Why do they share defense technologies...its so...words fail me..
By vanny
@vandana7 (101384)
June 18, 2023 4:08am CST
Right at the moment, the US is sharing its defense technology with us....
I should be pleased but I am not.
What it does is orient the funds that could have gone towards developing our own technology to the US for their technology.
Effectively, developing our own technology in any field is not possible because we get everything on a platter, and also because we always end up paying hefty royalties leaving us with little or no funds for research.
Well, that is not really true...to an extent, because whatever is spared goes towards waste expenses like Statues and Foreign Trips.
From the perspective of the US, how can it be so sure that India will be its ally going forward? It has tried its hand with Pakistan. There are no permanent friends or foes in global scenario.
If each country confines its development to itself, chances are the world will have fewer wars because people would always have that nagging doubt about the other country being secretive about its development. But with what we buy, and loudly declare, they know our strengths and limitations.
Just my tuppence....
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4 responses
@crafty01 (481)
• Jamshedpur, India
18 Jun 23
1. There may be many deals between India and America or any other nations.
All details may not be revealed to
the media for the security reasons.
Such details may remain in classified files for many decades.
So what we common people know about Technology Transfer maybe another TIP OF THE ICEBERG.
2. I guess its conducive for Indian government to get Transfer of Technology.
I believe transfer of technology is much more complex than getting xerox copy of their existing blueprints.
China is blamed for stealing blueprints of F35 fighter plane of America to develop J31 for China.
Experts of defence industries not sure if J31of China can match F35 of U.S.A.
This concludes Transfer Of Technology is an upgrading process to cut the expenditure of billions of our tax money for experiments and developmental programs.
3. Now less Money for tranfer of technology means more money for building roads, bridges and dams for the nation.
One intersting fact , I am not sure if you are aware about it.
America is now a World leader in terms of electronic ware fare but way back in 1960's,
America was decades behind (U.S.S.R. )now Russia in terms of Electronic War fare, Radar Technology and Fighter Plan Technology.
One fine day Americans spys stumbled on an Aladdin's Lamp .
This Aladdin's Lamp's actual name is Adolf Georgiyevich Tolkachev,
Russian electronics engineer for former Russia (USSR).
Mr. Tolkachev unhappy with communist government, approached C.I.A. agent and then gave all the photos of vital documents of present Russian advanced radar installed in a fighter planes and tons of information which was way ahead of their time .
Americans were dazzled by U.S.S.R.'s advancement.
Those documents worth Billion of Dollars because it saved Billions of American Dollars and the decades of time of research was also saved.
Thus Mr.Tolkachev was code named Billion Dollar Spy.
This Spy activity happened between 1979 and 1985.
So U.S.S.R. pumped Billions for war technology while common people suffered social unrest
leading to dissolution of U.S.S.R. into 15 independent states.
The new nation Russia is too weak to carry on gigantic projects of U.S.S.R.
Now no one to complete America.
America carried on development from where U.S.S.R. left.
Thus America has World monopoly over war fare technology because of 2 reasons.
One- is stolen blueprints worth Billion Dollars.
Two- is the downfall of U.S.S.R. in 1989.
Check out this book.
The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story of Cold War Espionage and Betrayal is a non-fiction history book by David E. Hoffman.
Originally published: 7 July 2015
Hollywood movie by the same name will be released in 2024.
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@vandana7 (101384)
• India
18 Jun 23
You have unwittingly endorsed my reasoning. :)
Americans were surprised by the developments in the USSR....so as long as nobody knew....chances of Americans attacking USSR would have led to a massive defeat for the USA, right?
Now when we buy technologies..........defense technologies..........others know what we have....these are large transactions and cannot be hidden.
As you have already mentioned China may have stolen F35 blueprints and developed its own J31............ but there is no confirmation if that is equal.
Would you like to take a risk by attacking China to confirm the capabilities of J31?
Any development within the country keeps others guessing about capabilities of that device....and that serves as a deterrent...against wars.
But when we buy ..capabilities are all well known...because these technologies are for sale....Rafale ..was not exclusive for India. If Israel ordered it, France would give it to Israel too.
Should Russia get into nuclear conflict, and China sides Russia, and France asks us to take a stand against China....knowing fully well, how ill equipped we are to take on China, would we be in position to say no?
So what are we losing to get those technologies and equipment? Our ability to stay non - aligned. In a way, our independence.
My contention is...why we buy it...why don't we use the same money to have our own Research and Development facilities.....
@vandana7 (101384)
• India
18 Jun 23
@crafty01 1. If China and Pakistan collude leading to war, we are not winning no matter how much tech we buy.
2. China has no designs on India per se...the size of our population is too large for it to control. It does witness uprisings and they are difficult to quell. And Chinese are a different race so cannot spy on us as easily.
The other reason they won't attack us is, we are a market for their produce. Pakistan cannot pay, Sri Lanka too, nor the African nations that they are slowly drying out, so India becomes a market for them. Arabs can afford American or European stuff. Indians cannot. We opt for cheap Chinese phones rather than slightly expensive Korean or American stuff.
Destroying source of income...what will they gain?
3. Technological developments are at snail's pace....increase the pace then...spend more on it than on Statues and Temples. Buying makes us perpetually dependent on others...not atmanirbhar. (self reliant)
We should not be exactly prejudiced....just because we are being told they didn't do this they didn't do that...and what not.
Logically, at the time of independence, we had very little to begin things for ourselves. There were not enough schools, and colleges...there were not enough industries because the Brits took raw materials from us and used in their country or elsewhere to produce what they needed. So we were agrarian economy.
There were not enough educated folks around. So we had to accept half baked knowledge too...better than uneducated people.
Lack of technical training and education meant, inability to set up industries as needed. Inability to assess what can be done and what cannot be.
There could not be a road map prior to independence for obvious reasons, and looking at developments from contemporary knowledge, and technologies, we do people of that era a lot of injustice.
After all, what could Nehru have done when people were starving and diseases were rampant. All factors including rehabilitation of those who arrived after partition landed on his table. Without sufficient data, decisions were bound to be wrong...that is the injustice we do....sitting in contemporary environment.
Could we have used the services of automobile engineers? Nope. Could we have used services of Mechanical engineer? Nope. Simply because there was not enough money to start most of the projects. So we suffered brain drain. The few that were qualified left the country because there was no employment for them.
3000 crores for one statue.... how long do you think it will take to recover that? ...could that not go towards research and development? Were the votes of Patels more important than developing indigenous technologies? Mind questions.
Don't give me Tourism song. Sri Lanka depended upon tourism, and it has become a pawn in the hands of China.
4. We have Statue of Unity (1000 crores), more are planned...Home Minister promised to make a temple as high as sky ... is that the job of our ministers? We give them tasks of defense, healthcare, infrastructure, law and order, education, industries, foreign policy, and employment...within each comes research and development. Surely what we have spent in the last decade on statues...and I am not condemning only the BJP...even KCR down south spent on statue of Santosh Kumar, there was a Statue of Jesus somewhere, and Shivaji....and well, Kamalnath spoke of 100 plus statues of Gandhiji...are we into Statue culture? Chandrababu spent a lot on building a large building for MLAs, just a decade and a half later, KCR came and demolished it all to get a new structure. Is that how our taxes should go?
In an era when meetings can be conducted on laptops, we want parliamentarians to sit in cozy buildings ..why bother decorating walls and ceilings....they cost and so does their maintenance....there goes my tax which should have gone for research and development.
But the ultimate punch was Statue of Unity ... really, we paid 1000 crore to China for it...even after Galwan...we have such short memory of our martyrs....because we build a statue for them, and are done. Pls. check the list and guess estimate how much we are losing towards these since last decade.....because of which we are short of time as well as resources for defense research and development. I am not saying what people did in the past was right...I am saying we have wasted our resources, and the speed of wastage has increased...we cannot say we did not have time or resources.
5. I agree about our military assets being old. But buying or getting it from outside, only exposes what we have.
Our TV anchors and who is that Major...keeps on revealing what he should not.
If we are better equipped it prompts Pak to spend on its defense. Effectively, we compete like two cats while the seller of technology behaves like the monkey. Don't you think?
If we spend on research and development, nobody will know how capable we are.
Nor how badly equipped our armed forces are.
Don't you think China was be better off attacking us before BJP took charge...after all all equipment was old...as you have mentioned...and China has really huge set of such equipment...we are not even 1/4th.
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@crafty01 (481)
• Jamshedpur, India
18 Jun 23
If I understand you correctly if we rely on foreign technology
They will influence our foreign policies.
This might happen for Pakistan.
We have much more grave and immediate danger than somebody else influencing our foreign policies.
Kargil Battle, Attack On Indian Parliament, Mumbai Attack opened up shortcomings of military doctrine and machinery of India.
Direct attack from China and Pakistan is a possibility.
China could twist Pakistan's arm so that Pakistan could be used as a base to attack India
Second attack from Himalayas, from the North
India doesn't have the luxury of time and funds for war technological development.
Before Modi's rule defence modernization was at a snail's pace.
We have shortage of planes , radars , Navy ships, tactical missiles, submarines,
troops transportion vehicles, planes, dedicated railway line,
roads for forword posts , surveillance technology and so on.
Whatever military assets we have is old.
It takes lots of maintenance hous and resources.
There are few new additions as you mentioned about Rafale
Including some advanced ingenious attack helicopter, surveillance technology, drones and Israel's tactical rockets.
I believe these shortage of war machinery could be compensated by Swift Action Of Formidable Indian Airforce.
Military doctrine states that if enemy has superior numbers and advanced weapons and superior force,
then you must attack them before they reach to meeting room to develop their plan of attack.
A classic example is six days wars of Isreal in 1967.
Past wars of India before Kargil Battle proved that India has powerful counterintelligence.
As you know that TYPE 1 person with no sense of music gets to play Grand piano will make only noise,
and TYPE 2 is somebody with great knowledge of music can create soothing music with just two sticks and a bucket
Indian military intelligence and
strategist is like the TYPE 2 person.
We may have less number of weapons, less advanced weapons
but combination of old and new war machinery with superior counter intelligence and military strategies, we can defend ourselves.
This is what makes China and Pakistan unable to break our protective shield.
India is always ready for War.
But we need rapid procurement of new weapons and weapon training to military personnel .
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@LindaOHio (183936)
• United States
18 Jun 23
No nation can afford to engage in a nuclear war. They rattle their swords and hint around starting a war; but we cannot take that step. It is too final.
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@arunima25 (89168)
• Bangalore, India
18 Jun 23
I wish things were so simple, but then they are not. I am pretty sure that to stay confined to your own boundaries for anything is not at all possible for any country in this era. Interdependency is there and will always be there. The chemistry between nations are not constant. They keep changing and always a new equation emerges. Nothing is predictable.
I stay away from over analysing things. Over analysis paralysis is a fact. You overthink and then you find that there is no perfect way to do things and you end up doing nothing.
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@vandana7 (101384)
• India
18 Jun 23
I agree over analysis paralysis does exist. But if I have the money, I would start research and development institutions. However small. And periodically allocate money to sustain it. This generates employment, prevents brain drain, and well, technological innovation then belongs to us.
My contention is...we buy those Rafales and Bofors, and Jet techns and MiGs and drones and whatevers........we pay for both the product, modifications, maintenance.
The recent Russia Ukraine conflict would have put us in awkward position. If we talk against Russia, they can paralyze substantial amount of our airforce.
Likewise, if take a stand against France, the Rafale agreement clauses cannot be enforced in earnest.
In a way, we surrender our independence when we go to other nations for our defense requirements.
We not only pay hefty price, and royalties, we also are left with no money to spend on research and development.
Over analysis paralysis is when there is no alternate method in mind. I do have the alternate method. Right? Start small...sustain, grow big...keep your developments a secret ....so as long as others don't know what you have, they would not take the risk of attacking you. Once you have told them what I have........... they will equip themselves with somethings that are equal or better...then we will be out there shopping once more...pretty much Keeping up with Joneses, isn't it?
Band mutthi lakh ki, khuli to khaak ki...(if the info is exposed it loses its value).
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@arunima25 (89168)
• Bangalore, India
20 Jun 23
@vandana7 All those are valid points. But think of it in a pragmatic way. Can we go slow and steady? Do one before other? How long can one do that? Especially when you have hostile neighbours and you need to be ready all the time. I have mentioned it earlier too in one of our interactions that things have to go parallel. That's more practical. Not like something should get fully done and then move on.
And sharing these kind of things is a big part of running global economy and building relationships ( these are dynamic). Nothing is constant. No person can be a island in itself in a society and no country can run on its own without having such relationships with other.
There are various ways to stay in power game. And each country has to do what suits it to be there.
And the proverb that you used is situational. In certain cases, it can be beneficial to open the mutthi...you share your advancements with other countries to generate employment, to get better infrastructure etc.
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@yoalldudes (35035)
• Philippines
18 Jun 23
They must have debated and voted for this before arriving at a decision. I just hope it was for the best interest and not personal interest or bad judgment.
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