What's for breakfast on this sunny and cool Saturday morning?

@TheHorse (208414)
Walnut Creek, California
December 30, 2023 11:18am CST
I just had some bacon and eggs for breakfast. I am tired of leftovers. I also have some hash in the fridge. I'll finish that up tomorrow. Kitty is at my feet right now, guarding me. I have to hop in the shower and then head off to Guitar Center. I only have six students today, and will be done by 1 PM. How is your weekend shaping up? Do you have plans for the New Year? I will probably lay low.
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16 responses
@FourWalls (63081)
• United States
30 Dec
Lunch! It’s what’s for breakfast! I had a pulled chicken-stuffed bake potato!
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Dec
Not from the Chinese Mexican place, I take it?
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@FourWalls (63081)
• United States
30 Dec
@TheHorse — Mark’s Feed Store, where they feed humans not animals.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Dec
@FourWalls I am calling ASPCA.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49383)
• United States
30 Dec
Your breakfast sounds good. No plans. Staying home and relaxing.
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@vandana7 (99288)
• India
30 Dec
I cook ok for an Indian. Its past midnight...going to retire ... So yeah..tomorrow's breakfast is rawa dosa...which is basically a pancake made from rice flour, samolina, and all purpose flour. We chop onions real fine, green chillies real fine, corriander real fine, ginger real fine, add a couple of spoons of sour curds, and some cumin seeds salt...mix well, with sufficient water...more liquid ...set aside for half an hour to thicken...semolina swells, and we get nice batter...with all those flavors having got in... now we pour it on hot pan ..and fry with oil....tomorrow that is for breakfast...I love it, though it does not agree with me too much. I will have diarrhea because of finely chopped chillies and semolina.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
31 Dec
So yeah..tomorrow's breakfast is rawa dosa...which is basically a pancake made from rice flour, samolina, and all purpose flour. We chop onions real fine, green chillies real fine, corriander real fine, ginger real fine, add a couple of spoons of sour curds, and some cumin seeds salt...mix well, with sufficient water...more liquid ...set aside for half an hour to thicken...semolina swells, and we get nice batter...with all those flavors having got in... now we pour it on hot pan ..and fry with oil....tomorrow that is for breakfast...I love it, though it does not agree with me too much. I will have diarrhea because of finely chopped chillies and semolina. ---------Rawa dosa sounds like an eggless omelet in pancake form. I like it.
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@vandana7 (99288)
• India
1 Jan
@xander6464 I love it.... so far ok...no diarrhea. But enough gases and farts. LOL I doubt if it has much nutritional value, unless you consider olive oil used to make it or the curds. Eggless omelet, not really. Comparatively, blacklentils with rice ...soaked for 6 to 8 hours, ground and let to sour overnight and the next day we make pancake...with the batter. That works nutritionally. Peanut chutney...I love it...few garlic pods, peanuts, green chillies, cumin seeds, a little bit of oil, and a little bit of tamarind...grind............add salt to taste and water for consistency... yummy yummy yummy It goes with all our pancakes and even idlis...imagine. Peanuts are healthy too ...though not sure oil is that good. LOL I love making breakfast...not so good with your omelets but ...ok...manageable. I love cooking...and eating...that is why I am so fat. LOL Happy New Year Greg. May you all elect me as your President next year. I will call Putin over for dinner and serve him some of our most pungent food so that he spends most of his time in washroom, instead of making those nasty military plans.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
3 Jan
@vandana7 Happy New Year! I like your solution of the Ukraine problem. You have my vote.
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@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Dec
We had Christmas ham leftover and coffee. Had my dandelion leaves and brazil nuts later (the bananas I just got are too green still). I think our NYs will be quiet . . . but good!
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@much2say (54010)
• Los Angeles, California
31 Dec
@TheHorse How did you have your lamb? I may have had that once - but I can't remember how it tasted.
@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Dec
Heh I just ate the last of my ham and lamb.
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@rebelann (111578)
• El Paso, Texas
30 Dec
It's a pretty good weekend here but it's just soooooooooooooooooooooo cold. I just checked and it's about 50f now but it's still really really cold in here.
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@rebelann (111578)
• El Paso, Texas
1 Jan
Some years we do. I remember getting snow in 2015 but I hope it won't snow again for some years.
@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
1 Jan
Heh. Do you ever get snow that far South?
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
31 Dec
I don't know what I'd do without my deadly highly trained attack guard cats.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
3 Jan
@TheHorse I haven't had even one since I've had cats.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
4 Jan
@xander6464 I read somewhere that they're descended from tigers.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Dec
Kitty is amazing. I have not had a home invasion here in years.
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@popciclecold (35986)
• United States
30 Dec
We are chicken nuggets from leftovers last night.
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@popciclecold (35986)
• United States
30 Dec
Kitty is beautiful. We have no plans just stay in
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@crossbones27 (48590)
• Mojave, California
30 Dec
We actually had quesadilla's, it was yummy. Its raining here too and puppies driving us nuts. As soon as I sit down there is a dog in face going I am bored.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
30 Dec
Just a regular evening for us.
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@wolfgirl569 (97331)
• Marion, Ohio
30 Dec
We had sausage and eggs. Today started cold but the house is warm now.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Dec
It is pleasant outside here now The rain has stopped.
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@Hannihar (129999)
• Israel
31 Dec
@TheHorse I never eat breakfast on Saturdays. I drink and then eat lunch and another meal hours after that. Our Sabbaths go by so fast. I do not celebrate New Years here, except for ours. Our New Year is usually in September and it starts with that and then a little break and a fast day after that and then another holiday and so on.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Dec
Egads. I don't even know what year it is. At the Synagogue, it was the passcode to get in. Heh.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
2 Jan
@Hannihar I don't work there any more. But I new what year it was when I did! What year is it anyway?
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@Hannihar (129999)
• Israel
2 Jan
@TheHorse So what did you do since you did not know what year it was in order to enter the Synagogue? It sounds like they have guards there and I hope they really care about the people that do enter.
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@dya80dya (34649)
31 Dec
I don't have any plans, I don't like plans. My weekend was a bit depressing.
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@TheHorse (208414)
• Walnut Creek, California
31 Dec
Sorry to hear your weekend has been a bit depressing. Do you want to talk about it? I only charge $75 per half-hour.
@MarieCoyle (30239)
31 Dec
I cooked old fashioned oatmeal (we don't do instant here!), had a few raisins on it with a bit of dark brown sugar. It was delicious.
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@LadyDuck (461954)
• Switzerland
31 Dec
Orange and poppy seed muffin and a Greek yogurt with blueberries. I fed my cat, I gave some treats to the two cats of two different neighbors and I am ready to cook for New Year's Eve.
@LindaOHio (160319)
• United States
31 Dec
We will have a special dinner at home with a little bubbly and watch the ball drop. I didn't have breakfast yesterday morning. Have a great New Year's Eve.