Implication, inference, and religious disharmony

@vandana7 (101558)
March 2, 2022 7:15am CST
I know there is a lot of anger that people have towards one community.. In India Muslims. The reason is not merely the past. They plundered, (as did others). Just that their plundering was recent so there were better ways of keeping records and it was possible to pass that information down the generations through those records, perpetuating hatred between the two communities so much so that the communities don't want voice of reasoning in picture. In times before the Muslim invasion, we Hindus were not saints. It is not possible. The reason there are fewer records is we had only the higher caste people who were educated, and even among them, women were not. Moreover, Muslims unfortunately for them, destroyed many records that could have proved that everything was not hunky dory when they were not around. How else can Hindus explain disappearance of Buddhism from India, and King Nanda of Chandragupta I era? What annoys modern Hindu is when a Muslim god is the only god. The implied and inferred meaning here is...your god is no god. Is the Muslim doing it deliberately to provoke - tongue in cheek statement? No. He or she is only following his or her scriptures. What they could do is add "I believe" my god is the only god. The addition of the words "I believe" would completely change how people perceive Muslims. There could be harmony, at least among majority of Hindus and Muslims. And from there .. people would listen to them help them integrate them in the society. Reasoning could still rule.
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7 responses
@ptrikha_2 (47534)
• India
2 Mar 22
You have touched upon an issue which could have become a raging debate on social media. Anyways, I have personally with people of all religions including Muslims. My observation: Good and bad are everywhere - religion or not. Yes, if you ask me how to deal with radical folks who just believe in killing or blasting others and just want to get rid of others, then a bullet would be my solution. But yes, I am against troubling those who just put their opinion in a peaceful and friendly manner and just need a breathing space. Unfortunately these days moderation, patience and "Live and Let live" spirit seems to be on wane. That hardens up the attitude and well not good for a society. Not good for a country!
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@ptrikha_2 (47534)
• India
2 Mar 22
@vandana7 Live n let others live peacefully is something many no longer seem to believe in. Plus many want others to blindly follow them.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
2 Mar 22
I do like to rake up the issue. Much of our differences and prejudices begin with how we express ourselves. Not the main subject matter. So if I was buying your car, if you said my god is the only god, I would say keep your car I will find some other car. Even though car is the main issue here, I am led astray by that issue, and the manner in which it is said. You may not have meant to offend me, but I would still take it as an offense. Your observations are something I agree with. Yes, there is kinda offense is the best defense attitude these days. I agree it is not good for the country.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
2 Mar 22
The Bible acknowledges 'there are many gods' But what does it mean to be a 'god'? Even many humans that are referred to as 'idols'? 'American Idol' sports idols etc. The Bible indicates that a god is someone or something to which a person gives devotion, time and attention. We can even give so much devotion and adoration to our own interests, that we can make our selves into a god. Here's an explanation I find helpful: 'The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples nor is he served by human hands as if he needed anything, because he himself gives to all people life and breath and all things. And he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell, so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.' Acts 17:24-27 God, our Creator and Life Giver - who is he? Can we really know him? We need to make the effort, but as Paul said, 'He is not far off from each one of us'
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Mar 22
There are many instances I have felt god help me. God console me. So kinda, it is difficult for me to say I don't believe in god. Then there is comfort of knowing him in some way. I grew up with some god's images at home, and decided he is the all powerful. I do not know if he is the same god whom you follow, but I believe him to be. Just that you could call your Dad ..Dad, I could call him Mr... or Cousin.. there is still a relationship and acquaintance. That is all that is needed, right? After all, how many minutes in a day do we spare to think of the gods.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
3 Mar 22
@vandana7 My reasoning is, since 'he made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth...' it follows that he is the Creator of all human kind. That would mean the relationship to him is the same for you and me and every individual on this earth. That doesn't mean he is recognized by all mankind. We all benefit from his creations - the earth, food, water, sun. But I think you'd agree, many people think of God or the gods that they recognize more like wish fulfillers or protectors - celestial customer service - to be called upon when needed. I sure wouldn't want to be treated that way. Hey, can you do such and such for me? Then, be ignored, or blamed, or denied, the rest of the time. Have you ever had 'friends' that have done that to you? We are encouraged to 'draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.' James 4:8 Abraham was referred to as 'God's friend'. A relationship with our Creator can be warm, affectionate, close. That's what he wants. But friendship, as you know, cannot be a one way street. And, as pointed out in this little animation, requires effort - yes, work.
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• India
5 Mar 22
The anger is meaningless. Gangs of muslims plundered and looted in the past. The present generation muslims are not to be blamed for that. But today's communal hatred comes from politicians. The leader politicians are dividing us into Hindus and muslims. The common man would not care. There are muslims who have had lunch in Hindu temples. There are Hindus who have been to churches and masjids. There are muslims in neighbourhood. There is no disharmony there.
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• India
6 Mar 22
@vandana7 Unfortunately, these politicians are worshipped on a pedestal. People also fight as ti who is the better politician. People do not seem to understand that politicians can thrive in their post only because of the tax money paid by the citizens.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
5 Mar 22
I agree. I wish people would see politicians for what they are.
@xander6464 (44908)
• Wapello, Iowa
2 Mar 22
What annoys modern Hindu is when a Muslim god is the only god. ----------------There is a lot of that here from Christians. But they often take it up a level by insulting other religions. They'll say things like, "Buddha, ha! Like worshipping that is gonna do anyone any good." And have you noticed that we have dismissed other entire religions by relabeling them as mythology? We have Greek Mythology, Norse Mythology, Roman Mythology and many others. I think our Christians have your Muslims beat. Knowing that doesn't make your Muslims any less annoying but at least you know they could be worse.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Mar 22
I think all religious leaders should be given a shot at transforming a large boulder into cranberry juice. Those who manage are good folks to follow and their gods are listening to them. Otherwise, they are bad folks and should not be followed.
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@ptrikha_2 (47534)
• India
3 Mar 22
@xander6464 Then there was an all prevalent "White Man's Burden" talk during the Imperial days (British Raj etc). I even read a few articles about Racist tendencies towards Asians, Africans and even Brazilians fleeing from Ukraine and trying to escape through Poland, Romania, Hungary etc.
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@xander6464 (44908)
• Wapello, Iowa
3 Mar 22
@vandana7 It is too bad that some give all religion a bad name.
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@wolfgirl569 (112968)
• Marion, Ohio
2 Mar 22
That is true of many religions. They say theirs is the only right way.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
2 Mar 22
It is a technique of self affirmation. Suppose I cannot climb six floors. I tell me, no I can do it, I am strong and capable, and eventually I will manage five if not six. Same with belief or faith. The person fears admitting that there are doubts. So he or she silences that with self affirmation.
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@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
3 Mar 22
Many feel that their religion is the "only true religion". How wrong they are! It still upsets me that the Catholics and the Protestants have a conflict in Ireland. When will we learn to all get along?
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
3 Mar 22
We have this ongoing thing between Hindus and Muslims. Both are equally good or equally bad. :)
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@akruser13 (475)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Mar 22
I hate that about religions in general. Obviously Christians and Catholics are probably the MOST guilty of that, starting whole wars and wiping out whole nations of people for their god. It's stupid. Let people believe what they want to believe. I don't have a religion. I like bits and pieces from all sorts of different religions. If I need to pray I pray to "the Universe" in general or whatever god wants to listen. I'll take help from any one of them lol.
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