Like It Never Even Happened

@porwest (85968)
United States
November 9, 2023 7:20am CST
No. I am not referencing the popular commercial on TV advertising Servpro's cleaning and restoration services. I am talking about the leaves in the yard that become a recurring task every fall. I never rake them, opting to simply run them over with my mower and mulch them. I will tell you, it's much easier. Normally I do it with the riding mower. But that was until this past Sunday when on one of my passes I went to engage the blade and it wouldn't turn. There it was, lying in the driveway, my confounded broken deck belt. I have one on order and will have to replace it soon. I am not sure if I will do it this year or just wait until spring. Either way. I used the push mower yesterday and got the task done. But when I looked out the window this morning, the yard is as full of leaves again as it was yesterday before I mulched them. It's like it never even happened. And the trees aren't empty yet either.
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9 responses
@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
9 Nov
That is a stunning that by your house?
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• Arvada, Colorado
12 Nov
@porwest So lovely your green lawn.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
13 Nov
@RebeccasFarm I may be a bit anal retentive about my lawn. lol
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
9 Nov
No. Just some random picture from the Internet. Still nice around our house, but this was taken in March.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
9 Nov
I do the same, I do not rake the leaves. I use the push mower, a lot better than raking.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
9 Nov
@porwest I am sure they bring nutrients to the lawn. I have seen a mushroom in the middle of my lawn today.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
9 Nov
@LadyDuck I haven't seen any mushrooms around here for a while now that you mention it. Hmm. That's odd. Usually I see SOME. lol
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
9 Nov
Yep. Grinds them all up nicely, and I think it helps to add nutrients to the lawn. Just my two cents.
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@allknowing (132678)
• India
10 Nov
We do not have a Fall but dried leaves do drop in heaps. They are swept off and burnt in the incinerator.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
10 Nov
Technically we are not supposed to burn leaves in the city. But people still do it, and no one gets in trouble for it. Besides, I still find it much easier to just run them over with the mower.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Nov
Maybe you should wait until the trees are bare to mulch them.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Nov
@porwest That's understandable.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
10 Nov
It would be too many. I'd bog my mower down, and it would suffocate the grass with too thick a layer of mulched leaves all at once.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Nov
That's thing with falling leaves. They never seem to finish.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Nov
@porwest I can totally understand your frustration.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
10 Nov
I look at the yard and I look at what's left in the trees and usually bad words come out of my mouth. lol
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@NJChicaa (118750)
• United States
9 Nov
That’s what my ex does—uses a push mower. He needs a shoulder replacement so raking is hard for him.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
9 Nov
I can see where that could make it rather difficult. Once I started mulching them I have never looked back. To me there's just no point. Even my neighbor Mary next door sucks them up into a catch bag on her rider and puts them into trash bins to take to the curb. Seems like overkill to me and a complete waste of time.
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@NJChicaa (118750)
• United States
9 Nov
@porwest He's a smart guy and a problem solver. It was my job to get the leaves out of my flower beds.
@Tampa_girl7 (49945)
• United States
9 Nov
We have a ton of pine straw that seems to keep falling and a few leaves.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
9 Nov
Sometimes pine straw is more annoying to me. Luckily we don't have any of that to deal with. Much harder to mulch too since it doesn't want to get up into the blade as well as leaves will.
@moffittjc (120992)
• Gainesville, Florida
9 Nov
There is a huge tree in my front yard that is dropping leaves like crazy. I blew off my front walkway and sidewalk last night right before sunset, and this morning the leaves were piled as high as they were yesterday when I blew them off.
@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
10 Nov
Yup. That's fall for you. The leaves fall down. We had our lawn cut for the last time on Wednesday; but the leaves are still coming down. Have a good day. Love the picture.