it's been a day of what to do when

Cloverdale, Indiana
February 9, 2024 6:49pm CST
I know I haven't spent too much time on here as of the last few days, but we have been busy with what needs to be done that was put off while I was in the hosp & while I have been recovering, I have a lot to get done. 9 mons laid up with everything I had B-4 I got sick & laid up in the hosp for 6 mons then the 3-4 mons I was laid up recovering has really stacked the work up on me. 3 dogs have to be sheared cause they're all matted up their pens had to be taken care of since I'm the only 1 that can get in there & do what needs to be done. The work that has to be done in the cabin has to be done B-4 it gets TOO hot, cause I can't stand the heat & with me not as strong as I use to be is really gonna put a damper on things getting done around here if I can't. The tree man is suppose to be here sometime this next week & things have to be moved where they can do what they need to do to get the trees down, & that's finding a place to hold 3 dogs in 3 different places & not together. We put the work on the cabin on hold for now till after the tree man comes, THEN we have to put the portable awning BACK up again so we can park the car under it & then if ALL goes right & the dog pens don't get messed up they can go back in the pens like they were & that will be done. I swear we need to be triplets to get everything we need to do done, but of course we know that isn't going to happen & there's no 1 to ask for help around here so it just leaves us to do everything that has to be done, 1 day at a time. So that's the reason why you haven't heard a lot from me but as soon as we can get SOMEWHAT caught up I'll be back on here again, so don't give up on me I'm just busy & by the time we call it a day I'm too tired to even get online. Just keep us in your prayers everything goes right with the trees being cut down cause if the trees we have don't fall right & takes out my 3 dog pens we're REALLY gonna be busy, trying to detain 3 dogs till their pens can be rebuilt. That's all I have for now, & I'm fixing to have some fish for dinner with some home fries, yes I know it's a NO NO but I don't have it everyday, I haven't had none since I've been home from rehab so I think I can handle some fish & fries.
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5 responses
• Beckley, West Virginia
10 Feb 24
Sounds like you really been busy. I hope everything goes well with the trees. I know exactly what you are dealing with a few years back I got sick and after a lengthy hospital stay and recovery. It seemed as if I"d never get caught back up on everything but eventually I did. Just hang in there.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
That's SO true here I knew I already had enough stuff to get done but now it's doubled on me cause I crashed & everything came to a stand still.
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• Beckley, West Virginia
10 Feb 24
@2ndchances24 That's basically how it was here. Seems to be when something happens with us everything around the house comes to a stand. It will take time but you'll get there.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
@MelissaAnn1979 Yea but when you sleep till noon & then wait another 2-3 hrs to do anything what's the point in doing anything at all?
@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Feb 24
I'd move the dog pens, so you don't need to worry about them when the tree guy comes. You have a lot on your plate. I hope you can get it all done in the cabin before it gets too hot in there this summer.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Feb 24
@2ndchances24 I hope he gets it done for you so he can have his space back, more sooner than later.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
@just4him I'm trying not to push but it's hard not to when we have so much to get done B-4 summer.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
Can't move the pens there permanent so that's out I'm trying to get as much as I can done so I can get back into it but I don't see that happening at the pace he's making, he sleeps till noon eats & sits in his recliner going for a nap, then if don't say something nothing gets started or done, KNOWING the sooner it gets done the sooner he can have his space back.
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@jstory07 (142347)
• Roseburg, Oregon
10 Feb 24
I hope you can get caught up with everything. Take care and have a good weekend.
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@jstory07 (142347)
• Roseburg, Oregon
10 Feb 24
@2ndchances24 Yes stay in and stay safe.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
@jstory07 what you doing up this time of Morn? I plane to do just that, stay in & relax.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
Thank you, being it's like 3 am & I'm washing dish's & it's raining I think I'm done with work right now cause when it rains it's slick & I don't need to fall.
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@wolfgirl569 (112748)
• Marion, Ohio
10 Feb 24
You have been busy. Hope the tree guys are good
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
Thank You, me too, they seen where everything is so I'm hoping they don't renigg on us.
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@porwest (96850)
• United States
10 Feb 24
Sorry to hear about your matted dogs. It is what it is, I suppose. lol
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@porwest (96850)
• United States
12 Feb 24
@2ndchances24 I am sure you will. It will be fun to see your progress too.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Feb 24
@porwest You seen what it looks like in the video just think what it's going to take to get it where I need it to be.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
10 Feb 24
Yea your right about that but I'll get it all back together it's just going to be a bit to get it all sorted out day by day.
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