Do You Know Anyone Taking Zoloft? If So Did Their Doctor Go Over The Warnings?

United States
December 1, 2006 12:07am CST
For those who don't know Zoloft is a FDA approved medicine used to treat depression (more info can be found at and during my past experience working at ER's and Urgent Cares it was commonly prescribed to depressed patients until they (the patient) could seek further treatment. I am always a little bit curious and concerned when I see patients suffering from similiar problems being prescribed the same medicine regardless of the attending physician with little or no information/advice. Finally, one day, I asked a physician if there were any side effects to this drug and was told that sometimes people on antidepression medicines are more likely to commit suicide. BUT it hadn't been decided if the medicines themselves caused the suicides or if the patients pre-exisiting depression caused the suicide. I personally thought that little piece of info should be passed on to patients and am wondering if anyone currently taking Zoloft has discussed the increased risk of suicide while taking Zoloft with their physician. I admit what I saw could have missed vital information but as often as I was in the room with patients and talked to patients later I know on several occassions they were not told and I could be overreacting but I, personally, would LIKE to know if a medicine I am taking might cause me to commit suicide.
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