a lot of snow

@Bensen32 (27612)
United States
January 13, 2024 2:00pm CST
Well, we could say they were right this time about the snow. Yesterday it snowed all day and early this morning I was up and out. Our town reported this morning a total snow of 12.2 inches for the storm. It was so windy last night that most of the towns around here stopped snow removal soon after it got dark and picked up in the morning light. Just to keep their drivers safe which was I think the right thing to do. As usually happens around here the snow is going to be followed by a big drop in the temperature. Before the storms we were in the mid 30’s, during the storm it stayed right at 30F and now we are at 18F. For the next 3 or 4 days we are looking at temperatures around 5F (-15c) during the day and near -20F (-28.8c) at night. Hope everyone in this storm had been safe and the next couple of days they are smart about this cold. So far, I have made it safe even know this morning I went to the store and yeah, the roads were not cleared very well but I drove safe and made it home in one piece.
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7 responses
@kaylachan (65954)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Jan
At leas t you're alright and safe. I hope you can stay warm and only go out when you have to.
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@kaylachan (65954)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Jan
@Bensen32 Kind of hard not to I guess. I'd say the same thing about myself.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
14 Jan
@kaylachan you would be surprised at the people around here that have lived their whole lives in the area and still act like it is their first winter.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
13 Jan
yeah, the cold doesn't bother me too much. So many years of living in this area I guess I am used to it.
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@Deepizzaguy (100079)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
13 Jan
Thank goodness you are safe and sound.
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@Deepizzaguy (100079)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
14 Jan
@Bensen32 You are welcome.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
13 Jan
thank you
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@snowy22315 (177266)
• United States
13 Jan
That is a lot of snow.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
13 Jan
Yeah, it's a good amount. It reminds me of years ago when we would get this a few times a season.
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@Juliaacv (50312)
• Canada
13 Jan
We cannot measure what snow fell here yesterday, as it all melted over night. But it started back up today again.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
13 Jan
LOL, yeah that wasn't much then
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• Nairobi, Kenya
15 Jan
I hope you all stay safe and warm. Do you play with snow?
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
15 Jan
I'm a little too old to be out playing in the snow but as a kid I certainly did.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Jan
@Bensen32 I'm not a kid either. But if I were to visit a country with snow, I would play in it.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
18 Jan
@mildredtabitha LOL I could see that if you live in a place where you never get any certainly you just have to play in it.
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
14 Jan
Yeah, I heard you guys got wallopped. We still have a lot of family back home in Wisconsin and in some places they were saying 17 inches. We have a little on the ground here, but not like there. Please keep it there. lol
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
14 Jan
LOL yeah, I think just north of me got more and I know like a town just west of me only got about 6 inches so not sure must and been pockets that got less, and some got more.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
15 Jan
@porwest Yep sounds about right
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
15 Jan
@Bensen32 When I lived in Milwaukee we usually got more than places like Waukesha and Pewaukee and Sussex because of the lake effect off Lake Michigan. But of course it was always a toss up. I remember one year Cudahy got slammed and we only got an inch or so.
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@popciclecold (38065)
• United States
13 Jan
All that snow sounds terrible. Glad you made it back safe. Ours is supposed to come Monday and Tuesday. I really don't like snow.
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@Bensen32 (27612)
• United States
13 Jan
LOL yeah, a lot of people don't like it, I don't mind at all. Well, be safe out there.
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• United States
13 Jan
@Bensen32 I plan too. Thank you.
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