Short story: An accident led to a different type of fullness for Red Francis

Red had a led fast paced life until his hospital stay stayed his mind a bit
@innertalks (22383)
May 18, 2022 10:48pm CST
The racing car driver, Red Francis, had had a car accident, and he was spending time recuperating in the hospital. He was reading a book on emptiness, written by a Zen master, called Ripzo Reposke. The book was named, "Empty mind, Full heart." In the book, it said that, "We are just as empty, as we are full." "When we are full, we are full, but when empty, we are not full, but not empty either." "True emptiness fills us with itself, and true emptiness is the wisdom of God in us, which our previous state of fullness prevented from emerging in us." "Live emptily without any recursiveness of your own thinking, and allow the wisdom to come out naturally alive in you then, so that you are empty of yourself, but full of God then instead." "Emptying your mind finds your heart never empty." Red put down the book, and penned this poem, inspired by his reading of that book. Poetry: Emptying your mind, fills your heart with love. The fullest of minds contains an empty emptiness, empty out your own mind to remind you of this truth. We all begin with an empty, newly new opened mind, our mind is simply our own soul's tool for us of a kind. The emptiest mind retains its fullness of emptiness. We must allow our minds to stay open & not closed. Empty your mind of all of the falseness of its fullness, to find that the fullness of emptiness is never empty. When we close off our minds to the highest truth, it becomes emptied of what we knew in our youth. We must again empty out our own crowded minds, to allow our minds to operate as they are designed. Extremes are created from mind's being misaligned. We confine ourselves in our bind just to finally find, that we must again realign our minds with our hearts, to realise emptiness is really just a part of who we art. When your mind is too full of just your own opinions, you empty out the truth of God that's in your heart. An empty mind paradoxically is really an open one, a closed one is so full, that it's lost its own strength. The full mind so often so wants to change things, empty your mind of its wants to find peace of mind. See beyond the pressing thoughts in your own mind to find that peace of mind is never just of the mind. Red had spent well his time in hospital, and he came out of there a better man, of mind, body, and heart. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, Red had a led fast-paced life, until his hospital stay, stayed his mind a bit.
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3 responses
@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
19 May 22
This I believe the mystery of emptiness.
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@innertalks (22383)
• Australia
19 May 22
The Old Testament book of Job, chapter 15, verses:31-32 says this about emptiness. "Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself, for emptiness will be his payment. It will be paid in full before his time, and his branch will not be green." We should not ever trust our minds then, by using such tools as meditation to try to empty our mind of its contents. We should go straight to our hearts, and live from there first, rather than trying to fix our minds first ourselves, as only the grace of God can ever really fix our minds for us, when we ask God to come into our lives, and to do so for us.
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@innertalks (22383)
• Australia
20 May 22
@Nakitakona Ok, thanks too.
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
20 May 22
@innertalks Good point. I'm contented of it. Thanks.
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@Junbals (1421)
• Philippines
19 May 22
Mystics of the East are known for their meditation techniques - self-emptying, mindfulness. I wish to try it soon. I am just too busy, i guess.
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@innertalks (22383)
• Australia
19 May 22
Some of the Christian religions also had their mystics, like Saint John, of the Cross. When we are too busy, these techniques are meant to remove us away even from the busyness, and so allow us to take a step away from our stress then too.
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@Junbals (1421)
• Philippines
19 May 22
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@Shiva49 (26944)
• Singapore
19 May 22
Without proper consideration and pause, we tend to fill up our minds with crap even. Then there is no place for love and compassion to make our lives meaningful. We will complete the race here on an empty note then, even with winning laurels in sports like Red Francis. We need to take a pause and Red was in a way lucky for the forced one that set his race of life on the right course and fettle with pauses for refilling with the right fuel too!
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@innertalks (22383)
• Australia
19 May 22
Yes, there are a lot of crap-filled minds around, and the Politicians try to add more of it to our minds every day, so that we will support them too. Nicely summarised account of my story, siva. If we end our life with that emptiness still in our minds, perhaps emptiness will be all that we find in the other worlds then too. We might find ourselves in limbo-land, in a twilight zone, of non-existence. The Jewish Religion thinks this, and a soul that has wasted its life, and not lived from love, will lose its personality and other attributes that make it a living soul, and just become a form of lifeless generic energy then instead. (I do not believe this myself, as I think that God would not kill off a soul in this way, but give them ever a chance again to change the merits of their ways) We need the right fuel in ourselves, not to be fooled.
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@innertalks (22383)
• Australia
21 May 22
@Shiva49 One small lifetime here, determining the whole of eternity for us later, has never made sense to me. We must play many roles at various times on God's stage, l would say, and each role prepares us better for the next.
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@Shiva49 (26944)
• Singapore
20 May 22
@innertalks I think there should be a link from who we were here to who we are hereafter. One cannot take a totally different personality completely divorced from our antecedents. It then behooves us to build brick by brick and hope we can also be deserving of small mercies from God. Being born is a blessing by itself and so it is better we play to the hilt with all we can offer bringing into focus the rich talents that mostly lie untapped otherwise.
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