Black or white
By Philip Low
@crobyghost (178)
United States
August 1, 2022 12:37am CST
Watching the news lately and seeing the pain and hurt caused by a few individuals and their views on how the world should be makes my heart hurt.
Reading about the case of a girl aged 10 years old who is raped and because of the law in her state is forced to carry her rapist's baby to term.
This innocent child who has done nothing wrong is forced to carry this vile man's child in her as a reminder of the vile act he performed on her.
One government party wants to strike down a law that has been in place for 50 years protecting women from suffering due to the actions of those around them protecting them from potentially dying because they have a miscarriage or an atopic pregnancy.
This political party states they want to protect the unborn child but i say what about the protection of the child who is born, where is the protection for the child who goes to school but doesn't know if they will come home because someone's 2nd amendment right to bare arms was more important than their right to live or the innocent shopper who went to Walmart in Texas to get a few things or the teacher who just wants to go home to their family while teaching the next generation,
We require people to get a driver's licence and sit a test and have some training before we allow them to get behind the wheel but we allow anyone over the age of 18 to walk into a gun store or to purchase any gun imaginable because the 2nd amendment says so.
When the constitution was written 250 years ago the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment to protect against a foreign government or to protect against an authoritarian ruler from taking control.
The founding fathers could never have imagined the weapons we have available today.
We need to amend the 2nd amendment to require qualified people to bear arms to protect and uphold the laws of the land.
AR15 guns and like weapons have no place in civilian lives they are weapons of war.
This is America its not the middle east where we have to worry about our neighbours launching a rocket into our home because we pissed them off.
WE Need safety and protections for ALL who call the United States of America home.
We need Laws that say you are not ok to operate this gun because you have been deemed a threat to life and liberty.
We need our government to stand up for those who need protection, the Domestic violence victim, and the mentally unwell.
If you have a criminal record you should be banned from owning or operating ANY kind of weapon.
If you have been deemed to be medically unfit by a mental defect then you shouldn't own a gun
If you are denied enlistment to the armed services due to a failed psych assessment then you should not own a gun period.
I don't care if you are 15 or 95 or anything in between if you fail any of the above you have no business owning a gun.
There should be a gun registry and a licence registry just as there is with a motor vehicle.
I know there will be people out there who will say but what about my rights?
To them i say, what about the rights of the everyday citizens?
What about their right to live without the fear of dying because your rights are more important than their rights?
I am not in any way advocating for the 2nd amendment to be revoked just amended to the 21st century
There are people who have guns for legitimate reasons and their rights as gun owners and operators will not be changed.
If you wish to go hunting and you can show you can do this safely and to a standard that doesn't endanger the lives of others then by all means own a gun.
But if you own a gun you should have to have responsibilities just as you do with a motor vehicle/
End of rant for today.
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