Well my day was a long crappy day

Cloverdale, Indiana
December 14, 2023 8:15pm CST
I got the phone call I was hoping NOT to get about my appt which was a Ct scan at the local hosp, that WAS sheduled for today but as luck would have it, they canceled it till Jan. I have a REG Dr visit on the 2nd with my in town primary dr for some lab work of some sort at 8 am & fasting FUN FUN I talked to a diabtic cordnator about my sugar & other stuff. So, somewhere down the line B-tween now & the 26th of Jan their going to set me on track to get my sugar in order the 26th I see the MAIN sugar dr, at my local hosp. I would have been on here eariler but after talking to the people I talked to today & focused on what they all said it just boggled my mind on what I HAVE to do to get on TOP of my sugar, I know it's nothing to play around with. I've been home 4 months & they pissed around ALL this time & going to JUMP MY TAIL cause my sugars HIGH I don't think so, & I let them know about it too I'm no dummy. I didn't start doing my research till after I heard I had it & I started digging to find everything I could on the matter but yet how much can you belive what you find on the internet? It's not my fault my sugar is where it is, I'm trying to get it under control, I didn't ask for this, so why is it MY fault? This is what gets me upset & disorentated with this crap. It's bad enough I don't like dr's in the 1st place & I try to be a good paient, but don't put the blame game scaretactic on me & think it's gonna fly cause it's NOT ! ! ! I know it's not good, it's not like I'm not taking this serious cause I AM. They ask if I was getting plenty of excercize, not really when I live in a small trailer & if it's too cold outside I stay inside I do go out to the cabin to feed the fish & check on the dogs. I do have 12 sessions of once a wk therapy for a hr a day then there's days we go shopping I'm all over the place store to store place to place getting stuff done for the day. I just want to get this over with or wake up from this dream I have been in & start over again, & pray it turns out different, So I'm trying to find a diabetics food chart somewhere for me, I need 3 of the same kind. Does any 1 know where or how I can get 1? I know I can get them online but I'm looking for 1 in a store I can get somewhere & maybe have a verity that I can choose from to get the right 1. So there's how my day went today, hope yours went a lot better tomorrow is the phone Dr visit from the main Dr that worked on me, which I WISH I could see him face to face to talk to him. But maybe when I go into Indy I'll get to see him then hopfully I have a few Questions I'd liked answered & see his reaction of what he comes back with (study the doctor) anyway that's it. Give me your feed back on all this, see what we come up with.
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10 responses
@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
17 Apr
@2ndchances24 I tell you, I really get so angry and down when people tell me my sickness or physical pain and / or sickness is my fault or all in my head. I feel for you and understand what you're saying. It's not your fault, you're taking it very seriously and one of the last things you need is people kicking you down while you're trying to get back up!
1 person likes this
• Perth, Australia
24 Apr
@2ndchances24 I understand completely! You went through a very difficult thing! And it may take some time but for as much as I know about you, I know over time you will be in a place where you can say it is all behind you.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
18 Apr
I totally agree, but I'm not 1 to take it laying down you can believe that I am doing a lot better from where I was back then but STILL wish all this was Behind me so I could get on with my life without all the B-S.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
25 Apr
@VivaLaDani13 I'm not as bad as I was & not as good as I use to be but I'm a lot better then I was & will be.
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• United States
16 Dec 23
YOU ARE THE BEST LADY!!!!! I just fired my pain clinic last Tuesday. The Nurse Practitioner (I refer to her as the Nurse PITA) has had attitude since day one. We don't need to be treated like we're the village idiots, dog poop on the bottom of their new designer shoes, or poor trash!!! When I message you this weekend I'll send a copy of the review I posted on the YELP site reviewing the pain clinic. Keep it in mind when you deal with your people that you are an adult and worthy of respect and they should treat you with such. If they can't do that maybe they don't need your money in their bank from your being their patient. It doesn't hurt if you casually mention that you spoke to your attorney about thirty minutes before they called. For some reason mentioning an attorney makes them all wet their pants in unison.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Dec 23
@2ndchances24 I sent the item to you in a message. I thought you might enjoy being the only one to get to see into my warped "parada in the dog poop" mind. ROTFL! I didn't add that the Nurse PITA called at 10:15 a.m. instead of 1:45 p.m. like she was supposed to and her attitude was nastier than something out of the septic tank!!!! I never felt so relieved as when I told her that they were fired. My next step is to write to the Doctor that I haven't seen in at least 2 years. The only time I have been in their office is to pee in a cup.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
I didn't get the site you sent me sorry I agree with you on respect the sick that they treat, I give them my piece of mind when they go off with crap.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
I'm sorry I read that wrong about the site I will keep in touch, I'm fixing to write a post.
@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
16 Dec 23
I am sorry you are having these issues. They must be very frustrating.
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
16 Dec 23
@2ndchances24 It is tough I am sure!
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
it is very annoying, aggravating, & frustraing all at the same time it wears me slap OUT. Just like I was SUPPOSE to get a dr call at 3:30m & 5 pm is when someone called instead telling me he was too busy with surgeries that he'd have to call me Mon. Hell I can't belive how this week has week hell the WHOLE 4 mons since I've been home for that matter on all this stuff.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
@snowy22315 it wouldn't be if the people that's SUPPOSE to be on top of things would get stuff done.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Dec 23
WebMD is a good site to find valuable medical information. Pharamistic people are good at asking about store products and might help find the food chart. Good luck!
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@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Dec 23
@2ndchances24 .......Hope they can.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Dec 23
I have to go pick up my fast acting insulin pens so yeah I'll see what they know about helping me.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
@celticeagle I'll find out tomorrow.
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@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Dec 23
Life can suck. Just take it one day at a time.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Dec 23
thank you, that's what I'm doing tillI can get all this on the right track just like everything else.
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@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Dec 23
@2ndchances24 You're welcome.
@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Dec 23
I'm sorry they're trying to put the full blame on you. I hope the call goes well today.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Dec 23
@2ndchances24 I'm glad you let them know the score.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
@just4him the way things have been going with everything since I've been home has been a absalute circus parade, it's insain.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Dec 23
Girlfriend, it's (excuse me) B S & I;m not the 1 to buck up against, when it comes to my heath.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
16 Dec 23
That really sucks your appointment was rescheduled! I try not to use that word but in this case it’s fitting! I think it’s awful they are lecturing you about you sugar when you’ve been waiting to see them and talk to them to begin with! I am like you when it’s cold I go out as little as possible.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Dec 23
Yeah I know, but it's like these people that I'm dealing with are MOREONS or just come to work to make what $ they can, they don't really give a sh-t. I bet if they were treated like they treat people they'd have a different respect for the people they treat like they do.
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@RebeccasFarm (92511)
• United States
15 Dec 23
Gosh to find a diabetic chart..have no idea. I mean at stores nearby you? Sounds it would be hard to find..maybe ask your pharmacist? Oh I understand what you mean about the shitti attitudes of doctors..always blaming us for what is going on..something that we got and not something we bought. I am sorry you are going through all this nonsense,,it is depressing for sure. I wish I lived closer we could figure something out.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Dec 23
Thank you, that's what I was thinking cause if ANY 1 would know they would.
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@wiLLmaH (8802)
• Singapore, Singapore
15 Dec 23
I'm sorry to hear that you had a challenging day, especially with the CT scan being rescheduled. It's understandable to feel frustrated with the blame game. Wishing you a better day ahead and success in managing your health. I
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Dec 23
Thank you, today I have a dr's appt in a phone call so MAYBE that will go a lot better, I'll let you know.
@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
15 Dec 23
I am sorry you had the appointment cancelled and you have to go through all this. I know how much this is frustrating. I hope when you will see your doctor you will be able to submit all the questions you need to ask.