children who bite
By loved1
@loved1 (5328)
United States
September 14, 2006 1:55pm CST
Is there anyone out there who has a surefire way to stop a child from biting other children? My 20 month old keeps biting the other kids when she is mad. People say things like spanking, biting her back etc but nothing seems to work. I would love some advice!
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40 responses
@TJKMFK (54)
• United States
14 Sep 06
Time out works wonders with my 3 year old. He hates it so much just me saying TO will make his stop what he's doing and correct his behavior. Whatever you do it has to be an immediate response, where ever you are. You can't wait with one that young they forget what they did really quickly. If we are out I take mine in the bathroom and make his sit on the changing table or stand in the corner. He's like yucky Mommy. But I stand my ground with him.
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@busymommy (260)
• United States
5 Oct 06
Shadowing is what you have to do to be able to successfully stop it. I have worked in many daycares and that was what we did there. We also have given them something save to bite, such as a teether or pacifier and attached it to them and then tell them when they feel like biting to bite on it. For some it is a hard concept but once they get it, it works. Also you could try changing their schedule a little to give them a little variety, as they might be bored of the same things all the time! Good Luck!

@chiggerdog (134)
• United States
14 Sep 06
I have learned that soap in the mouth stops many bad behaviors.
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@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
14 Sep 06
At 20 months biting is typical, it's how they relate that they are not happy about something. All you can do is remove her to another area and not allow her to play...I do have to say..when my daughter was bit older..over 2, she bit me, I bit her back and she didn't bite again. ind you I didn't bite her hard...just enough to show her it hrt. She got the message..never bit again.
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@amberleef (480)
14 Sep 06
if you have a willing victim then you could put something on the arm like mustard or something that tastes horrible,but make sure is safe then when the child bites again she or he will get a horrible tasting suprise which would shock,and hopefully put them off biting anyone again.
just my opinion so don't blame me if you try it and it all goes horribly wrong,lol
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I've heard of this trick. Except instead mustard it was jalepeno juice , and on the child's fingers to help them stop biting their nails and/ or sucking their thumbs.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
14 Nov 06
What worked for my son was when ever he bit anyone I would tell him that it was wrong and that it hurts then I would put him in timeout. If that did not work I took something of value to him at that time away. Within a few days he stopped and got his things back.
Hope this helps.
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I've been reading some of the previous posts. What's up w/ the "hostile environments" & "biting is unnatural" theories?!?
My son is 13 months old & has been biting since about 3 months old. What happended at that time? He started to get teeth. In my stiuation teething rings did not (& still don't work). But I do use Baby Orajel to help him with the pain & I use ... banana's. Yeah, banan's. I peel them, cut them up into smaller pieces, and put them in the freezer. Then I give them to him & it numbs his gums & keeps his mouth on the food & off my arms/legs. It's not a permenant solution, but it's teaching him he doesn't have to bite others to make his mouth feel better.
@chukwudi (1098)
• Nigeria
11 Nov 06
only tell the other child to bite back but its a natural thing he or she will get over it
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
14 Nov 06
That probably would work but would confuse the children. I don't want to teach them that it is ok to bite EVER. I use the same principal when I tell them it is not ok to hit someone back. Thanks for your imput though, and you are right. They always get over it.
@michael666 (613)
• China
1 Oct 06
You've got a plethora of great and varied responses there but if all else fails use gaffer tape, it got great stick!
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
4 Oct 06
HAHAHAHA good one. I actually know someone who used tape on her child for a different purpose. Mr friend's 3 year old wouldn't stop picking his nose and kept giving himself a nosebleed. On each hand she taped his index finger to his middle finger, and then taped his ring finger to his pinky. He couldn't fit any of his fingers up his nostrils and after walking around like Mork from Ork for a day or so he quit doing it. I laughed my butt off over that one.
@lovelylizzie (327)
• United States
5 Oct 06
wow, i'm sorry. my son just stopped biting but he just stopped on his own.
Why not give her some light chili when she bites the other kids? I know this sounds cruel.. but it's actually funny..because she may endu up liking it. chances are, she may hate it and will know the conseqences of biting others.
We tried this with my son.. he was one of the kids that ended up liking it!
good luck.. kids are difficult.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
5 Oct 06
Thanks for the advice. I used this method with white vinegar for my other two children(for lying, swearing etc-they did not bite) but this child loves white vinegar. She begs for a taste of it every time she sees the bottle in the cupboard. Her sisters think that is so funny. Time out seems to be working for now. It took a million time outs but I think she got the message. Some kids are so stubborn!
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
5 Oct 06
We are talking about a baby here but still she had to learn that some things are not acceptable. Biting her back is not the answer because she will not realise the significance of what you are doing unless she is marked and hurting a child is just not on.
I would suggest that in this instance you use the time-out method of discipline and see how you go. You also have to be consistent in how you handle this matter, i.e. no matter where you are if she bites then she goes to a quiet area.
Good luck
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
5 Oct 06
She has only been biting at home which is where we are the majority of the time. My concern is that I watch other people's children and need to protect them. For now she has stopped biting! Yaay! I just kept putting her in the highchair facing the wall for a time out. Hopefully she got the message. I wonder what naughty thing she will think of to do next! lol Thanks for your reply!
@rlporter (515)
• United States
5 Oct 06
My daughter used to do that and would leave big bruises. The first time I said," NO, no biting. Biting hurts people" really loud and deep. The second time I said the same thing then put her on the naughty stool and explained again while she was there. It took 2 more time of doing this before she stopping, but she got the message.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Nov 06
I always found the bite them back thing to work very well but if that isn't working put something bad tasteing in her mouth everytime she bites someone and put her in a corner facing the wall for a while, even if you got to hold her to teach her biters don't get to play.
@farocop44 (447)
• Canada
10 Nov 06
how about a mask, like Hannibal Lecter, or a dog uses. Not saying use these just maybe some type of mouth guard could help.
@krishna183 (2284)
• India
27 Sep 06
oh yes there are some kids who have a habit of biting .. i have been bitten quite a lot in my childhood .. used to feel like breaking their jaw then and there itself .. but was just tolerant
@tandmunlimited (1252)
• United States
26 Sep 06
I broke my kids by biting them back, because they see how it hurts. I am not saying bite them like you are eating chicken tho.. LOL
@Lackingstyle (7509)
24 Sep 06
Definately tell them off though I wouldn't smack them, it is something they'll grow out of eventually.
@motherof3alh (42)
• United States
21 Nov 06
My children never bit anyone. I work as a substitute at a preK program in my city. There is a little girl that bites all the time. She is 4 years old. They give her a biting ring so she won't try to bite another child. I just thinks that wrong. The parents need to try to fix that problem. Not the child careprovider. She bit a little girl and blood came. They didn't even call both parents. That really upst me.