Another morning of phone calls

Created by me with Microsoft Paint w swirl effect on
@xstitcher (31928)
Petaluma, California
August 30, 2022 2:53pm CST
I've been on the phone and email this mornng, 1) trying to figure out my grade point average at the JC, calling them to ask and just getting this really confusing explanation, contacting my "job counsellor" to ask her something about the recent interview I had, and 3) Calling the school I had the interview with to see what was going on, as I had gotten the impression that she was going to call me yesterday. I spoke with another young lady that worked there, who went to ask the director, and when she came back she said that the director couldn't go on with the process until my two former employers filled out the forms she'd sent them via email and she looked them over. So 4)I called my previous two employers to let them know they'd been sent the forms and to ask if they'd seen them. After that, I messaged the guy who said that he'd pick up the bike I was trying to sell on Facebook Marketplace this morning, to ask if there was a problem because the morning is past and he never showed up. If he doesn't get back to me by this evening I'm going to let him know I'm going to put the bike back up for sale. Sheesh. As I said, morning has passed, and I haven't had lunch yet. I'm going to go do that now, then likely do Bible study, then go get the mail, and then see what I need to do next on this Book Club site for which I bought the Kindle. I hope that your morning/afternoon/evening is going well in your part of myLot land!
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5 responses
• United States
31 Aug 22
I've spent most of the day with my leg up in the air, trying to get my ankle to quit hurting. Breaking a bone puts a new meaning on the word PAIN! I need to get my paperwork against the power company organized and ready to mail out on Thursday. There is a LOT of papers, fortunately I made copies! That way I have copies for my file and copies to send out to the attorney. Now all I have to wait for is for the pharmacy to release my pain meds so I can get them and stop hurting!!! Other than that I've been on my Kindle and the computer and accomplishing nothing.
@Deepizzaguy (100772)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
31 Aug 22
I am enjoying my day at home working on sharing funny and good news stories as well as doing surveys.
@kaylachan (66740)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
30 Aug 22
Sounds like a crazy morning. Wishing you the best of luck.
@MALUSE (69373)
• Germany
30 Aug 22
You are a busy bee! Too much action for my liking.
@luisga814 (7126)
• Quezon City, Philippines
30 Aug 22
You have lots of things to do. Good morning.