Of all the things I've lost....

United States
November 19, 2022 4:44pm CST
It's been a wild month! It seems like anything that can go wrong has, and some of the strangest things have happened. It started off with my deciding to change my outlook on things. I lectured my neighbor about her negative attitude and grousing about past wrongs that people have done to her. It lasted for about 15 minutes and she started grousing again. She really doesn't have that much to complain about, she didn't have her home burn down and her animals killed by the fire... I ended up at the ER twice in the month. For horrible pain both abdominal and in my ankle. OH WELL. The second time they prescribed pain killers that were to last me a week-then I would hear from my pain doctor. RIGHT! The phone company shut down my phone and didn't bother to notify me that it was going to happen, so I missed the phone appointment with the doctor. The next one is on the 29th of this month. The doctor's office accused me of deliberately not answering the phone. I explained when they called that it wasn't my fault, that I didn't know my phone wasn't working. I went to the market to get some supplies along with a couple of other errands. I managed to miss the bus home, so I had a choice of waiting an hour for the next bus or walking the 6 blocks home. I opted to walk. I got home and finally sat down and looked at my leg and ankle (the broken ankle) and they were swollen to the size of a cantaloupe. It took four days for the swelling to go down...it's still painful to walk. My neighbor, whom I help a LOT, came by and left a gift card for one of the supermarkets that we both go to as a thank you. I tried to check the balance and couldn't get it on the phone. Well, I thought I had the cards with me when I went to the store...then I couldn't find them. I figured I had lost them and someone who needed the money found them. That was after a frantic search of my apartment. Yesterday the 18th I found them, they were under the screen of my laptop computer. I went to Wal Mart to cash the check from Western Union. I was informed that they wouldn't cash it because of a blue stamp on the back side of the check. Wal Mart was only the 10th place I had gone trying to cash the check. I just finished letters to the CEO and Chief Accounting Officer of Western Union informing them that if they didn't do something about it I was going to contact the Federal Banking Commission. I just need to print out the letters. My cell phone was turned off, seems like the organization that handles my free service had sent letters to me to re-register for the service, but I never received them. I am with a different service with a different phone number. OH JOY, I have so many places to inform of the new number! I called my pharmacy to change my number on my account there this morning. I finally got a live person on the phone (the pharmacist) and Petey (my ginger tabby) was on my lap...well, he farted, but it was a wet fart (poopy fart) and when the pharmacist got on the line he was greeted with my stating "OH S--T"! I finished with him and had to change all my clothes. Shall I go on? OH, because of the check from Western Union my cable and internet was shut down. I have to wait til the first of the month to get them turned back on. So, I am spending my cash on going to Starbucks to use their free internet. Since it's Saturday I have to wait until 3:45 to catch the bus back to the apartment. Since I am still at Starbucks, I decided to have another coffee. I should be really revved tonight! But at least I get to connect with my myLot friends and let them know that I didn't leave or drop dead. It's just been a challenging month to put it mildly. I have gotten up most mornings wondering why I am trying to continue. Then Petey gets in my lap and does our morning love fest (without the wet farts). Then he takes his "sunbath nap". That is enough to encourage me to keep going. Today is going to continue to be interesting as I'm not too sure if I'm going to have to walk home from the supermarket or not. My neighbor just called and asked if I could get him some milk. I can't refuse him as he is even more disabled than I am. Anyhow, I guess tomorrow will be a better day. I do need to somehow get $3.00 in quarters so I can do my laundry and wash the poopy clothes. I also need to try to get my printer to work with this computer... Anyhow, if you don't hear from me in the next 10 days it isn't that I'm ignoring you, it's that I have an internet bill to pay. L & H's
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8 responses
@celticeagle (172167)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Nov 22
Gheesh! What a time you are having. I sure hope that things get better. That was a dumb statement. How can they get worse? All my luck to you.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
20 Nov 22
I am so sorry you're having all this bad luck. I hope everything turns around for you. This is too much bad luck for one person to handle.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
20 Nov 22
Goodness, you really had a very hard time and a lot of bad luck. I wish things will get better for you.
@wolfgirl569 (112468)
• Marion, Ohio
20 Nov 22
Glad you are still around. It does sound like a crappy month without the cats help. Hopefully things get better.
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@RasmaSandra (82931)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
20 Nov 22
OMG have you got a black cloud following you. Virtual hugs, I wish all the best for you and I hope things turn around for you, I will put you in my prayers, Tell Petey he's a party pooper
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
19 Nov 22
Take care, I hope your life gets less challenging.
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• Portland, Oregon
20 Nov 22
It sounds like if you got through this month, you can handle anything. Best of luck for December and on.
@jstory07 (142192)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Nov 22
I hope the rest of the month will be better for you.