Good morning from the Resort!

Perth, Australia
February 22, 2023 4:28pm CST
I'm a little bit behind here but I really don't want to stress about it. I need to learn that it's ok as I know I will get them all done. I am now at the Resort. I arrived yesterday. I have been here quite a handful of times over many years. I love it. It's surrounded by nature and I love that. The Resort has upgraded the rooms by adding a coffee machine. And now TVs that have Netflix. I don't drink coffee but I find it a nice touch! Netflix I do use but I haven't watched anything yet. When I originally booked the room, I asked for a balcony and a bath. Love my baths! But when given the key and gone to my room I noticed neither of those things. My dad kept encouraging me to ring reception to ask if I could swap. I was extremely hesitant as I am not good with that sort of thing. I didn't want to seem like a bother. But dad convinced me as he knows I needed to get away and might as well get what I was hoping for. So I rang. Major social anxiety but I did it. The lady was SO kind! When we went to the reception area, she was so apologetic and even upgraded my room to a lakeview room with the balcony and bath but for the same price as the room I originally asked for. I thanked her so many times and she thanked me many times for ringing her straight away rather than using anything in the room and messing it. After dad left, I unpacked everything. Which I have never done. I've always lived out my bags but I wanted to do this right this time. Organisation means no stress. Then not long after that I opened YouTube to listen to soft jazz and I fell asleep. Due to these pains in my neck, back and sometimes head, I haven't been sleeping great. Though, even without all that, I'm not the best sleeper. I love my dad and brother but sometimes it's hard to relax at home. To sum it up, I just need alone time and I don't get it often. I also don't sleep great due to over worrying, stress, depression, nightmares....It's hard to relax. It upsets me when people say "Why are you so tired, you don't have a job!" Sorry but that's ignorant. I'm working on fixing that! But you can be exhausted from other things besides just working. I had some hours sleep and it did wonders! Mentally, in my heart, in my stomach, I feel calm! And that alone just makes me want to cry! I already knew this but actually being alone and getting rest made me realise how much I ACTUALLY needed it! I missed dinner though. I did set my alarm but was too tired. So around 2 - 3am I ate snacks I brought. Around 7am I will go down for breakfast. Thank you for reading. After breakfast I will most likely go to the pool and read. I wonder if my laptop will work down there. Like with Wi-Fi because it would be amazing to MyLot down there! For now I will do a little bit of MyLotting, then go down for breakfast because I am so hungry! ****photo is of the view from my room this morning****
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24 responses
@Deepizzaguy (107644)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
22 Feb 23
Nice view from the room at the resort.
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@Deepizzaguy (107644)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
23 Feb 23
@VivaLaDani13 That is very good to know.
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• Perth, Australia
22 Feb 23
@Deepizzaguy Yeah it's so wonderful. Like paradise here.
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@aninditasen (16864)
• Raurkela, India
4 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 That's wonderful.
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@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
28 Feb 23
What an amazing view! I'm so glad you overcame your anxiety and went down and said something about the room. You deserve a room with a view, and it looks like you got a great one. Although I know the purpose of you being there was to get away and get some alone time to relax and refresh, I would have loved to spend a few days there alongside you. But forget about that...just enjoy your time to yourself.
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@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
4 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I know it may not be feasible to spend every weekend at a resort to get that time to yourself you crave, but is there any way you can make time just for yourself, someplace you can go to get away from it all, even if only for a few hours? I think it’s important for everyone to have “me” time to relax and recharge the batteries, so to speak.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@moffittjc aw thank you Jeff! I was happy to speak up too. Every now and then I felt kinda lonely but I know I needed the time to myself. I know I need it again. I often wonder how much time I actually need to myself to feel ok. Oh but the air con Perfect! Almost the highlight of it all lol
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@moffittjc Well that's where it gets a little tough. I don't want to spend so much money to be at a Resort. My psychologist suggested going to a library where it was quite and though I do agree with him, it's not the type of alone time I crave. At the moment I am wanting a room or a small place to be alone. I am not trying to give too much info but I really enjoyed just wearing only a bathrobe walking around the room at the Resort and then basically nothing when sleeping. It's so freeing. I cannot do that at home for obvious reasons. I have no where else to go to get that sort of freedom. I'm not being picky or anything but it's the quiet I'm craving where I can hear my own thoughts and work out my own things without worrying about anyone or anything else and then just get some long interrupted sleep. I'm almost always interrupted at home.
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@Juliaacv (52648)
• Canada
22 Feb 23
The resort looks lovely, very relaxing. Do not let a comment like that about working weigh you down, that person obviously has tunnel vision and does not know everything, as they probably came off as sounding like they do.
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@Juliaacv (52648)
• Canada
4 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 You are right. I have a friend that I met at work years ago that I would just listen to when she needed me. She told me afterwards that just knowing that she could lean on me got her through a few rough days. I think that sometimes just being quiet and approachable can be what most of us need.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@Juliaacv That was very sweet of you to do that. It's nice when people can give their time to do that. Good on you.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@Juliaacv Thank you for that. It hurts because it's mainly been family members who say this. Who also know I suffer badly with depression and anxiety. But I guess that's just not easy for them to understand. It would be nice to have more comments like "Are you ok?" or "What can we do to help?" rather than the kicking me down sort of comments. Thank you. I hope you are alright! You've been in my thoughts.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
23 Feb 23
This is a beautiful view from your room. I am glad you could get the room that you wanted. Are you enjoying your time there?
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 - I am sure you had no stress because you were relaxed and enjoyed your time there. I hope you can go there more often.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@LadyDuck I was absolutely enjoying my time there. I find it extremely interesting that I wasn't having anxiety or stress or bad thoughts while I was there. I wish I had more time to myself like that. I mentally need it for so many reasons.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@LadyDuck I really did. You know I love my dad and brother but it's really hard being with them 24 / 7 for many reasons. They do or don't do things that has me stressed or having anxiety. Honestly Anna, what I felt at the Resort is a feeling I have not felt much at all. It's bad enough having depression. But being alone in a beautiful place, I felt happy, stress free and calm. And had some good sleeps there. I do not get this feeling much and I haven't in many many years.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
23 Feb 23
@VivaLaDani13 Enjoy your time at the resort. I am so glad you got away and reading by the pool sounds very good and relaxing. Do what you want to do to relax. I am so glad that you got a new room and with the two things you need. I am so glad you can watch Netflix if that is what you want to do in the evening. You needed that sleep so so good you got it and good thing you had your own snacks to eat. People ask or say stupid things so they are not worth it. I am sorry they said that to you.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@Hannihar Thank you so much for understanding me. I am extremely grateful for that time alone. Though, I hope to go again soon to feel that peace again. Thank you Hanni.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@Hannihar Thank you. I hope so too. I need to take care of some other important expenses first and then I will think about the Resort.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 You are welcome. I hope you can go again because you need that peace.
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@2ndchances24 (10080)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Apr
I'm so glad you have some time to your self which I call PEACE of MIND time which is the BEST therapy for any 1 that has health issues & you were getting the sleep you need. I know that when I get so streesed out over things I have to get some time to myself to sort things out & talk with God above to get through the stress I deal with.
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• Perth, Australia
11 Apr
@2ndchances24 Time alone is very good especially for introverts I think. I wanted to go back to this Resort for my birthday but I cancelled it due to feeling unwell. I didn't see the point being in such a beautiful place if I was going to be miserable the whole time. Hoping when I'm better or at least more in the clear of things I'm worried about then I will go back.
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• Perth, Australia
13 Apr
@2ndchances24 It would be well deserving if you could do something like that.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 Yeah I can relate to that, not that I've had the chance to go to a nice resort to unwind but yea it makes sense to me.
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@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Mar 23
What a lovely place!! I'm so proud of you for getting that room switched - you did it and the experience was good . Getting that sleep and calm must've been awesome . . . being away was indeed the best thing for you. People can be insensitive. They assume too much. As a stay-at-home mom, I have heard such ignorance as well.
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@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I'm glad that it all worked out . Sounds like "space" is exactly what you need. Space and sense of independence. I don't know your entire situation, but finding ways to step out of your home may be a good thing. Doesn't have to be as expensive as a trip, but maybe a place like a quiet place at the park, or a long bike ride somewhere. A place where you can call your spot . . . if even for a little while a day . Judgy - yep - that's just the way humans are, sadly .
1 person likes this
• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@much2say aw thank you for that! I'm glad I spoke up too. I didn't tell them but yes I wanted the bath but I mostly wanted the balcony because I feel safer. The balcony door has got a lock and I doubt there's been any attempted break-ins but I'm still more comfortable being off the ground. I really wish I was back there again. It took about a day and a half for me to start feeling like I was being wound up again at home. I just need space. I appreciate the time I did get away but, I feel useless I cannot just be in a position to have that type of space. I cannot stand being woken up a lot when I'm trying to sleep and not feeling my best mentally and physically. I'm wanting to go away again soon. It will cost me a bit and I might regret it but I think I have to. ugh for real! I don't understand how anyone has any negative things to say for a mum or dad who are literally looking after another human's life! I'm sorry you've had to deal with such ignorance! People are never satisfied. You are a stay at home parent, you get knocked for not working. You are a working parent, you get knocked for not being home with the child. Where and when will the judgement stop!? Drives me nuts! You are doing great just how you're doing it!
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• Perth, Australia
11 Mar 23
@much2say I agree. I don't have that kind of money to go on nice getaways like that and some other MyLotters have suggested the same thing to just go somewhere quiet out the house. I do agree. Though, due to anxiety, I find it harder to just go out. I never used to have this problem. It started around the time I was dating that abusive monster. And for whatever reason, it's been real worse lately. I can go out but sometimes I really don't want to be around other people. But I often day dream of just being ok going to the beach or a park. Would be lovely. They are. It makes it more annoying when those judgy people don't like it when people judge them. But it's totally fine for them to be rude and judgy to others.
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@askme123 (6224)
23 Feb 23
Nice view.I don't see much visitors.Were there many other visitors when you went to breakfast?
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@askme123 (6224)
4 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 Ok that is nice.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@askme123 It was. Very peaceful.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@askme123 It was beautiful. Yeah there were quite some other people. Not crowded or anything though which is always great.
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@DaddyEvil (143329)
• United States
22 Feb 23
I'm glad you got the room you wanted, even if it did cause some anxiety to get it. How have you resisted getting into the water?
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• Perth, Australia
22 Feb 23
@DaddyEvil Thank you kindly. oh lol quite easy so far. Mostly because when I came yesterday, I just wanted to sleep. I would like to go in there today though. I will 100% sit on one of those chairs though to read and / or MyLot. I cannot wait!
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@DaddyEvil (143329)
• United States
22 Feb 23
@VivaLaDani13 You're welcome. Oh, I see... I'm always too excited when I get to a destination to sleep, even if I'm extremely tired. I go and do something and then sleep when I'm almost too tired to stay upright anymore.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@DaddyEvil Under normal circumstances, I would be the exact same. I was very giggly with a stomach full of butterflies being there but I was exhausted. It's quite a list of things that is mentally draining me and causing me to be so exhausted so soon as I laid in bed, that was it for me.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
25 Feb 23
I'm so glad they upgraded your room at no extra charge. Your view looks awesome! I'm glad the stress is gone and you will enjoy a wonderful time at the resort.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I'm glad you had a wonderful stay.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@just4him Thank you kindly.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@just4him Thank you. It was all wonderful while it lasted. I wish I could stay there for like....ever.
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
22 Feb 23
i see that your the only female in your household, makes more sense now. forget the laptop, just unplug from the internet, keep phonearound just for emergencies. go back to basics, book, drink, clean air. enjoy!
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
6 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 - comment gave me the "feelz" stay basic and grounded!
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• Perth, Australia
8 Mar 23
@Plethos Thank you for being so great.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@Plethos That's right. I mean, besides that, there's a bit of list of why I need to be alone for a bit. I love my dad and brother very much but I am often stressed out at home for one reason or another. I actually saw your comment while I was down at the pool. I did bring my laptop down but when I read what you said, I turned it off and sat there. Looking around. Thinking and taking it all in. Was much better to do that. Thank you.
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@aninditasen (16864)
• Raurkela, India
23 Feb 23
That's a lovely resort. Enjoy your time there.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@aninditasen It's beautiful and thank you so much. It was a nice time.
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• Perth, Australia
8 Mar 23
@aninditasen Thank you.
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@aninditasen (16864)
• Raurkela, India
7 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 Glad that you enjoyed your time.
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@MrDenata (12903)
• Indonesia
23 Feb 23
Hola Dani, i rarely watch Netflix but my wife and daughter use it everyday, tho Enjoy your resort day, the world can wait, just enjoy every second of it
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@MrDenata Do you not watch it because you don't find anything interesting? Thank you. It was an amazing time for sure.
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• Perth, Australia
8 Mar 23
@MrDenata I was going to say that at first but I felt bad saying it.
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@MrDenata (12903)
• Indonesia
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 because of i dont have time to do it LOL
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• Bogor, Indonesia
8 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 The view is so good and nice
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• Perth, Australia
8 Mar 23
@srirahayu68 It is very beautiful.
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• Perth, Australia
9 Mar 23
@srirahayu68 Maybe one day you can or go somewhere similar near you.
• Bogor, Indonesia
9 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I feel I want to go there
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@RebeccasFarm (92833)
• United States
26 Feb 23
If I was in that place, I would never leave
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@RebeccasFarm Oh believe me, I didn't want to leave.
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@rakski (134426)
• Philippines
23 Feb 23
That's good. I'm glad you got that room that you want.
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@rakski (134426)
• Philippines
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 you are very welcome
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@rakski Thank you kindly.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Feb 23
That's really good that you were brave enough to ask about the room. You were fully entitled to as you booked for one thing and got another. I hope your stay continues to be fantastic.
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@JudyEv (348064)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 I would be taking advantage of the offer too. 15% is quite a bit.
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• Perth, Australia
7 Mar 23
@JudyEv For sure. I was surprised to see that. I will. Maybe in April. I don't like April so maybe I will just book it for then to have some time to myself.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@JudyEv Thank you kindly. It was a really nice time! I'm saving some money to go again soon. The Resort sent me an email thanking me for me staying and giving me a 15% off my next stay. I'm going to take advantage of that soon!
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@Shiva49 (26977)
• Singapore
23 Feb 23
Hope you will enjoy this break from the routine. Though I do not like to travel nowadays, I do enjoy it when forced out of my comfort zone.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@Shiva49 Thank you. It was nice to just be completely alone for two nights. I am hoping to go there again soon once I have some money saved. I think being out of our comfort zones is good for us. It's healthy sometimes.
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@sarik1 (7452)
24 Feb 23
Glad to know.
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• Perth, Australia
3 Mar 23
@sarik1 Thank you for your answer.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
3 Mar 23
Wow look at that view. I am behind on your posts. Calm is an excellent word. So happy for you.
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• Perth, Australia
8 Mar 23
@CarolDM No worries Carol. I am extremely behind so I am so sorry I've not caught up with you yet either. And thank you.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
8 Mar 23
@VivaLaDani13 You are so welcome. Take care.
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