My Blue Guppy Spawned to 19 Fries

By Neil
@Neil43 (3239)
March 16, 2023 1:59am CST
Last night to my surprise my blue guppy spawned to new fries. I was prepping to go to the gym when I saw a very tiny fry swimming quickly here and there in the fish tank. Another old guppy was chasing after it. I think he was trying to eat it but couldn't catch. So, I hurriedly took it out of the fish immediately. At first i couldn't identify which was spawning because all four of my female guppies look preggy. Anyways, I separated all four of them in an individual cup and i finally identified which was spawning. It was indeed my blue guppy. Before leaving for gym, she spawned for 16 guppies. I was really surprise because I saw her spawned all three in a row or all together I think. When I came back from gym and dinner. I saw three more with her. So, I have a total of 19 new fries added to other 5 fries spawned by another guppy a few weeks ago. Now, I have a total of 24 fries in one separate fish bowl at home. The first five really grew fast. Even faster than the 24 fries I have from my black guppy.
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2 responses
@jstory07 (138512)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Mar 23
Now you will have lots of guppies.
1 person likes this
@Neil43 (3239)
16 Mar 23
Yes. A lot. A total of 51 guppies now.
@LindaOHio (173492)
• United States
13 Apr 23
Wow! Congratulations on the new fries. Good to see you again. I've been gone for a month with computer problems.