Dinner out on Dec 5 was a disaster!

@jerzgirl (9273)
United States
December 28, 2023 7:17pm CST
Years and years ago, I got violently ill after drinking too much eggnog. (No alcohol.) I don't know if it was food poisoning or just too much rich dairy, but I ended up in the ER. My body was getting rid of all of it at both ends. Although I've had mild cases in years since, none matched that particular night where my neighbor had to half carry me to his car to take me to the hospital. Well, that event came back to haunt me on December 5. My friend and I had driven to Pennsylvania to try an Asian fusion restaurant using a discount coupon. It was in a nondescript strip mall that had a Goodwill on the back side. I thought - good! I can go there, too. We ordered our food. He got a Bento box and I got sweet and sour chicken. We both got wonton soup. One thing I noticed was that my chicken was quite overcooked. It was hard inside the breading, like it had been fried multiple times. I didn't eat all of it, opting to take what I didn't eat home. I walked around to the Goodwill, but began feeling yucky even before I got there. By the time I got to the back of the store, I knew I was going to have to throw up. And, the bathrooms were right there, so I tried to get in. They were both locked. I was so nauseous, I was afraid to move, so I sat on one of the chairs they were selling and literally called the store I was in to get help. The clerk came rushing back and told me the only bathroom he could open was the mens room. Fine - just give me space!! I got in there and there was SO MUCH PEE on the floor in front of the toilet!!! OMG - NOW what?? I ended up sitting sideways while also pulling the trashcan over in front of me. As disgusting as that room was, my immediate need was a higher priority. I sat and sat and did what I could only to learn there was also no toilet paper (good lord!!) and I didn't throw up. By this time, my friend had arrived and was telling me they were closing the store. I told him to remind them I was in there, to not lock me in. Still, I was unable to empty my gut in the privacy of a bathroom, so I cleaned up the best I could and went out to the car. I told him I HAD to find a bathroom...NOW!! He took me across the road and up about a half block to the local convenience store that usually has public bathrooms. Naturally, they didn't. That's when it hit. Like a water cannon!! All over the parking lot while I sat sideways in his brand new car. I have never in my life thrown up in public. And, it was ALL chicken. After several bouts of that, I felt like we should head home. He asked if he should take me to the hospital and I said no. Just get me home. If I had to go, I'd at least be near my doctors. I made it home. I was so weak by then, I just collapsed on the couch until I felt strong enough to go upstairs to the bathroom where I peeled off my clothes (suffering from the equal and opposite forces that also hit me), got into the shower as carefully as I could and washed everything I could reach. I had to take all those clothes as well as the bathmat and shove them inside a plastic bag to go to the basement laundry. I then managed to get myself into my nightgown and into bed. I slept a full 6 hours which I hadn't done in years what with having to get up all the time to pee. Anyway, I apologize for the length of this one, but what a night that was!! I hope I never go through that again and I hope no one else does either!! I do think it was food poisoning, though. The only thing he didn't eat while there was the same chicken I had.
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5 responses
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
29 Dec
I have had that twice in my life and it does sound like food poisoning. after those experiences, when I go to a restaurant and find something I asked for not to my taste I obey my body and don´t eat more of that. That chicken did not sound like a well cooked meal. As for the bathrooms, I can only pity you. Your experience was gross to say the least. I´m sure that you´ll be fine once you get all that off your system. Have only chicken broth for a day or so as the only meal. That will help.
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
1 Jan
It took about 4 days to feel "normal" again. I felt beat up, mainly. And very very tired. I did stop eating halfway through. It wasn't soon enough.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
29 Dec
That sounds brutal!
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
1 Jan
Oh lord, it was that!! I really haven't been that sick in a LONG time!! I don't want to be again!
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
29 Dec
That was food poisoning. What a triable thing for you to have to go through/
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
1 Jan
I just felt so weak after that even my friend who thinks that everything isn't as bad as people say said he wanted to take me to the ER. Not in another state. I knew if I had to go, I wanted to go back home. We just needed to get there.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
1 Jan
@jerzgirl I hope you are ok now.
@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
29 Dec
I am so sorry you went through that experience. I hope you never get food poisoning again. Thankfully I never had it and hope to keep it that way.
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
1 Jan
I suffer IBS and do occasionally have "reactions" to something I eat, but this wasn't that. It was far worse than that. I don't wish it on anybody. Except maybe some deserving politicians!
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
29 Dec
@jerzgirl Now, I understand your title. It sounds like a horrible night but glad you got 6 hours of sleep.
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
1 Jan
Oh, it was horrible. I didn't really want the actual problem to be in the title, though.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
2 Jan
@jerzgirl ok but the title lets us know things, but, I understand you did not want that.