I Miss Them

United Kingdom
March 21, 2023 3:42am CST
If I've done it right, the image should be one of myself with my 2 bonus daughters and 3 granddaughters. That was my wedding day in 2019. Today is my eldest granddaughter's birthday. I miss all my girls dearly every day but it's birthdays and such when I miss them more. They live 200 miles away. Not far by some standards but far enough that we can't see them often. If we're lucky, we might see them once a year. I certainly do feel lucky every time we see them. Given some circumstances that I won't go into, our relationship with the girls is better than we could have hoped. It is days like today, though, that make us realise just how much we're missing. The granddaughters have other grandparents that live nearby and as much as I love seeing the pictures and events they share, I do wish we could be more involved. I did once worry that the little ones would forget us if they only saw us once a year but the older two always know us. I'm not sure yet about the youngest as she's only 3. We do try to call as often as we can. I'm also missing my eldest son. He's away at university. He completed a Bachelor's degree last year and continued for a Master's. He hasn't been well and has not been keeping in touch as he usually would. I suppose that would be another reason I'm feeling it so much with missing the girls as well. Hopefully, my son will be better and in touch soon and we plan on seeing the girls in summer. My other son, who still lives at home, has nearly finished college and is looking into local theatre companies. He used to attend one that my other son and I had both previously attended but that's not been on because of a whole other story!! Anyway, best get on with work. Hope you're all well.
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5 responses
@jimmy423 (245)
• Davison, Michigan
21 Mar 23
@pumpkinjam sorry to hear this! I really hope things get better and you get to see them more, but what is important is you keep making an effort. That let's them know your trying to stay in contact with them. Keep your head up, things eventually get better.
2 people like this
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 23
Thank you. We do what we can whether it's spending a holiday with them or helping them out so they can come to us. Of course we make the most of them when we see them. It's surprising what you can fit into a few days!
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@jimmy423 (245)
• Davison, Michigan
21 Mar 23
@pumpkinjam Your welcome. Making memories is what counts, as they get older there going to remember everything and will be grateful. Trust me.
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@leighnyork (1880)
21 Mar 23
What a great family you have there. You guys look so amazing and so happy. I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
2 people like this
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 23
Thank you. The little ones are much bigger now. We were all happy that day. Well, the baby cried a bit but she was only 4 months old at the time
@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
25 Apr 23
I’m not a mother or a grandmother, but I do worry my nieces and nephew will forget about me. I don’t know that my 3 year old niece would recognize me by sight.
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
30 Apr 23
That is such a shame. It can be very hard when they don't live nearby. Although, I have nieces and nephews who do live nearby and I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot me!
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@Fleura (30033)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 23
That's a lovely picture. I'm sure you miss them all! We have yet to experience being parted from our children, I know it will be hard.
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 23
It certainly can be hard but has its upside at times! Our youngest turns 18 later this year so it might not be long before we have an empty nest. Perhaps an opportunity to see the girls more often as we'll have a spare room they can stay in
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@LindaOHio (175472)
• United States
15 Apr 23
Good to hear from you. I have been gone for a month due to computer problems and am trying to catch up with Discussions. I hope your son is better by now. That's a lovely picture of you and the girls. I hope you get to see them soon.