Too many young girls (kids) wanting babies!
By blondetruly
@blondetruly (826)
United States
September 13, 2006 4:39pm CST
I had my children very young. By the time I was 18 I had 3 kids! It was HARD! I see so many young girls wanting kids out there. Its hard enough for young adult married, working couples to afford children. Much less a youg girl without a job. I wish I could get these young ladies attention on this. And make them see its not so easy to raise kids. My freedom was took from me at the tender age of 13! I just wish I had someone to talk to me about the hardships of raising kids!
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16 responses
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
9 Jan 07
It is hard to have kids no matter what age you are but teens don't always see the whole picture (heck many adults don't either). I had my first baby at 23. By the time I turned 26 I had a newborn, a 13 month old and a 2 year old to deal with.
My husband's niece was living with us when I got pregnant with the third and saw how exhausting it was for me to have a baby and a toddler at home. She was 17 at the time and I found out later that her and her boyfriend (who was like 30) were trying to have a baby. I about lost it. She could barely take care of herself, let alone a baby. They finally did get pregnant and she had a little girl on Valentine's Day 2003, just 3 months after my daughter was born.
And guess what--she couldn't handle it. She never took care of the baby. She married the father and he did all the work. He worked full time then took care of the baby all night long because she was tired. On weekends they dropped the baby off at someone's house and went out. They didn't check on her the whole weekend and when they did pick her up they'd just drop her off somewhere else because it interfered with her wanting a life. Well, duh. What did she expect?
Then, on top of that, she went and had another one the next May. They are 15 months apart just like my oldest two. Since she couldn't deal with just one, having two was even worse.
Now she is 22 and has an almost 4 year old and a 2 1/2 year old but neither live with her. She got her husband arrested by convincing him to make a bomb threat to Wal-mart (because they accused them of shop lifting). He did it and then took the fall for her and is in prison now. She couldn't deal with the kids by herself so one lives with her mother (my husband's sister) and the other lives with her dad. I have no clue what she is doing--probably just sitting around living off of the government.
But not every teen is like that. My best friend had her daughter at 17 and stood up to the challenge. She is 25 now and her daughter is 7 1/2. She graduated college and is a teacher now. I look up to her. She is the best mother I know.
@198112 (335)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I can understand why teens want babies at a young age. This all come from the home, being a lack of love , lack of attention, and father is not around. Something is missing from these teens life. And if the parents dont step up and try to give their child what they are needing and missing then the teen will find it elsewhere.
I know of someone who was 15 when they had their first child, and the main reason they said they wanted a child because they can now finally get unconditional love, Someone will love them unconditionally and always be there. Teens dont realize or even think about the fact that it is hard to raise babies without education and money.
Thats the least of their worries, there next worry after the baby is born, is the father of the baby being there. Welfare is easy and assecible so many teens retreat to that
@amiksinha (1960)
• India
16 Sep 06
From which country u r. because for me its very hard to blv 3 babsies at 18.. i had my first when i was 27 and i stopped thr itself becoz i know one is enough for me
@rladiga00 (1165)
• India
24 Sep 06
This is the problem of the society and the bad parenting. Where was need to hurry in life and repent later for the mistakes made when one was innocent. The parents guidance is must during the period of adolescence and if you blame the youngsters, they would like to stick on to prove what they did is right externally but internally they suffer for the blunders.
@Cezaroi (10)
• Romania
24 Sep 06
the freedom was not taken from you and that everyone should know you gave it away when you wantead children at that time.but for the girls out there take my advice :do not have children until you are 20 or so.before that age i think you cannot offer everithing that a child needs cezar 26
@Tabitha (3)
16 Sep 06
You know when I was a young girl I prayed every day to get pregnant, and finally one day my prayer came true now I am twenty four with a four and a five year old. It is very hard I couldn't even imagine having three. I am just glad that I got to mature just a little befor I had them. I love my babies but if I could do it over again I would have finished school and whent to collage, got a good paying job and then had them. I try my best every day to teach kids about having babies at a young age it is harder then it looks.
@fritz27 (1136)
• United States
13 Sep 06
i work in a high school and as of today, we have 5 girls expecting. personally, i see no reason for teenagers being pregnant. birth control is handed out like PEZ. i see these girls with their friends touching their stomachs like it's a prize. sorry, but i don't agree with it.
@spikyarj (519)
• India
14 Sep 06
here in my country it doesnt happen so ...girls tend to marry only when they are around 25 so that are more mature and are really ready to properly take care of children..there are people who marry at a young stage too but the number of such people are less
@HerShe (2383)
• Canada
13 Sep 06
I understand where you are coming from. I also understand you wanting to tell young girls of this plight. Here are some websites for you to check out. You will be able to get information that you can pass on, in a way that will get through to young
http:/ (chat with other parents), I know this seems like a lot of 'homework', but it will be well worth your time. You'll see. Good luck.
@ErnestK73 (214)
• United States
13 Sep 06
The parents need to talk with the children and tell them about the birds and the bees. Maybe the child that wants a child should see how a young mother is struggling to live. Me and my wife had a kid before we was 19, it wasn't hard because we both worked and both grandmothers was there to help out.
@komal_swetha (821)
• India
14 Sep 06
Now a days girls are preferring to marry only after 22. So their wont be any problem. It was nice to hearing u. I will try my best to stop early age marriages.
@chalmette69 (3007)
• United States
14 Sep 06
It is very hard, my sister has 3 boys and she is 22, she started very young and has had to struggle ever since. I wish young girls would listen as well and stop having babies so young. My sister has to work 2 jobs and I keep her boys. She had to drop out of school because of the children. She is finally doing better, but I see how hard it is. I wish all of you ladies who had children at a young age luck, because it is hard.
@panthertrack (180)
• United States
13 Sep 06
i dont think any girl WANTS a kid that early in life. But i do think they welcome the kid because after all it is their kid, no matter what age it was concieved
@p8ches1622 (4)
• United States
13 Sep 06
I am 22 now and I have a two year old (3 in December). It is hard I could only image you have three. The one I have is plenty of now between full time work and school. My pregnancy wasn't planned but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my son and our time together. I just wish young teens (dad's especial would step up to the plate when it comes to there kids.)