Okay, I'm gonna look for a cave in the woods!!!!!

United States
November 7, 2023 3:33pm CST
I posted about the intensity of my pain a day ago. I hated to vent because we have enough bad news and bad things happening in our lives, I thought that venting about the pain would be the end of the vent. Boy was I wrong!!!!! Yesterday, while I was trying to get my pain under control, my phone rang. It was from the next town and had a number attached to my "landlord", so stupid me, I answered it. It was my apartment manager. He asked how I was feeling and I told him that I was in EXTREME pain. I went on to tell him that on a scale of 1 to 10 my pain level was at a 25. He said "That's too bad, I have something to discuss with you." I paused and finally said "Okay"...stupid me. The landlord asked if my apartment was 208...stupid question he had my phone number. He then asked if I was next to 209...uhhhhh, 209 is usually right after 208. I answered in the affirmative. Then the bomb dropped. He asked if I have a red pickup truck park in my parking space throughout the week. I said "No, it parks there on Wednesdays and Saturdays so I can unload my groceries and get them up to my apartment. It's usually there for maybe 20 minutes at the most. And no there is NO sexual activity going on. The landlord stated that I can't have the pickup park there anymore since it isn't registered on my lease, that the person in apartment 209 complained about it being parked there. Oh goodie, I'm already in enough pain and having to haul the groceries another half block to the elevator isn't going to help relieve the pain. But I caved and said "No problem, but then the vehicles belonging to the workers for the apartment complex can't park there even though I gave them permission to park in my spot. The manager mumbled that "That's different". Then I was informed that the "gentleman" in apartment 209 has complained about my actions towards him. I sputtered a lot and finally asked what actions. I had only spoken to the man once and that was to say, "Good afternoon handsome". I set off a tirade that lasted a good five minutes about he didn't want a woman in his life, he didn't need a woman in his life, and he sure didn't want a woman like me around him let alone speaking to him. I was also informed that I was never to speak to him again because I was a "fallen" woman and nasty and dirty, and one step away from being a whore. Wow, if he had beaten me with a club I wouldn't have been so dumbfounded!!! Well, apparently 209 complained to the manager about some presumed transgression. I was told by the apartment manager that I was NOT TO GO NEAR THE MAN, LOOK AT THE MAN, TOUCH THE MAN'S CAR, RIDE IN THE SAME ELEVATOR CAR WITH THE MAN, OR ACKNOWLEDGE THE MAN IN ANY WAY. At that point all I could say was "What??????" The manager told me that I had been harassing the man, and that I was to stop doing it. I tried to explain that if and when I happened to run into the gentleman, not physically by the way, I didn't say a word, nor did I look at him. I didn't go near his car, nor did I touch it. I am very VERY careful about my actions around the man. I have been informed by reliable sources that he had hated me from the moment that I first moved in, he has never met me and never even introduced himself to me. I went on to ask the manager if he knew "WHY" the man hated me so much when the worst thing I did was to say "Hello, handsome"? The manager couldn't give me an answer. Needless to say, this morning I got up feeling lower than a snake's belly. I feel like a prisoner in my own home/apartment. I don't roam around a lot, the most I do is take a dish of cat food down for the cat that comes by for a hand out, I take my trash down to the dumpster, and I check my mail. I usually combine the trash trip and the mail into one trip. Oh, I do make more trips when I do grocery shopping, I have to get kitty litter and flats of bottled water along with the groceries. Now, I have to try to schedule my comings and goings so that I avoid the gentleman who has that apartment next door to me???? The more I think about it the more that a spot in a cave is sounding so much better than the apartment. Yes, I'm more than a bit upset. I have enough to deal with in my own life, without having to adjust my life for a man who has decided that he is some sort of royalty that I need to totally realign my life for. I live right next to the elevator so it's next to impossible to not run into, or see him. I can always wait for another elevator....but then there is the factor that I am NOT to even look at the man, or speak to him. Next thing is that I will have to bow when he comes across my path. I'm sorry for venting again on my myLot friends. I'm sitting here wondering why I am continuing to try. I have lived my life according to the rules and the accepted manners. I have worked hard at being a kind and loving individual. I don't do things like I have been accused of doing. My neighbor friend from two doors down stopped in, then soon my apartment case worker showed up shortly after. I stated my side of the story, which bore no resemblance to the one that the neighbor who had sent the letter to the director of the housing complex. I've had it!!!! I can't take anymore of "He was nasty to me. He was verbally assaultive to me." Then "She had him spend the night, He's her partner, and She has propositioned me." Anyone got a cave for rent???? As I stated to my apartment case worker, I am terrified of leaving my apartment for fear of what I will be accused of doing next. A cave up in the hills is looking more and more inviting!
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7 responses
@RebeccasFarm (93143)
• United States
8 Nov 23
Sounds like sardine can living for sure. I am sorry and I have great compassion for this issue. I also live in sardine cans.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Nov 23
@BearArtistLady Yes Mam that would be fun thanks
• United States
9 Nov 23
I decided to shut down the curtain to my dining room window, where people could see into my "can" (by the way I love that term, mind if I use it? It fits perfectly!!!!) As my Mom used to say, the man is going to live forever, God isn't too sure he's ready for the man yet and the Devil is afraid of him. From what the neighbors have said, his daughter doesn't much care for him either. It's very sad, the people around the apartment complex are very loving, giving people and are ready to help in a heartbeat. Monday I had a retired nurse offer to help me move my boxes of stuff from the craft show into the apartment. She is in worse shape than me!!! I couldn't let her do that!!! I don't understand WHY people feel the need to be so hateful. It doesn't do them any good, it just makes them miserable and makes those around them miserable too. I know I love being able to do nice things for others and see them smile and know that their smile is genuine and happy. I can handle living in a sardine can as long as I can reach out and make others smile and a bit happier. It's kind of like my neighbor, Derek. He passed away earlier this year. I started helping him out and making meals and cleaning and doing other things for him. I wouldn't take any pay, it was done out of the goodness of my heart. We grew very close, and if he hadn't passed away suddenly I have the strong feeling that he would have asked me to marry him...I would have accepted of course. But the biggest gift I could give him and that he gave me was that I could be there for him and share happiness with him. It really sounds like the neighbor on the other side of me needs to learn about happiness.... My heart goes out to you about your life in your sardine can. It's too bad that you don't live closer so we can be 'squashed in' together and have some fun together too.
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@RasmaSandra (83408)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Nov 23
SIGH I fully understand your situation and it is as bad as it can get. Is there any way that you can get another apartment nearby? Just asking because a situation like this won't just go away and it will keep stressing you out which is not at all good for all the pain you are feeling. I don't suppose you want to move in with a crazy cat lady and two cats with hardly any room in the apartment but hey, any port in a storm and I would say better than a cave. My friend Nick in the downstairs apartment has allowed a down-and-out friend with no place to go to live in his driveway. THe guy sits all day in this truck in the driveway of this house, I got to the bathroom and looked out the window and there is the guy living in his truck. So I see life from many different sides and if I could help you in any way at all I would.
@RasmaSandra (83408)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Nov 23
@BearArtistLady there are two Freddie and Morticia and they send the sincerest meows to Freya, Best of luck with the doctor's appointments and virtual hugs,
• United States
9 Nov 23
You're talking to a fellow crazy cat person (I have two who run the apartment). I'd do it in a heartbeat. The problem on the area of the West Coast is the rental rates. A one bedroom can run from $1,500 to well over $3,000. I really hit it lucky with the apartment I have, especially since I have the cats. Fortunately, they are therapy cats so the landlords can't refuse me the apartment because of the cats. (It doesn't hurt that the cats have them in the palm of their paw. I am well known for reaching out and helping people needing a place to live. But here on the West Coast they are kind of sticklers and you can end up out on the street for doing the same thing. When I renewed my lease I put that I had added a new member to my family. I provided a description of her on the lease paperwork. When my Case Manager came by on Monday, she asked me about my new "live in partner". I was stymied about the question until I realized that it was a "not quite year old Siamese kitten". I explained to the Case Manager that the live in partner was winding herself around the person's feet. That the cat was a replacement therapy cat. I had lost the other one to old age about a year and a half ago. I'm posting a picture of Freya in her favorite spot, on the cable box, leaking cat hair and kitty litter into the box so I have to clean it several times a day. I would give a LOT to have the money to be able to help those people who are living in their vehicles or under a bridge. You travel around and see all the empty buildings that are either abandoned or just can't be rented because potential tenants aren't interested in older buildings, they want new ones in well traveled areas. But it's a better tax write off to have the building empty and people cold and unprotected from the elements. You have helped me out enormously, especially with your last statement. Thank you so very very much, and hug your beautiful cat for me. Oh! Freya loves getting to watch "The Lone Ranger" and she has a ball swatting at the horses and the bad guys. I just took it today, November 9, 2023 at 10:15 a.m. , tomorrow I'm just a bit busy with doctor's appointments. Anyhow, have a great day and give your furry kitty an extra hug for us.
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• United States
11 Nov 23
@RasmaSandra Hi again, thought that an update on the appointments was in order. Apparently it was an appointment for me to travel close to 100 miles to do a urine sample, but the office never contacted me about the appointment. So my Nurse NP will call and chew me out because I missed the appointment. I told her I don't travel by bus well, I wasn't going to travel large distances (especially to wizz in a bottle), and I sure wasn't going to pay a huge amount of money to go to a town that far away to do something I can do locally, and besides that they didn't even let me know about the appointment. It makes it a bit hard to keep an appointment if you don't know about it. Freya and Petey send their sincerest meows and purrs to Freddie and Morticia (Ahhh, you like the Aadams Family). They enjoy connecting with their fellow medical professionals from the fur college. Have a great weekend and treat yourself and Freddie and Morticia to something special! Oh and give them extra hugs from all of us.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
7 Nov 23
That's an awful situation. I had to look up to the top to see where you are from because I couldn't believe you could be harassed like that in this country. I think a cave in the hills is looking good to a lot of people these days!
• United States
7 Nov 23
After the past couple of days and all the B.S. a cave is looking really good, except that I really like toilets that flush! I do think I figured out the reason behind the neighbor's behavior. He wanted this apartment for his daughter to move into, but I got it instead. So he's trying to get me tossed out so he can get her moved in. My neighbor, who I refer to as "Sissy" (I never had a sister, she's the closet thing to one I have ever had) made me an incredible stir fry for dinner...there is enough there for lunch and dinner for tomorrow too. Thankfully she was here visiting when the roof fell in about the letter to the director of the housing that I live in. She was able to fill in a LOT of stuff while I was having a melt down and sobbing my brains out. I discovered that I can get the neighbor in 209 that is causing all the grief and accusing me of all kinds of stuff kicked out by getting a restraining order against him. I don't want to play things that way, I just want the man to simmer down a LOT and maybe get his brain straightened out. But the way things are right now it may end up being a cave in the hills for me and the cats.
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@celticeagle (172506)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Nov 23
I don't blame you for venting. It seems that this man has taken offense and told your manager who took his side. What a bunch of BS. They really seem to be against you. I think you should start keeping a journal as to dates and times and what goes on about this. Could help you later on down the line. And, I don't understand why medical people are taking such a negative stance too. Pain is pain. It doesn't matter if it is from arthritis or not. It hurts and didn't they take an oath to help people?!
• United States
7 Nov 23
I think that this man was born taking offense. He claims to be a Christian and he treats a fellow human being like dirt? I really don't like living life in terror of leaving my apartment for fear of what the man will claim that I did next. As I said, my logic circuits kicked in and I realized that it could be that the man wanted the apartment that I'm in for his daughter so she could be close by to take care of him. Since I was able to move in, he is working at getting me evicted. He has made such wild claims about my friendship with a gentleman from a nearby town, from the man verbally assaulting him to the man spending the night with me and our doing...well you know. It's incredible finding out what you're doing without any recollection of having done them. I'm sure that my friend that I go shopping with twice a week will be fascinated with what he's been doing too. I finally had to break down and take an extra pain pill. I need to go across the street to the post office and I don't look forward to walking over there for two reasons now. One is for the amount of pain involved in the walk and the other is what the neighbor in 209 will come up with that I did to him in his effort to get me tossed out of my apartment. I will add that my apartment case manager is on my side and will back me all the way as will 99% of the tenants. The 1% that won't is old crabby 209. So, off to see the Post Office Wizard...wonder if it'll be any different than seeing the Wizard of Oz?
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@celticeagle (172506)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Nov 23
@BearArtistLady .........Many people claim to be Christians but are as far in the other direction as they come. I'm glad your case manager is on your side. I sure don't envy you having to live around such odd balls.
@wolfgirl569 (113576)
• Marion, Ohio
7 Nov 23
Maybe you need to look for a new place. I know that isn't fair to you. But it might be best
@wolfgirl569 (113576)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Nov 23
@BearArtistLady I hope you can avoid him then
• Defuniak Springs, Florida
8 Nov 23
You need to go to the ER and get pain under control. Then you need to call 211 or the like, and have either a grocery or food delivery set up. Or look into Walmart Delivering.
@kaylachan (76373)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Nov 23
Try not to take what was said personally. Some people just rub each other the wrong way. He's a vert hateful man. You have every right to vent. The best you can do is avoid eye contact if possible, and take it from there.