just as likely to catch Covid as adults, especially now that they are back in school and being exposed. People just do not seem to care. There are actually parents who are trying to forbid their children from wearing facemasks. You are right. They are fools for not taking care of their children!
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• Mojave, California
16 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane I find that so sad and disgusting.
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• Laguna Woods, California
16 Oct 21
@crossbones27 - I agree. I am saddened and disgusted by parents who do not want their children to wear facemasks. That is the least they should be doing to keep their children safe.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
17 Oct 21
Deaths are pretty low here in England since people have been vaccinated but the infection rate is still high especially in our schools. My 14 year old granddaughter who I live with brought it home from school last month and I caught it but thankfully we got it mildly (although we both felt awful for a few days). I believe that the vaccine protected me as I am almost 71 so in a high risk group. It's definitely still out there.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
19 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane The one thing our Prime Minister got right was buying in vaccine earlier than other countries so most of our population is vaccinated now. I shall be taking my booster soon but I have to wait 28 days from the last day of isolation. It's tragic for families when relatives die but you know my 89 year old uncle caught it before vaccinations were available and the home he lives in says he was "just a bit off his food!" Apart from that he was fine. Amazing isn't it!
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
20 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane Indeed. My next door neighbour had long covid but her partner and daughter didn't get it at all even though she was in close contact with them. It's a relief that my granddaughter and I both got it mildly but I know it doesn't give lifelong immunity so I will keep having the vaccinations.
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• Laguna Woods, California
20 Oct 21
@sprite1950 - Because this disease is still so new, there is a lot we do not know about it. For example, will long Covid just last a few months, a few years, or a lifetime? Will having a case of Covid make people more likely to develop other problems later in life ... just as having chicken pox as a child makes an adult more likely to get Shingles, or having mononucleosis in your teens makes you more likely to get Multiple Sclerosis? There are so many things we do not know. Like you, I plan to continue to be careful and keep getting vaccinated. It may not be 100% protective, but it is better than not getting vaccinated.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
16 Oct 21
Our vaccination numbers are better, almost fifty percent of people in Georgia are vaccinated but we have plenty of room for improvement.. The hospitals are not as full. Just a few weeks ago they were running over. Doctors and nurses are getting a little rest but with cold weather coming on I’m afraid covid will come in full force. So please all of you who aren’t vaccinated go get the injections and save lives.
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• Laguna Woods, California
16 Oct 21
@RubyHawk - I totally agree with you that everyone who can get a vaccine should get a vaccine. I am also worried about cold weather coming. I have heard that 7 northern states, including Wisconsin and Minnesota, are already seeing their numbers go up by 20% or more in the past two weeks.
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• Laguna Woods, California
16 Oct 21
@RubyHawk - I keep reading different numbers, but they range from being between 11 and 39 times more likely to get Covid if you are unvaccinated. I do not understand why any otherwise healthy person would not get vaccinated. I know people on chemo and certain other health problems cannot, but the vast majority of people can get vaccinated, and they should for both themselves and the other people they are around.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
16 Oct 21
@DeborahDiane I’m afraid the numbers will go up this winter. Our numbers are slightly down now but cold weather seems to bring on new cases. From What I’ve seen on the news most new cases are those who haven’t been vaccinated.
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@divalounger (6008)
• United States
8 Dec 21
I am waiting to see what happens with Omicron--I just got a negative covid test result this morning--I suspect it will be with us forever at this point.
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• United States
8 Dec 21
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• Laguna Woods, California
9 Dec 21
@divalounger - Glad to hear it. I simply do not understand people who would rather get sick than get a shot. I think that is so strange!
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• Laguna Woods, California
8 Dec 21
@divalounger - I suspect that Covid could become as common as the flu, but we will see. I get an annual flu shot, and I will be happy to get an annual Covid shot, if that is necessary to stay protected. I don't like to get sick, when I can avoid it.
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• Calgary, Alberta
19 Jun 23
I still wear mask for a reason. The deniers makes me want to put palms in my face
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• Calgary, Alberta
21 Jun 23
A denier just read bible quotes on me telling me masks are demonic.
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• Laguna Woods, California
20 Jun 23
@CaptAlbertWhisker - I agree with you, completely. I recently had to have lung cancer surgery, and part of my right lung was removed. I wear a facemask, too, because it would be very unpleasant and dangerous for me to get any kind of respiratory virus, even a bad cold or pneumonia. It is better for me to stay safe. The deniers make me want to put palms on my face, too!
• Laguna Woods, California
21 Jun 23
@CaptAlbertWhisker - The people who believe things like that are the real demons, in my opinion!
@ShyBear88 (59339)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Aug 22
Still can get Covid even vaccinated schools where I’m at you don’t have to wear a mask it’s optional based on the parents want for there family. Since my family is a medical family we try to wear our masks as often as possible. My husband sister has Covid right now. She seems good said it feels like for her allergies.
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@ShyBear88 (59339)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Aug 22
@DeborahDiane lots of people went back to traveling a lot, not going home and staying home for a few days afterward. Not wearing mask to help lower the risk of them being sick especially places they haven’t been to often. Like I typically don’t wear mine the dance studios but we all have to show our cards and it goes on file that it’s been check and it’s up today for Covid so then you don’t need your mask .
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• Laguna Woods, California
11 Aug 22
@ShyBear88 - I take a yoga class and I sit about 20 feet from the nearest person. That is the only way I don't feel like I have to wear a mask. Otherwise, I wear a mask anytime I am inside a business. It is a small sacrifice to pay in order to stay safe.
• Laguna Woods, California
10 Aug 22
@ShyBear88 - You are so right that people are still getting Covid, and it is actually at higher numbers this year than last year. The number of deaths from Covid this years during the month of July was about 50% higher than in July last year. People need to wear masks. It is ridiculous that they refuse to do this basic thing to take care of themselves.
@sallypup (60386)
• Centralia, Washington
30 Sep 22
I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm worried that people are being too complacent.
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• Laguna Woods, California
30 Sep 22
@sallypup - Yes, people are being too complacent. We still have 400-500 a day dying from Covid. In addition, I read yesterday that people who have cancer, and then get Covid, are much more likely to die from their cancer than people who did not get Covid. Those are listed as cancer deaths, not Covid deaths. This could be true of other diseases, too. Covid is killing people, yet everyone seems to be pretending it has gone away.
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• Laguna Woods, California
2 Oct 22
@sallypup - My condolences on the loss of your brother. I am sorry that he had brain cancer from Agent Orange. We have done terrible things to our soldiers in the past. In the 1950's, we even had them watching while nuclear bombs were tested in the desert! I'm sure that Covid was the last straw for him. Our bodies can only handle so much! Your family has my deepest sympathy.
@TheHorse (216609)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Dec 21
Dying in California? Or dying nation-wide? I heard that people are getting infected more, and dying more, in so-called "red states." Is that fake news?
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@TheHorse (216609)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Jan 22
@DeborahDiane I wear my mask and avoid being around large crowds. But I do teach at Guitar Center in tiny lesson rooms. Sigh. Do non-vaxxed people realize the debt of gratitude they have toward those who are vaxxed?
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• Laguna Woods, California
6 Jan 22
@TheHorse - I wish the unvaccinated were grateful to the vaccinated, but that would be hoping for too much. They are making decisions that are not based on logic or science. In fact, they aren't even based on religion. My mainstream Presbyterian Church has officially announced that there is absolutely nothing in the Bible that would prevent people from taking care of their health by getting vaccinated. The Pope has said the same thing. Wonder what Bible these people are using??
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• Laguna Woods, California
10 Dec 21
@TheHorse - So, I am a bit of a nerd. I kept track of the number of deaths every single day since this pandemic began, almost two years ago. However, the numbers I have are for the entire U.S., not just for California. I wish I had tracked those, too. In November 2020, we had 30,000 Americans die of Covid. We did not have a vaccine then. In November 2021, we had 33,000 Americans die of Covid. This was despite the fact that we had a vaccine in 2021, and about 2/3 of Americans were vaccinated. In early December, the numbers are continuing to rise. During the past 30 days, we had 38,000 Americans die (from November 9, 2021 to December 9, 2021). Yes, the numbers are rising. The good news for us in California is that more people are dying in red states than blue states. However, it also depends on the county where you live. "Deep red" counties, even in places like California, are seeing more deaths than blue counties. I live in Orange County, which has become more purple in recent years. However, we still have a lot of unvaccinated people here. I simply avoid seeing anyone I know is unvaccinated.
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
15 Nov
We had my primary care doctor, my lung specialist and the ER doctor and nurses tell us there's no reason to be overly concerend about Covid. It's the flu. And even at the severity of the flu it is, the flu has and will kill people with compromised immune sytems. I am sorry about of your friends husband.
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• Defuniak Springs, Florida
15 Nov
@DeborahDiane I have had every doctor that I have come in contact with in the last year- which I assure you in in the double if not triple digits since I have been to the er 19 times in the last month. They have all told me the same thing. Covid is the flu basically.
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@arunima25 (87558)
• Bangalore, India
9 Mar 22
Sorry about your friend's husband. The virus is still lurking around and people have to not undermine it and keep taking all safety measures. Businesses can not stay closed for too long and life has to return back to normal. But then one needs to do all that we one can to stay safe and healthy.
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• Laguna Woods, California
14 Mar 22
@arunima25 - Yes, Covid is still surging in some parts of the world. The immunity many people got from the vaccines, or because they already had Covid, is starting to weaken. People are getting Covid a second time, and many vaccinated people are also getting it. It is very dangerous.
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@arunima25 (87558)
• Bangalore, India
19 Mar 22
@DeborahDiane Yes, multiple infections and the ever evolving new mutants...the virus is a big concern. There is nothing right now that would prove to be a full proof protection against the infection. Hope we have better situation and treatment in future.
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@arunima25 (87558)
• Bangalore, India
14 Mar 22
@DeborahDiane That's a huge number. The US has been the worst hit one. These days all the media attention has gone to the war. We don't get much of Covid news. Seems like few countries like Hong Kong are badly hit. Also, China has seen an alarming surge again
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@LotusEyes (2711)
• India
27 Nov 21
I'm still using facemask. It is better to take care of yourself while walking in a public place.I will definitely be using the mask for the next few months.
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• Laguna Woods, California
28 Nov 21
@LotusEyes - I am continuing to wear a facemask, too, especially since they discovered this new Omicron variant of Covid. It sounds dangerous!
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• Laguna Woods, California
28 Nov 21
@LotusEyes - I agree that people are being too carefree, and they are putting themselves and others in danger.
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@LotusEyes (2711)
• India
28 Nov 21
@DeborahDiane I have also heard about the new covid variant on the news. This is terrible. From now on, I think everyone should take care. People seem to be very carefree.
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@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
13 Dec 21
Here the cases are dropping too. Children can now go out. Faceshield are no longer required. I hope everything is really going back to normal or they will suddenly be strict again
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@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
14 Dec 21
@DeborahDiane That's sad that we will be back to strict health protocols
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• Laguna Woods, California
14 Dec 21
@averygirl72 - Things were looking better here all summer, but now they are getting worse again in the U.S. Starting tomorrow, masks will be required again in California.
• Laguna Woods, California
14 Dec 21
@averygirl72 - I think different countries will handle it differently. We have more official rules right now, but people are often ignoring them. I just try to be careful and stay home a lot.
@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
27 Aug 22
Yes, and I mask and wear a shield too when out and about. Except the laundry room, I only double mask there. 1632 deaths, as of today. We've weekly reports now only on the news. Most restrictions lifted too. Football season starts with sold out seating, for college football this weekend at the University of Hawaii. Most stores require masking to shop.
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• Sonora, California
9 Nov 21
I am definitely taking it seriously, wearing a face mask in public when im.out...Its definitely scary and no joking matter...
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• Laguna Woods, California
10 Nov 21
@Michellekidwell - We have occasionally gone to the outdoor service at our church, which is just two blocks from the ocean, but now my husband gets chilled so easily, that now we just watch the service online. I miss the services, but he just cannot handle it.
• Sonora, California
10 Nov 21
@DeborahDiane Yeah, I really only go to the store and to Church and wear a mask, I attend a small Church here in NorCal.
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@akanetuk (2135)
14 Jul 22
People are not paying attention to the COVID alert, we need to be careful especially when going outdoors.
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• Laguna Woods, California
14 Jul 22
@akanetuk - I try to avoid people as much as possible. My husband and I spend a lot of time with just each other. When I do go places, I wear a facemask and keep my distance.
@sica98 (2441)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 22
You'd think that after the vaccine things would get better but it's not.It as if things are going back to the beginning of Covid again with the rise in cases lately.
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• Laguna Woods, California
19 Sep 22
@sica98 - Yes, here in the U.S. we still have between 450 and 500 people dying per day. It has been devastating, especially for our elderly people.
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23 Sep 22
Yep in india the cases are drastically increasing day by day..
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