Merry Christmas from the Pumpkins

United Kingdom
December 25, 2023 4:57am CST
I have just popped in to wish anyone celebrating it a merry Christmas. If you're in a time zone where it's already been and gone, I hope it was a good one. It is Christmas Day here as I write this. I made a pixel picture, which I thought was quite good. It was a cute little Christmas tree with a message on it. I thought it was absolutely lovely until I sent it to my little sister and she said it was a future Christmas tree. I had put 2024 on it! I was half asleep at the time, and was distracted with a telephone call halfway through making the picture . I didn't go back to change it. Today, I am not going anywhere. That's my tradition. For several years now (I actually don't know how many years), I have stayed home Christmas Day. It's been my one day where I don't go anywhere or do anything. This year, I am joined by my youngest son and our two cats. My husband is still asleep but will be with us later. Eldest son has gone to his dad's to spend time with that side of his family. We were hoping for the eldest daughter to visit us but it's not been possible. It's kind of ironic. It's the first year that she would have been able to visit for Christmas (as it's the first time her husband has been driving and with a working car) but it's also the first time there is nobody that can host them. If they come here, they would usually stay with my inlaws. They're really the only ones with the space. However, they are getting on a bit, had to make a few changes to their house, and are not really in the best of health to have an extra five people staying over (daughter, her husband, and their three children). Of course, we would love to have them stay with us but there's not enough room here for the four of us currently living here! Anyway, it is a shame that they are not coming here. However, my husband and I will be visiting them early next year for daughter's 30th birthday. We're just going for a long weekend and will stay at a hotel nearby. We have other things happening next year. Both my older sister and my sister-in-law turn 50 (one in June and one in December). I need to make plans with my sister's partner for my sister's birthday. We're planning on going to France in the summer as well. My husband and I had been invited to a wedding in Canada. As soon as they gave us the date, I booked the time off. They then changed the date but I couldn't change my time off so we decided to use that time for something else. I had told my dad I wanted to take him somewhere. He's never been abroad before so we're now waiting for his passport. He said he didn't mind where we go but then decided on France. I think it will be me, my dad, my eldest son, and possibly my husband (if he gets his passport renewed in time). Other plans for next year are, hopefully, for both of my sons to find work. They're both trying really hard and getting frustrated. I don't really know if there's any more they can do that they're not already doing. My own job is going well, though. There might be a team leader position coming up, which I might go for. If I don't do that, I want to do a social work degree. I don't want to be a social worker but it fits in with the job I do and it is one of a few degrees that are sometimes offered as free courses. My husband's plans for next year mainly consist of learning to make mead. I don't know where he's going to put the equipment he'll need! I don't think a lot has happened around here since I was last here. I did have a couple of Christmas things with work and friends. I won a Christmas quiz at work. I made some samosas for the office. They went down well and I've been told I need to make more. I did make more, but I haven't been into the office since then so they've been eaten by us. They're really delicious. I was impressed considering I'd never made anything like that before! There was a proper Christmas outing with my colleagues. We went to a lovely place not too far away. I think it's about a 20 minute drive, although impossible to get to without a car or a very long walk! The place does spa things, but we went for a meal. It was in a big room with other companies having a meal at the same time. After the meal, there was a disco. I danced the night away and came home in the early hours. It had been a while since I'd been out that late! It hasn't been all fun and games, though. A couple of weeks ago, my dad broke his leg. He had to stay in hospital for a few days and have an operation. He is home now, though, and recovering well. My role in social care has been helpful there. I can't do anything practical, but I know all the contacts and which services do what. I should probably get a wriggle on. I can hear some sort of whistling noise from our neighbours. I guess it's the family that lives underneath us. They're lovely. A mother and two young girls (if I remember rightly, they are 6 and 8). We're all adults in our household so Christmas is a little different. I, however, am a big child inside and am waiting excitedly for my husband to get up. His youngest daughter wants to call us as well, so I will need to let her know when he is awake. I think that's all from me for now. Have a lovely Christmas/Merry Monday and a wonderful New Year.
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2 responses
@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
25 Dec
Thanks for the update. There is always so much going on. Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he heals up soon. You have a lot to look forward to. Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
25 Dec
Merry Christmas to you too. Thanks