Cant Think of a Title For This Ridiculousness...

United States
October 12, 2022 8:58am CST
Someone has to take a kid somewhere. Even though the kid has had a meal or two it seems like they get hungry when it's time to leave and so they get fed. Then while out they want to eat again. And every store that is visited, they want something to eat or drink. And then want to be fed when they get home. To the adult that seems to act like they're depriving the kid if they don't feed them at every turn, you're not. No kid needs to eat every hour or that often
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4 responses
12 Oct 22
They are kind of competing to get to your size.They will even eat more especially if you are "fat" lol!
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@shaggin (73251)
• United States
12 Oct 22
Kids usually need frequent snacks. I don’t think they would need that many meals though.
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• United States
12 Oct 22
True ver a course of a day but not in a few hours especially if the kids are overweight
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
13 Oct 22
Kids do like their snacks.
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• Indonesia
14 Oct 22
Yes, it is very unhealthy to eat all the time.