Nobody Shoots the Albino!

picture courtesy pixabay, not the deer I saw
October 24, 2022 7:22pm CST
I was reminded of this on my way to work this morning when I narrowly evaded a herd of Whitetailed Deer crossing the road. I was out inspecting hurricane damage to the hunt camps in our neighbourhood with my youngest son when I saw something across a small field that I couldn't identify. Looked like something big and white had blown in from somewhere during the storm. There were several deer grazing in the field and we decided to disturb them to investigate. We got partway across the field and all the tails went up and off they went and big white thing took off with them. I mentioned this to the local farmer who let me know that I was probably the last person who hadn't sighted it yet. Apparently for the farmers and hunters, shooting an albino is really bad luck. I did get a better look than most. This one (not in the picture) had a normal coloured head and neck which means it isn't a true albino. It's what they call piebald which is almost as rare. Now I did learn that albinism and piebald sighting are on the rise in New Brunswick and some people are blaming it on the big logging company Irving which sprays glyphosates to try and kill the broad-leaf trees. We are the only province that allows this and that's because this company pretty much owns everybody and does what it wants. Regular residents like myself aren't very happy with the arrangement.
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4 responses
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
25 Oct 22
The photo reminds me of the white goat we used to have back then. Glad nobody shot the albino.
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• Canada
25 Oct 22
We had a white goat many years ago. Alice was the queen of the herd (three goats) and she did not get along with my wife at all.
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• Canada
25 Oct 22
@sol_cee My wife wouldn't push back and so Alice assumed she was number two in the barnyard pecking order after me. Alice was pretty headstrong and she couldn't be allowed to push anyone around. She tried pushing me around too. I just pushed back and she respected that.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
25 Oct 22
@koopharper What did Alice have against your wife?
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@JudyEv (328822)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Oct 22
How exciting would that have been? There are albino kangaroos from time to time and a wildlife park in South Australia has a family of them but you don't often see them in the wild. I'm glad it's considered bad luck to shoot them or it probably would have been gone yonks ago.
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• Canada
25 Oct 22
Yes, way too easy to see. I'm surprised the coy-wolves didn't get it already. It was an adult.
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@JudyEv (328822)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Oct 22
@koopharper You say coy-wolves. Do they interbreed?
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• Canada
25 Oct 22
@JudyEv Yes, they are a cross between wolves and coyotes. They hunt in packs but they aren't as big as wolves. They are also less shy toward humans although I've only actually seen a few. We hear them yowling at night very often.
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@TheHorse (209091)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Oct 22
I had never heard that shooting an albino is bad luck. But it makes sense. I like your writing style.
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• Canada
28 Oct 22
Thanks. I need to spend more time on my writing. I wish it didn't have to be so far down my list of priorities.
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• Canada
29 Oct 22
@TheHorse (209091)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Oct 22
@koopharper "Having a life" can be a good thing.
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@CarolDM (203448)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Oct 22
There was an albino deer in our area about 8 years old. Unfortunately he was hit and killed by a car. But he is now on full display at the town hall. Everyone was respectful of him as well.
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• Canada
29 Oct 22
It does seem rather unsporting to go after an animal that is so easy to see for any predator. I'm surprised that it has survived here into adulthood.
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@CarolDM (203448)
• Nashville, Tennessee
29 Oct 22
@koopharper Yes but there are those who hunt the animals, unfortunately.
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