School bullying ! Share your thoughts !
By Chillingout
@Chillingout (811)
December 1, 2006 10:44am CST
Bullying at school is a hot topic here in Italy since the last month. It all began with a video posted on the internet in which pupils were beating up their handicapped classmate and making jokes about him ! Since that day the cases of bullying seem to be increased a lot and every news paper is condemning that type of violence that can be either physical or psychological !
I find the reaction of the media disgusting, which suddenly woke up condemning bullying !
It has unfortunately always existed and is a phenomenon that needs to be fought !
What are your experiences ? What is your point of view ?
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159 responses
@mslena75 (561)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I think that bullying that goes on is the fault of the parents of the one that is doing the bullying. When I was kid, my parents would have slapped me into next week for treating another child the way some of these kids treat each other today. I think children should learn that is is NOT OK to make fun of someone just because they are different than you for every reason. Every person regardless of their outer qualities has a heart and feelings.
@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
i agree with you and think that parents are always to blame for their children bad behaviour !
Unfortunately today statistics show that the number of divorced families is increasing !
This could probably be one of the different reasons causing that phenomenon of bad education !
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@blonde_3548 (36)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I agree, parents need to be parents and put a stop to it if their child is being a bully. Bullying has been around forever but it has gotten way worse. I think that another part of the problem is the ppl who scream abuse when a child is spanked and I just know that when there were still swats in school from the teacher or principal there seemed to be more respectful kids. nowadays, oh no, spanking is abuse when it should be a form of discipline. it seems that when there was spanking in schools there werent any school shooting at all but the problem is ppl are trying to be too politically correct and it is ruining this nation starting with our youth.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
2 Dec 06
It is the fault of the parents, if they are aware of it. If not, then who can we blame but the bully himself. Children can be very mean, as you know. But, it does cause a lot of pain emotionally for life for some of them. Even a school should be aware of things like this too.
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@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I agree with you 100%, bullying has been around forever. It is so sad, the effects of bullying can affect someone for the rest of their lives. It's a shame really that kids are taught that this behavior is ok. I mean they have to learn it from someone right? I wish there was an easy answer to end it, but I am afraid it will always be around.
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@Plutolegionario (767)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
Hi, I think it's a big problem related to youth-age and bad family and social relationships.
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@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
very generic response, but i sadly have to agree with you !
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
1 Dec 06
i've seen a lot on the news and tv...i never exerienced any bullying and i didn't even know people who did bully in my school. where i grew up, things like that didn't happen all too much. i think bullying is wrong and that both bully and the bullied will both grow up with problems. it should stop now. most bullis have troubled home lives, i think thats where it starts, if people would notice they children acting out then they could do something to stop it before its too late.
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@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
the parents should be the first ones who notice that something is not working correctly ! Unfortunately in most bullying cases the parents even don't know that their child is evil and come to know it later when he gets punished !
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@Noxmorexlies (739)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Bullying is cruel, unnessecary and harmful. People can be very shattered up to adult hood due to the fact that people bully eachother. Many schools do not to enough to stop bullying.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
1 Dec 06
Oh I hate that. That is so mean. There were a lot of bullies when I was in school and I'm sure there always will be. Most bullies are cowards anyway. They don't pick on anybody that can adequately defend themselves. I guess this makes them feel better about themselves. I don't know what they answer is. If the parents aren't doing their job maybe the school should employ some anti bullying tactics and strict, harsch punishment for the bullies.
@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
1 Dec 06
i am not sure if the united states have already done something against bullying. I just know that they do "geek profiling".
After the colomine high school massacre they began listing all dangerous sign that could lead to a potential new serial killer... The effects were not that good, because outsiders were excluded even more by everbody. The whole sociey went against the real victims and promoted conformism, without doing anything against bullying !
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@Timinator (739)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Bullying is part of being a kid. Some kids don't fit in and so they get bullied. It is part of Survival of the fittest. If the bullied kids can't handle it, then they aren't supposed to survive. The parents should help the kid be tougher.

@momto2b2g (217)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Sounds like you were a bully Timinator. "If the bullied kids can't handle it then they arn't supposed to survive"? PULEEZ!
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@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
2 Dec 06
A lot of people really have no idea how damaging bullying can be and so they are unsympathetic. Or they think all bullying is the same. It isn't. Some is just basic rudeness, and some is psychologically scarring. When one kid gets ganged up on time after time and becomes ostracized and begins to feel hopeless and unvalued, it can cause emotional harm that will follow him or her for the rest of their life. Then when they grow up and read comments like the one immediately above this one, they are revictimized. Another thing to be considered is that some kids are better equipped to handle it than others based on previous trauma, support at home, etc.
It really bugs me when people assume the point of view that they see things from should apply to everyone. People have different experiences and different perspectives and unless you have been in their exact position you have no business judging.

@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
2 Dec 06
When I was a kid, I was sometimes teased and bullied and I just fight back. I still remember what I did to a boy, I kicked him after he teased me,but afterwards I was so guilty about it eventhough he started it first.In your case that a handicapped classmate was beaten up and was joked around by his classmates,this not a good because It is wrong to bully someone and barely it's sometimes the parent's fault if their children was not reprimanded and taught that it is not good too bully someone especially to handicapped ones.
@smf210 (102)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I can relate. I was always made fun of in school. It seems like kids can be cruel and a lot of times adults have no idea. It is hard from a kid's perspective. You don't want to be a tattel-tale, but at the same time, it is no fun to be put down. Maybe we should encourage adults to talk to kids more. that would open them up to feel comfortable.
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
2 Dec 06
That is terrible....I hope that handicapped child is okay! Makes you wonder...but not to judge...the parents may have done everything right, and still these children may act like this. My daughter will come home sometimes and say kids make fun of her, then I ask the teacher about it, and she says she doesn't notice I don't know....
but I had to deal with bullies in school...
My parents never did anything....
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@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
2 Dec 06
it is rare that parants are aware of their children behaviour in school ! Often those bullies change completely when they are at home with their parents ! They become angels and their parents don't even suspect it !
@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
2 Dec 06
I just woke up and I never thought my topic could receive that many answers! Sadly bullying seems to exist all around the world, in some places stronger and in some not so strong!
I had no time reading all your experiences and stories, but I am astonished! If everybody was aware of the problem like all of you are, bullying would have been erased from earth!;)
@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 06
I think it's the teacher fault. It's an indicator that they fail educating the students. That's a big shame, because they even cant control their territories. Why? Are they afraid of the bulliers? As long as it happens at school, I think it's still their responsibility. I also suggest the other students to help the victims. Bullying is AGAINST THE LAW, so report it! Let the authorities take action

@chiquitita (1226)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 06
Well at least that's what I think. So the teacher only watch the children being bullied and take no action? It's impossible for the parents to know everything that happens at school. It is teacher's job, to give them education at school. When it comes to home, that's the parents job. In my province bullying doesnt get that bad. We are taught moral educations since we're in kindergarten.
@Chillingout (811)
• Italy
2 Dec 06
It is not the teachers fault ! You are saying that today schools should educate children, but also teach them all the stuff they need for their job ! Schools don't have to take the role of the parents ! It' impossible for them ! Instead parents should wake up and say:"Oh I am a bad parent, what can I do to improve ?"

@Khangura (924)
• Canada
2 Dec 06
More and more schools are trying to find different ways of stamping out the problem.
Pupils at a school in Leicester have got involved in a scheme to put a stop to bullying.
Some children are trained as 'mediators' and get kids who are being bullied and the bullies together to talk and eventually become friends again.
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@browneyedfatima (481)
• Philippines
2 Dec 06
beating up a handicapped classmate? that is sick...what kind of kids would do such horrible thing? i think it's up to the parents to teach their children what is right and wrong. they should instill in their mind to be kind to other people and not resort to violence when things go wrong. ive never experienced anything like that nor have i witnessed a classmate beating up another classmate. thank god that is NOT an issue in our country.
@dattatray (893)
• India
2 Dec 06
Bullying is a thing that can never be stopped.. so it is the responsibility of the schools to teach each of the victims of bullying how to overcome the trauma...
The following strategies may be considered:
--If a person voluntarily comes to someone for help then they need to listen. Sometimes this is all that the victim wants and needs.
--After investigating the situation, it may be that intervention is necessary with the bully or bullies. The situation needs to be addressed and hopefully a resolution to the problem can be found.
--Inform the parents of the victim and of the bully. Discuss possible solutions with them. Arrange a meeting with them if possible.
--Follow up in communicating with the victim, the parents and the teachers about the situation.
Monitor the behaviour of the bully and the safety of the victim on a school-wide basis.
--teach kids how to stand up to bullies and learn to defend themselves
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@evilknny9 (48)
• United States
2 Dec 06
It's not really the media, or even the parents sometimes. It can often just be the insecure ones who pick on the "losers" cause they can't find anything better to do.
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@roniva (12)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Bullying has been around for ever. It seems to have a lot to do with way things are at home. The child is bullied by parents, they are taught jealousy, or they have never been taught how to respect others or the differences of others. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer on how to stop it.
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@kencallingu (103)
• India
2 Dec 06
bullying is a big deal but for this school administration should be given more liberty in applying discipline among school kids ,,,In India it is hardly few matter of bullying one can find in Schools . Just because of the Strict School administration .
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@binodkari (174)
• India
2 Dec 06
bulling at school is really a challinging topic in india .instead of taking care, people makes fun and jokes on them.sometimes if they get a chance they tortured them which we should stop n take serious steps for the benifits of a disability persons.governments are not providing any facilities and funds to them which is really disgusting in my point of view.
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