Am I the a$$ or at fault??

United States
December 19, 2022 10:26pm CST
Am I the a$$ or at fault?? Opinions are welcome. So today, 12/19, I got a text from my dads wife Monica who literally hates my guts. Mostly because I don’t put up with her crap and call her out on it. Well today we got into an argument through texts and she made me feel like I was the bad guy and just wanting to cause trouble. It all started when she text me to ask about Christmas dinner. We always have the big holidays at my sisters because we don’t like to have my oldest nephew out in the cold if we can help it because he is bed bound and on a ventilator but thriving!! Monica told me she hoped to eat by 3-4 because my dad had to work a bit on Christmas. All I said was that she should contact my sister to make sure that time is okay with her. Then Monica said “oh are you having a bad day” and then she proceeded to send me multiple emojis with their tounge sticking out. Below is the conversation that followed the emojis. ME No. It's just common sense. Sorry that seems to be a hard concept for some people. We are all going to Heidi's house. It makes sense that you would ask her too Seriously you need to grow up. HER I give up I'm done...I don't want anything from you for Christmas, birthday God bless ME You're the one that started this. But whatever. I've tried. I can't deal with you acting like a child. Maybe you should act your age. All I said was to ask Heidi about the time to eat as it's HER house. Would you like it if we planned a dinner at your house and I told you what time we had to eat? I don't think so. You would tell me that it was your house and you would decide when we all ate. But no you had to ask if I was having a bad day. What for? To piss me off? That's something you really like to do and for NO reason. HER Go back and reread about Christmas day... I said your FATHER has to work Christmas morning, and depending if he has to work into the afternoon I was hoping to eat around 3-4.... That's all I was saying...I was telling anybody I was going on what happens with his work schedule.... Never once did I call you names. ME And who's calling who names? I called you a child because you kept sending emojis after you asked if I was having a bad day. And All I said was to ask Heidi cuz it's HER house. Maybe that time won't work for her. I'm trying to be considerate because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. But then you wanted to ask me if I was having a bad day. Why because I said you should ask Heidi? It's common courtesy to ask the owner of the house you're going to about the dinner times. HER Your not going to believe me I'm not going to say anymore… I sent her a text and told her to leave me out of everything. If she has a question about a holiday, contact Heidi. I’ll coordinate with my sister and my dad only for now on. This whole conversation with Monica got my blood boiling all day. And it’s weird but while I know all I did was point out some common sense but she made me feel like the villain. And now I have a dilemma. She told me she don’t want anything from me for Christmas or her birthday so what do I do with the stuff I already bought her? I’m planning on taking it when we all do our gifts but what happens if she throws it in my face or rejects it or later on throws it on my yard??
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2 responses
@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
20 Dec 22
She is an immature BRAT. You are right, she had to call your sister as she is the one hosting the Christmas dinner and not you. She surely takes pleasure in annoying you. Bring the gifts, if the throws it on your face, all people there will agree that she has a problem and should change her attitude.
• United States
22 Dec 22
Yea that’s what I’m planning. I also talked to my dad today and he said “you think that’s bad, try living with her” I really don’t m me why he stays with her but I told my dad that there is always room at my house for him. I have a whole bedroom that no one but my cats use.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
22 Dec 22
@CountryGirl31 I cannot understand your Dad, if she is so horrible he should kick her out and live a more relaxed life. I hope your Dad will listen to you.
• United States
22 Dec 22
@LadyDuck I don’t understand him either. From the little tidbits he tells me it seems like she is abusive to him. She once chased him out of the house with a crowbar and hit his car because he told her she needed to change the cat litter or the cats had to go. And he’s not allowed to come to my house without her because she thinks he’s going to cheat on her with my mom who lives with me. (She left her abusive husband back in June)
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
23 Dec 22
In this scenario, and without having any back story, it seems that she was trying to instigate an issue. With people like this I have one simple rule. Never engage them. Because that is where their satisfaction comes from, and if you give it to them rather than withhold it, it makes their day while it manages to ruin yours. She won, because you let her win, even if you were in the right. You gave her exactly what she wanted and she is happy while your blood is boiling. As for the presents? I'd give them to her anyway. Again, why? Because you are the better person clearly in this scenario. I would even throw in a "despite it all, Merry Christmas. I hope you like what I got you." It might make HER blood boil and then YOU win. Right now you may have won the argument. But you lost the battle.
• United States
26 Dec 22
If you say so. Pretty sure I win the war. One- I wasn’t in the wrong at all but was curious of other’s opinions. That’s why I wrote the post. Two- yesterday was Christmas and I did bring her her gifts and engage her in conversation. She didn’t want to talk but by the end of the night we were fine like nothing happened and I even gave her a hug and told her I loved her before I left which made her cry. Yes- we may “battle” but in the end we are family. The little things will go away. My only hope is that there won’t be a next time for this scenario or if there is, that more common sense is used in her side.
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