Hide emotions, yes or no?

@Nevena83 (65277)
February 1, 2023 2:32pm CST
I don't know why my discussion about my birthday was deleted, and I wrote it so emotionally. Okay, maybe I shouldn't write about my birthday. Basically, now I don't know what to write. Thank you to everyone who has already wished me a happy birthday. I'm emotional these days, so everything hurts me. I've always had a problem with my emotionality. When I was younger, I could hide my sadness, but I realized that as I get older, I can hide my sadness less and less. I don't like it like that, because people are evil and always try to hurt the wounded person even more. Are you emotional? Can you control your emotions?
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24 responses
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
1 Feb 23
You Should not mention directly about your birthday in the title . When you show up emotions they hurt us more badly that is true. Try yoga you will find the difference in you soon.
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1 Feb 23
They also should not end the discussion with the statement they now expect congratulations for it.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
@GoAskAlice I seem to have forgotten some rules. But thanks for the reminder.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
Yes, I seem to have forgotten some rules. Sometimes when I'm silent and don't show emotions, it's like they're suppressed, but if for some reason they surface, then I can't stop. I'm not sure I could solve it with yoga, more precisely, my problem is focusing and turning off my thoughts.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
1 Feb 23
It depends on what is happening around me. If I'm by myself, it doesn't matter if I show how I feel about something. If I'm with other people, I'll show I'm happy but try not to show negative emotions.
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@DaddyEvil (137234)
• United States
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 Ahh... I'm sorry about that. Sometimes the emotions just run too close to the surface.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
@DaddyEvil Yes, they seem to be on the surface all the time. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to suffocate because of my emotions.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I used to behave like that too, but now I can no longer hide my emotions from others. Or rather, just hide it. I always smile at others, but sometimes one word is enough to make me cry.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
14 Feb 23
I have depression and I take a medicine for it and a mood stabilizer. Without them I would be a mess! Was your birthday post very short? They are considered milestone posts and aren’t allowed but if you wrote a long thing thing about how you spent your day it wouldn’t get deleted.
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@shaggin (72011)
• United States
14 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I started having it when I was 12 and it never went away. I’m 39 now. I would have taken that as a joke but rules are rules.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
@shaggin Oh, that's a lot of years indeed. Have the doctors discovered the cause of this? Yes, that's exactly what I wrote and I was in a very good mood and I didn't know that I broke the rule.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
I'm sorry to hear that. Sorry to ask, does your depression last long? It was not short, but I made the mistake of ending the post with the sentence that I now expect congratulations.
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@sallypup (60386)
• Centralia, Washington
1 Feb 23
Happy belated birthday. Do you have anybody to go talk with; to let your emotions out to so that you don't build up feelings inside? You're human. You have emotions just like you breathe. Yes there are times when my temper flares up or I have other feelings. Right now I am trying not to be too weepy due to the loss of a beloved cat and dog plus my husband can not seem to be totally well.
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@sallypup (60386)
• Centralia, Washington
1 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I'm deeply sorry about your aunt. There must be somebody else. We are trying to figure what is going on with my husband. It is quite frightening. Not Covid- though no Doc has looked into that. Blood sugars were first out of control but I think that is better. Something weird is going on with his digestive system that the docs have not been able to understand yet. Plus neither of us sleep well. He must get his calories up cause he is losing too much weight.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
@sallypup Thank you. I don't know, I have a feeling when I talk about my emotions, as if they increase, sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating... I'm sorry to hear that. It doesn't sound good. You must be scared, because the doctors didn't find out what was wrong with him? Is he vaccinated? I ask because here many people got some symptoms, new diseases after the vaccine, and people increasingly believe that it is a consequence of the vaccination.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
You are not late, today is my birthday. Thank you. I always talked to my aunt, she was always there to listen to me, but a few months ago we found out that she has cancer, so I try not to burden her with my thoughts and emotions. Sometimes I can't hide it from her, because she knows me well. If I may ask, why is your husband not well?
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
2 Feb 23
I do control my emotions. Sometimes I'd like to scream and shout, but I don't.
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@RubyHawk (99405)
• Atlanta, Georgia
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 That's the way I've lived all my life, I can't change now.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
@RubyHawk That's good, isn't it?
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I admire how you can control them. I could do it when I was younger, but now I realize that I can't do it anymore. Sometimes a little thing is enough to make a storm of emotions come out of me.
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@thebos (5964)
• Kisumu, Kenya
2 Feb 23
In most cases I am too emotional and even watching soap opera makes me cry
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Oh, I'm like that too. Even a romantic comedy can make me cry. I realized that I can find myself in everything.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
@thebos I always watched alone and found myself in every movie, but I believe it would be easier for me if I watched with someone.
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@thebos (5964)
• Kisumu, Kenya
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 true, have you ever prefered watching with a person
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
7 Feb 23
There is a balance that I would do when showing emotions. I would be showing them to people whom I can trust most of the time and try to keep them within me when those that are around wouldn't understand or even misinterpret the feelings that I would be showing. If I can still hold it in and review the consequences of showing any of my emotions at that particular moment, I would probably conclude to just keep it steady. But then, there would be instances wherein I'd burst out, and most of them would be anger, which I find myself favored enough to be with those that I can trust.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 In my case, I always try to remind myself that these are my emotions and I am able to control them, not the other way around. We can't really control how people treat us or how they would even interpret what we relate to them. Sometimes, what we perceive as difficult or challenging isn't really a big deal for them when they get to be in a similar situation, not that they don't care much, but that they too have their own way of dealing with things in their lives. The same thing with us when others relate whatever it is that they are confiding with us. We can always sympathize of course, yet there would be times that even when we would try to help out, such support should only be at a certain point, since it is always better and even beneficial for the actual person in the situation, to develop their own way of overcoming the predicament that they are in. That's why even if we can't control what the surrounding environment may influence how we could feel emotionally, it is still up to us with how we respond to it since that's entirely in our control.
@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Sometimes it's hard to hide emotions, but people have become insensitive and I think it's less and less important to people how someone feels. Yes, we need friends in such moments, but I think sometimes even they can't help us. Are you emotional?
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
19 Feb 23
@ratyz5 I understand what you are writing about, but I think it is very difficult in practice. I feel like my emotions control me, not me controlling them.
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@much2say (55120)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Feb 23
I missed that discussion . . . but I'm here for this one! I hope you have a most wonderful birthday . . . enjoy your special day . Things have happened in the past few months that have made me quite emotional. I can hide it to an extent, but I can't hide it from myself. It makes me feel better to talk to certain friends and family . . . and to stay productive so I keep my mind off these emotions (and keep moving forward no matter what).
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@much2say (55120)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Feb 23
@Nevena83 It could be "hormones" too . . . that's what a few of my friends say too. These emotions creep up on us at times . . . something might trigger it or remind us . . . or it just happens from out of the blue. I am very choosy about who I discuss my inner most feelings with . . . not everyone listens or understands. I know I can easily "not function" if I let my emotions get to me . . . that's why I stay busy so I get something done while my internals figure things out. Hoping you feel better .
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
@much2say I hope that soon the doctors will establish the true condition. You're right, I think anything can make me sad. It can be anything, something will associate me with something and trigger an avalanche of emotions. Yes, we can't talk to everyone about such emotional things, because many people won't understand or don't even care. My problem is that my emotions got the better of me. It's hard for me to get up and move.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
1 Feb 23
Thank you, but I've been sad for two days now, and I'm just crying, I don't know what's wrong with me, probably my emotions are coming to the surface. Sometimes I don't know if I feel better or worse when I talk to someone about it, because afterwards I feel without energy, and I can't function in everyday life.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
2 Feb 23
Because it is mentioned in the guidelines that we must not write discussion about "personal milestones"... including birthday.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
10 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I remember about this rule. Also the previous Administrator used to delete birthday posts. I remember that a fellow myLotter (3 years ago) wrote a happy birthday post for me and it was deleted. There were some users who complained that some birthdays posts were deleted and some not. I think that now they are all deleted.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
@LadyDuck Yes, I remember that before some such posts remained, and I often did not know why mine was deleted, while others were not.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I forgot about the rules. And honestly, I was in a good mood when I wrote that post.
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@Shivram59 (34318)
• India
2 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I'm so sorry your posts about birthday is deleted.I can hide my anger and my desires;but can't hide my frustration.
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@Shivram59 (34318)
• India
10 Feb 23
@Nevena83 To some extent they seem to be similar.When you are angry;you can shout or even become violent;but when you are frustrated;you might keep silent and sulking.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Aren't anger and frustration similar emotions?
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
10 Feb 23
@Shivram59 You are right, but I think frustrations can be more dangerous, because they are hidden.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
2 Feb 23
I don't consider myself to be an emotional person, per se. Although my wife says I am moody. lol. That being said, I usually am pretty straightforward about what I am feeling, although there are occasions when it is appropriate to mask things a bit... Such as at work. If I am in a bad mood I don't want to convey that to customers. Aside from that, I let things fly—I think we are healthier when we are open and honest, not just with ourselves, but with others.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
11 Feb 23
@Nevena83 Direct is a good way of putting it. Yep. That's me. Why beat around the bush? I say just come right out say what you have to say and if it hurts? Well, sometimes the truth does. But the truth will also set you free.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
@porwest I don't like a harsh, brash tone.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I expected this kind of answer from you. I think you can only hide your emotionality, but I believe you are very direct. Sometimes people don't want to hear an honest opinion. More precisely, I like honesty, but it is important to me how someone talks to me.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
1 Feb 23
Happy Birthday once again to you. I get emotional about certain topics and there is nothing at all working with showing your emotions.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 It takes all kinds of people in this world. I hope you can surround yourself with the good ones. Always nice to see you. Please take care.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
@CarolDM You're probably right. Thank you for such kind words.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Thank you so much. Yes, but people have become cruel, and I feel like they rejoice when they see someone sad.
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@Adie04 (17360)
2 Feb 23
I'm sorry to hear that you have problems. I was like that last month and posting about it, but now I am fine and make an effort to maintain my peace. If you need an ear for you to vent, you have me.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Thanks for the support, it means a lot to me. Sometimes it's hard for me to hide my emotions, and I think it's getting harder as I've gotten older.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
@Adie04 Thank you. That's really nice of you.
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@Adie04 (17360)
10 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I feel you as I am getting older too. I've been there, done that. So I know what are you going through as well. When you are going through a rough day, you have me. I will open a DM for you if you need me in the future.
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• Indonesia
2 Feb 23
I'm sorry to hear that. But I don't know why your post was deleted. As for me, I usually keep my emotions in check, when I'm not strong I will invite someone to chat and ask for advice or suggestions for solutions from him. Well, I don't like to go public with my private matters, because I don't think that's very helpful.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
They say that you shouldn't bring up such personal things, more precisely birthday wishes. I kind of forgot about the rules. Do you have a lot of friends who are there for you in times like this?
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
@astutimeliana723 That's wonderful. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
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• Indonesia
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I just joined mylot about a week ago, so I must have few friends.
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@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
5 Feb 23
I think I am emotional. I am easy to shed tears. But today I am also considerate and I will try to make others happy.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Oh, so am I. I am very emotional, but when I go out on the street, when I am in contact with people, I am always smiling and positive, but sometimes one word or a harsh tone is enough to make me cry.
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@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
2 Feb 23
Sorry to hear that. I prefer to not showing my emotion, people said I have a flat emotion and expression. When I feel stress and unhappy, I pray more to calm my soul
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I absolutely understand you. My mom doesn't show emotions, she always seems cold, as if nothing can upset her. But I have always been very emotional. I always sympathize with others, and when I'm sad, I somehow feel lonely.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
1 Feb 23
Sorry your post was deleted, but I see why. Belated birthday wishes. You need to talk to someone about your emotions. A therapist, a friend, or a family member. It’s not good to bottle them up.
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@DianneN (247186)
• United States
9 Feb 23
@Nevena83 I'm so sorry.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
I forgot about the rules a bit, but I was so happy in that moment when I was writing it. Yes, I've been thinking for a long time that I need professional help, but I don't have the money for it. My aunt is always there to listen to me, but since she got cancer, I try not to burden her with my emotions.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
4 Feb 23
I've always been emotional. You can't mention your birthday or other special days. It's in the faqs.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Feb 23
@Nevena83 You can wish someone else a happy birthday, you just can't make it about you.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
9 Feb 23
Yes, I forgot about the rules. Sometimes I think I wrote a similar post to someone else's, but only mine got deleted, and then I realize that I must have done something else wrong.
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@JESSY3236 (19815)
• United States
14 Feb 23
I get emotional when I get my period which is happening this week.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
14 Feb 23
I'm always emotional, but on those days I'm even more so.
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
15 Feb 23
I control my emotions. I release them in private. That's just my preference
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
19 Feb 23
That's good. When I was younger I could control them, but now I can't hide them.
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