Goodness' sakes...

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@xstitcher (31720)
Petaluma, California
September 7, 2022 11:25pm CST
Hello, myLot! Bible study was a little different tonight. The pastor had gone to pick up his wife, who's been helping someone in Arizona, so another man did the lesson tonight. I got home, changed my clothes, and looked at my phone to see if anyone had answered the texts I had sent to ask questions about dates I was hired/started working. They hadn't answered, but a lady for whom I'm already babysitting on Saturday texted me and asked if I could babysit for her tomorrow. I said yes, I could. So, I guess that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. Hopefully while I'm out, someone will call/text/email me the information I asked for. Wowee.
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2 responses
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
8 Sep 22
I hope someone will gonna answer your texts and inform you that they are interested to hire you for a certain job.
@xstitcher (31720)
• Petaluma, California
8 Sep 22
Than kyou, Cristy, but I need people to text me with dates that I started working for them so that I can give them to my new job.
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
9 Sep 22
@xstitcher oh i see. It is like certifying that you worked for them before. Yeah, it is important to have them.
@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
14 Sep 22
Why Bible study is different from your usual study of the Bible?