Is Having A baby Painful please rate this
@Crystalwatson345 (441)
United States
December 1, 2006 12:43pm CST
Hi I am 23 years old an I havent had kids yet me and my husband have been talk about having kids soon. So in Your opinion Is it Painful and on a scale of 1-10 10 being the worst pain ever felt please give your rating
6 responses
@prettyblueyez06 (227)
• United States
14 Dec 06
well, ever women is different and hanfles pain differently. I can tell you what i went through. With my first (i was only 16) i was induced and it was really painful, I was biting my mom:-). I did get some stadol, which seemed to help. My second it wasnt to bad, i was in labor for 8 hours, and went med free untill the last hour. with my third, i was hardly in any pain, just felt like menstal cramps. I didnt even think i was in hard labor, went to the hospital anyway to find out i was fully dilated. was such an easy birth. no matter what happens for you, i can tell you that as soon as you lay your eyes on your child, the pain will b gone and it will be so worth it.
@krysy1982 (1041)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I have had four children. It is a painful experience but so worth it. You won't believe how quick the pain goes away. My third child was natural with no meds and it was preety horrid but I would do it again. The epidural didnt work and it was too late for anything else so I had him. My last child I was in active labor for 12 minutes. I pushed once and she was here. It varies by birth
@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
1 Dec 06
Well, I have 4 children. (Two were twins and that was by casarean.) My other two were natural childbirth. With my first they gave me a shot of demoral which really basically made me tired between contractions, didn't really do much for the pain. My other birth was 100% totally natural and I have to tell you it was the same pain as my other (with the demoral) The thing is though, once you deliver the pain is gone, it doesn't stay with you. I mean, you are sore and all but the pain is gone. It is so worth it, don't worry about the pain so much.
@earthmama97 (597)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I have had three children, two of them natural. I would rate the pain scale for natural delivery a 10+. It was the most intense pain I have ever had. However it is instantly gone when labor is over, there are many ways to cope with it and it is worth every bit of it!!!
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
2 Dec 06
The pain I eperience was different for each child. I would say..the worse pain was a ten with my second child...he wasn't ready to be born even thou my water broke. but I'll let you in on a little secret.....The pain you feel for having achild will go away...After awhile you will forget how it feels like. Than want another child. You may think I am crazy now......but you will find out...going through the pain of having a child is well worth it.
@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
7 Dec 06
I found that no one would talk to me about their birth experience until I had gone through it myself so I didn't know what to expect....
It was painful but I was lucky that mine were quick and I didn't tare so recovery was quick too...
Once my contraction started that was awful felt so sick and really bad cramps which felt like really bad period pain, once my water broke that's when it got intense and I vomited but the actual labor and pushing was painful but for me was very quick..
My son was pushing for about 20min and daughter about 10min both of them I only made it to the hospital just in time... my son(1st) the midwifes weren't even in the room and I didn't get a chance to take my pants off and when they helped me take them off and checked me they could see his head... They were rushing around like madmen...
Funny to look back at though The pain fades once you look at your baby it's all worth it :)