I didn't realize that some of my friends on myLot are bigots.

@DaddyEvil (137234)
United States
January 12, 2022 1:44pm CST
Do you care about the color of your friend's hair? I don't notice skin color so don't know why anyone would single me out for the color of my hair. Calling me a "ginger" is the same as calling one of my black friends the "N" word. It's bigotry. I don't like that and nobody should be singled out for differences of birth that they have no control over. Are you one of the people who get a "kick" out of calling your red-headed friends a "ginger"? DE. Photo is mine.
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67 responses
@MarieCoyle (35720)
12 Jan 22
Born a redhead. Ginger didn't seem to be a popular thing to call us back when I was a kid. I was called ''Red'' or ''Carrot Top'' even though I was strawberry blond as a child, which darkened somewhat in to light red. It seems like a popular thing to do now, label people according to their looks. Not a good thing, we are all different.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I was always called "copper-top" in school. It always made me mad even back then.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 Jan 22
I actually see less of that than I used to. But I live in California.
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@MarieCoyle (35720)
13 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil My youngest had red hair pretty close to the same color as yours when she was born, but it got blonder naturally with just a tint of red in it. I think it's a beautiful color, but then again as a redhead, or rather I was before turning white haired, I love red hair.
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I didn't know that being called a ginger was a bad thing, but I never call anybody anything. I could see where being called a carrot top would be annoying though. I went to school with a kid who had bright red hair, I had some red in my hair, when I was younger and it would show up in school pictures. One of my cousins had red hair when he was a child but it darkened as he got older. My uncle had brown hair but a red beard...go figure!
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I think it looks auburn in that picture. I used to date someone who I was a hair twin with. Our hair was both the same shade of brown with red glints in the sun.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@snowy22315 Yes, my hair is auburn but apparently, all shade of red are "ginger".
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I was called "copper-top" when I was in school... I wasn't thrilled with it then, either. My hair has gotten darker than what is shows in that picture at the top of the discussion. The older I got, the darker it got. It's auburn now with a streak of white from above my left eyebrow back to the crown of my head.
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@BarBaraPrz (46885)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
12 Jan 22
I like to refer to myself as calico...
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Jan 22
You appear calico. I think.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Jan 22
You were a handsome lad. I bet you're even better looking now. I don't look at skin color, hair color, eye color, or any color for that matter. I have no idea what anyone looks like on here unless they posted their picture. It gets rid of all bigotry that way. It's sad people are that way.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
Thank you. I've gained weight since then and my features have gotten coarser over the years. I've posted photos of me over the years and haven't had a problem on myLot. A friend wrote a discussion today about "gingers" and it hit a nerve. He was still trying to justify it and I told him where to go.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@just4him I may have told him to procreate somewhere else.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil Was it someplace hot?
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
12 Jan 22
I don’t think I have any red-headed friends. If I did I wouldn’t call them ginger, unless that was their actual name lol.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I've rarely seen any red-headed people outside my family here. I think the women dye their hair and the men wear caps or hats to cover it up. (When I was in school, you never saw me without a ball cap on.) Now, I won't wear a cap. I love my auburn, curly hair.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@lovebuglena Thanks. Yes, that's my Senior photo.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil nice picture by the way. Is it a school picture?
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@Bensen32 (27610)
• United States
12 Jan 22
Not sure it is the same but if you don't like it I guess I can see where you are coming from. I had a friend in high school who had red hair and he always introduced himself as "red" so I guess he didn't mind. I have always had a thing for red headed females, my X was a red head but I can't say I ever called her or anyone else ginger not really sure why.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
It's all discrimination. I was called "Robb" in High School unless someone tried to bully me and then I was called "copper-top" which was a sure way to start a fight with me.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@TheHorse I guess I've lived a somewhat sheltered life. My family was the poor kids. We treated everybody the same.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I was called "honky mother-f*ucker" by the poor kids from the neighborhood adjacent next to mine. But I kind of understood. This was in the 1960s. My black friends had it hardest because the poor black kids would pick on them for hanging out with white, Indian, Asian and other kids. It was odd, I suppose.
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@Juliaacv (50757)
• Canada
12 Jan 22
I can understand that. Ginger is not a term that I would like to be called if I had beautiful red hair either. I have salt and pepper hair, and I hate it when people call it grey.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
17 Jan 22
@Juliaacv Hmm I’ve rarely heard the term salt and pepper for hair. I just think of grey and white for when hair ages. My grandma had the most beautiful white hair.
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@Juliaacv (50757)
• Canada
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil Its just not right at all and it is discriminatory.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I always ignored it when people called me names in school but I'm tired of ignoring things like that.
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• United States
12 Jan 22
I got stuck behind a Blue Hair. She sure was a Blonde. Chrome Dome. Ginger. Velcro. It seems that appearance is used by many in a derogatory way. My wife is a red head but I never call her Ginger. Truth is, I always preferred Mary Ann over Ginger
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
13 Jan 22
Who is Mary Ann, does your wife know...if not, let me be the one to break the bad news to her, gently.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Jan 22
@vandana7 Mary Ann and Ginger. My wife already knows lol
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
Hmm... I've used "blonde" as a descriptor, when trying to get someone to remember another person but I'd never call someone that. I've never used those other terms, either. I fell in love with Ginger and Mary Ann...
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@1creekgirl (41236)
• United States
13 Jan 22
I don't see why it matters to anyone what color hair we have. I was a strawberry blond when I was little, then mostly light brown, but I often colored it auburn. Now no one knows what color hair I'll have, lol. You look very handsome, but we all have things we don't like to be teased about. Some of the places we lived in the military I was teased (but not really bullied about) my southern accent, but other places kids loved it. I'm not a racist nor a bigot, even though southerners are often portrayed as such. PS Pretty really is!
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
14 Jan 22
@1creekgirl That would be funny.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
It shouldn't matter to anyone. But here "ginger" isn't a nice name to call anyone. It irritates a lot of red-heads. And thank you.
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@1creekgirl (41236)
• United States
14 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I really didn't know that ginger was kind of a slur. I've never called anyone that, although we've teased our granddaughter about being a "blond" and she has coal black hair!
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
12 Jan 22
Most of the red-headed girls I know like to be called Ginger. I don't think the red-headed guys like being called that though.
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@DeborahDiane (40258)
• Laguna Woods, California
15 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil - I love this cute photo of you as a young man. My husband also had reddish-auburn hair when he was younger, although he started turning gray in his late 20s and has had all white hair for some years now. I agree that no one should be teased, especially over things they have no control over. As I've probably mentioned, we have a very diverse family including different races and religions. We get along, and probably one reason for that is because we all respect each other's differences and don't tease each other ... not even our auburn haired, youngest daughter who began getting gray streaks in her hair when she was in her 20s.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
15 Jan 22
Red-heads don't do gray. Our hair goes straight to white, skipping that nasty gray color. I have a narrow white streak in my hair that starts above my left eyebrow and goes back to my crown. We tease about what someone says or does, but not about physical appearance.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
16 Jan 22
@DeborahDiane My mom didn't start getting gray hair until she was in her sixties. Dad had a gray fringe around his head and was bald on top. Some of us got dad's bald spot early and the rest of us got mom's full head of hair. I'll never lose my hair, at least. Two of my brothers had started a bald spot before they graduated from High School.
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• Laguna Woods, California
16 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil - Yes, I guess you are right. When my husband and I started dating, I was 22 and he was 26. He asked me how old I thought he was, and I said 35. I based that on the white hairs in his sideburns. It gradually became more and more pronounced, and now he has had all white hair for a very long time ... at least since his 40s. Our youngest daughter went into a hair salon to get her hair colored when she was in her early 20s. The hair dresser asked her why she wanted her hair colored. Our daughter said, "To cover my gray roots." The hair dresser looked at my daughter's roots, and her eyes got big. Our daughter thought it was hilarious, because the woman obviously thought she was exaggerating, talking about her gray hair!
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
13 Jan 22
I have called them that. None of them ever had issues with it. They even called themselves it. But everyones different on what they like being said and what they don't.. Not even close to the n word though.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
It's discrimination, just like the "n" word.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
@Courtlynn If you aren't the red-head in question, then I can see how you don't see it that way.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
13 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil it's definitely not seen that way
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Jan 22
I try my best not to pay attention to words that offend me. I move on if I can. I hope you can. I totally understand.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
I usually ignore them, too. But we aren't supposed to point out a person's skin color, so why point out their hair color? I just don't get it.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
@CarolDM I agree... I just wasn't expecting someone to do that anymore.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
12 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil Oh I agree with you but you are always going to run into all kinds of people online.
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@soymex (1097)
• Glasgow, Scotland
12 Jan 22
I'm not red-headed! I am blond ! I have many red-headed friends, especially in London!
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
12 Jan 22
Unless people say something about the color of their hair, I usually only notice how its styled. I only know a few red-headed people and am aware of only one friend on myLot who also has red hair. (And I only know that because she sent me a photo of herself via email.) Three of my brothers have/had red hair and one sister. My daughter also has red hair.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Jan 22
I had hints of red in my beard before it turned mostly grey.
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@vandana7 (100053)
• India
13 Jan 22
@TheHorse You all are so colorful naturally ..LOL. DE gave me a chance to make him miserable...do you think I will be stupid enough to let go it?
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Jan 22
what? I happen to love ginger. Why would you think that's a slur ? It's also a pretty color in the crayon box. There are no "N" colors in te box or else where. and as you know, my lovely granddaughter is a ginger (redhead) and so is her little boy. I love them to pieces. I'm not understanding you. Cute photo too. Handsome fellow.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I've never watched South Park. Isn't that another adult cartoon similar to Bevus and Butthead ? I don't care for adult cartoons.ugh So I did not know.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
I don't like the term "ginger" and think it's another way to draw lines between people. What's wrong with just saying red-head? ("Ginger" became a slur when the creators of South Park made it one on that show. I don't like it.) Thank you.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
@bunnybon7 Yes, it is. I didn't care for Bevis and Butthead.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
13 Jan 22
As you know English is not my native language, I did not even know that "ginger" was used for red-headed people, but most of all, I had no idea that this could have been considered an insult. I have to thank you for this post, because, from now on, I will remember never to call someone a "ginger".
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
13 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I am very careful before using words that I do not totally know. I am comfortable with Italian and French, less with English.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
@LadyDuck I know/remember some French from language classes in High School and have learned some words in other languages from books and a few friends who thought it fun to teach me "dirty" words in their native language.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
13 Jan 22
I understand that for people who don't speak English as their first language it's not obvious what is and isn't an insult. You're very welcome.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
13 Jan 22
Omg! I call @Genipher my ginger.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
16 Jan 22
See the evil you did? You called her back to myLot! And I had a good conversation with her after she arrived. Thank you.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
16 Jan 22
And I 100% don't mind at all!
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
17 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil I thought you’re mad at me for using the word ginger. My other most favorite person in the world is a redhead, Ron Weasley.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
16 Jan 22
As a redhead... 1. Only a Ginger can call another Ginger, Ginger! 2. I don't really mind being called Ginger but I often joke with the family that we redheads should start a movement...a parade...a march against the term! But then we'd all be in one place and all those Gingerphobes would be able to take us all out with one well placed weapon. And if that happens, how could we ever take over the world?? No, we have to stay separated and deal with the stigma attached to our hair color so we can carry out our evil, er, totally not-evil plan to rule the earth. 3. Didja know that the original clowns were invented to mock the redheaded Irish? And now it's just a "fun" character at a party that either makes you laugh or haunts your nightmares. 4. I was more offended, growing up, at being told my hair was on fire or inappropriate questions from the guys, than being called "ginger". 5. Redheads are genetically different. We can tolerate a higher level of pain and we can produce vitamin D better than other-hair-colored people, males are less likely to get prostate cancer, and we look younger due to the MC1R gene. Our kryptonite, however is...well, never mind. Can't give away all our secrets or we won't be able to take over the world...
'Prejudice' taken from the Australian 'Ready For This?' DVD.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
16 Jan 22
I don't care who's saying it, I don't like the term. And everyone on myLot knows I'm sweet and innocent. Nobody likes clowns. They're scary! I hated being called copper-top. The term "ginger" hadn't been invented when I was a kid.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
16 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil True. "Ginger", I think, was just becoming a thing when I graduated, thanks to South Park. But I didn't know anything about it until I was in my early 20's. Mostly was just called "carrot top". Ug. I also agree about the clowns...which may be where gingerphobia came from? I get you not wanting to be called by that term. I once used the phrase "Irish Twins" and an Irish woman got mad at me, said it was a derogatory term. But, Irish blood flows through my veins as well, and I don't find it offensive at all. Things like that can offend one and not another. Which is why it's never bothered me when @sol_cee calls me ginger.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
16 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil Hm, you're right. She does. I haven't heard that expression before. Funny, because soooo many girls, when I was in school, wanted red hair. They were always trying to dye theirs (and it never looked "true"). I had a band teacher who told me redheads are ALWAYS right. He knew because his wife was a redhead. lol.
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@GooglePlus (3831)
16 Jan 22
Why you call a red headed a ginger ? How ginger is red ? We have laws for Discrimination. I think your country too have it right ? Off topic but Girl with Red Hair looks eye catching to me
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
16 Jan 22
Have you watched the cartoon "South Park"? On that show one little boy calls a little boy with red hair "ginger", so now Americans call people with red hair "ginger" and I don't like it. It's just a mean name to call someone. (This is the link for South Park, Season 1. You can watch all the Seasons and Episodes under this link. Look below the show running to find the next show. ) Yes, Americans have a law against doing that but people think it's funny so do it anyway. Yes, a lot of Indians, women and men think people with red hair are striking. It's because most Indians have black hair, so like the difference in coloring. (People all over the world love seeing people who are different from them.)
Watch South Park - Season 1 Full Movie on Putlocker, Meet the boys and their outrageous friends and neighbors in the strange mountain town of South Park, and relive their wildest adventures with the supernatural, the extraordinary and the insane. Cartman t
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17 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil You mean to say people are using references from Shows and using it in real life. That's show shouldn't be aired on first place then . Shows usually has lot of impact on teenagers and they always want to act and behave like those who they like in the show. I am not sure about women falling for a men I am one of men who likes to red hairs on girls for sure.
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17 Jan 22
@DaddyEvil In India it will be hard to find one!
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@Anqaya (3033)
• United States
6 Feb 22
Gosh I love red hair. When I read Anne of green gables...I wished I had red hair like her. But you know people in my country only have either black or sometimes brown hair. Plus, I agree with you, no matter what your hair color is...it should not matter cz we were not given options.
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@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
6 Feb 22
@DaddyEvil why dye hair when you like the color of your hair.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
6 Feb 22
@sjvg1976 I'm not dying my hair.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
6 Feb 22
Yes, I know most Indians have black hair and a few brown hair. But you could always dye your hair, or have the tips dyed. But I think dark hair is also pretty. Exactly, we have no choice.
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