@MINDY0882 (2302)
United States
September 14, 2006 12:31am CST
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60 responses
@nextgen (1888)
• India
24 Sep 06
I agree with you.. its a social concern which everyone should think about
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• India
13 Oct 06
no idea
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• India
13 Oct 06
Well I fully agree with u..but i dont i dont totally idea
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• United States
24 Sep 06
I can not stand to see that happen. You are right. It needs to be reported immediately! I once saw this lady driving fast, running stop signs. Her kids were little, (looked 2-3). They were loose in the back seat. one was laying up in the window area in the back of the car. I was so shocked!
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@amiksinha (1960)
• India
24 Sep 06
there should be an association to keep a check
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• United States
24 Sep 06
I agree with you. My 3 nephews dont need to use the car seats anymore but I still feel like they need it sometimes. Even for short ride, they dont sit still for 10 minutes. I usually have to stop at least one time and tell them how dangerous it is to move around in a car.
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• United States
13 Oct 06
i think its wrong. i think its stupid. but i also think alot of times, like when i ride over a narrow bridge and there is a 18 wheeler coming really fast beside me "what if the wind or the truck itself pushed us overboard (my car is very wind sensitive) what would i do? could i get her out of that contraption?" and i start making a game plan on what im going to do if it does happen. i think that they need to make cars with built in car seats, like the seat folds down and the car seat is on the back of the real seat or something. something that isnt as hard to undo if you have to quickly, but is safe enough to if you have a wreck the baby isnt going to be flung out of the window. what really get me going though is when people leave their small children or babies in the car when they go into a store. i hate that. me and my cousin have been known to report people who do that...
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• United States
13 Oct 06
ha! good! one person with their head screwed on right, huh?
• United States
13 Oct 06
I totally agree
@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
23 Oct 06
I agree with you in a way but, as we don't drive or have a car of our own, we don't have a car seat so if we're going in someone else's car, the baby has to sit on my lap. It's fine for those who already have cars and the money to get carseats but this whole new law hasn't really been thought out properly. It's been put in place with drivers in mind and, apparently assuming that if you don't drive then either you should have a seat anyway or that your kids aren't going to go in a car.
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@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
7 Nov 06
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 06
Saying that, my kids would never be free to roam around in a car. They are always strapped in as best we can but I am not going to buy a carseat for someone elses car.
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
26 Sep 06
yes a child should be in a car seat, but i wouldnt call the cops on anybody for not using one.
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• United States
23 Oct 06
I agree Mindy! When my children were young, I always made sure they were in their car seats, and then seatbelts as they got older. I've seen too many accidents and the results of them. Also, I'd definitely call the police on them. People are not going to have their children taken away just because the police gave them a ticket for not having the child in car seats.
• United States
8 Nov 06
I agree that law enforcement officials should be called whenever someone witnesses children riding in cars without being in car seats. At a minimum, people should jot down the registration numbers, and call Child Protection Services to report the offenders. I think that if law enforcement officers are called, they will write the appropriate tickets and notify Child Protection Services.
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• United States
8 Nov 06
I agree that law enforcement officials should be called whenever someone witnesses children riding in cars without being in car seats. At a minimum, people should jot down the registration numbers, and call Child Protection Services to report the offenders. I think that if law enforcement officers are called, they will write the appropriate tickets and notify Child Protection Services.
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• United States
8 Nov 06
I agree that law enforcement officials should be called whenever someone witnesses children riding in cars without being in car seats. At a minimum, people should jot down the registration numbers, and call Child Protection Services to report the offenders. I think that if law enforcement officers are called, they will write the appropriate tickets and notify Child Protection Services.
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@kerryq2705 (8672)
• United States
13 Oct 06
Mindy I totally agree with you. I saw someone doing that once and i immediatly called the police and gave them the license plate number. I think that is awful that parents will drive with their kids not in a car seat. What the hell are these parents thinking. It is so dangerous and they are putting their childrens lives in jeapordy. Parents need to smarten up and put their kids in seats. I hear about this happening way too much.
• United States
13 Oct 06
I hve seen the same thing as well and i immediatly called the cops. its such a sin to see parents who are doing this.
@Rose24 (90)
• Australia
7 Nov 06
In Australia it is illegal to not have a child under 3 in a car seat and then up to 8 on a booster although that one is not so strict. My sister-in-law NEVER had her kids in seat belts and quite often an older one would hold the baby, she had 5 kids. We had many an arguement about that. I used to tell my kids and their friends that the car would not start unless EVERYONE was belted in.
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@Rose24 (90)
• Australia
7 Nov 06
sorry computer playing up
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@del251nyu (212)
• United States
7 Nov 06
car seat - car seat
My mother never allowed children in her car without a car seat. The funny thing is that one day she decided to let three children sit in the back of her car because she had to take them all to a doctors appointment. At the end of the day she had three police tickets adding up to around $250, for endangering the lives of her grandchildren. So, in a way, those who get caught usually learn their lessons. My mom will never do this again. On the other hand, those who don't ever get caught will probably keep doing it until something tragic happens.
• United States
7 Nov 06
That gets under my skin as well. I once lost my head and started yelling at people in the car next to me because they had a 2 year old in the front in the middle between them. Backseat empty. The guy went nuts - threatened me, etc. I told him he would be sorry when he child was a projectile going through the windshield and I thought he was going to get out of the car and kill me. He really should of only been mad at himself.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I see it all the time where i live. most people let there kids out of the car seat because the kid can unbuckle them selves or the kid throws such a fit the parent either lets them loose or go crazy.. my little niece is almost a year old and she hates the car seat and will scream and i do mean scream and cry the whole way to a place and back and it is a nerve wracking is also dangerous because it takes your mind off the road and nothing we do settles her..but we do not take her out unless we are parked.
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• United States
7 Nov 06
I think they call it child endangerment here in California, and rightfully so! It's up to you to protect your child and if you don't love them enough to buckle them up then you probably shouldn't have children!
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@nannacroc (4049)
23 Oct 06
Children are precious and irreplaceable so should always be safely strapped into the appropriate seats. It's no use reporting anything to the police in England as they do not respond to anything.
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@Rose24 (90)
• Australia
7 Nov 06
In Australia it is illegal to not have a child under 3 in a car seat and then up to 8 on a booster although that one is not so strict. My sister-in-law NEVER had her kids in seat belts and quite often an older one would hold the baby, she had 5 kids. We had many an arguement about that. I used to tell my kids and their friends that the car would not start unless EVERYONE was belted in.
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• United States
7 Nov 06
this type f car seat - front bar carseat
I think this is very dangerous. My children know that they are to be in there car seats. They know that they are suposed to buckled up too. Ok soI will shair a story with you. My three year old climbed in to his seat and pulled the bar down and I thought my husband snaped and he thought i did so we get in the car and started backing up and my son yelled STOP and we stoped the car and asked what was wrong and he said no buckle. I was so proud of him for telling me that he was not buckled. And we were so mad at our self for not double cheacking each other.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am afraid for the child. When I pick up my kids from school I see it all the time. I am really afraid for the child all the time because of the fact that you dont know what is arround the next corner. I ALWAYS make shure my girls are buckled before I leave school property. My 7 yr old legally does not have to have a booster in my state, my 5yr old is never without her booster and my 2yr old sits in a car seat with a 5 point harness. Safety is always FIRST in my van. I make shure everyone has a seat belt for safety reasons first and I dont want a ticket because I was not being overly cautious. My children are too precious to me to risk there lives like that.
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