My cats

@sissy15 (12285)
United States
February 27, 2024 7:54pm CST
People often say cats don't show affection. Cats seem aloof and indifferent to their humans but I've found cats can be especially affectionate and loving. I have two cats. I have my beautiful big boy Felix who is a yellowish colored cat and I have my smaller psycho boy Rascal who is an orange tabby. They both have chosen their human in our house. My big boy prefers me and is the sweetest most affectionate cat and will allow any of us to pet him but I'm his human and he follows me around and likes to sleep on me. I sleep with a cat on me most of the time. He likes to be where I am. He is currently asleep in my lap as I write this. He is like this more than not. He just wants to be where I am. He comes out to see me the second he sees I'm sitting and will start demanding pets and attention. Rascal prefers my son and my son is about the only one he will lay on. Rascal is not as affectionate as Felix. He is our psycho cat who you would swear is missing a brain cell but can be very sweet when he wants to be. Felix is the reason we wanted a second cat and Rascal is the reason we'll probably never get a third cat. We love them both but their personalities are polar opposites. Rascal drives us crazy by constantly knocking over water bowls and fountains. We have not found anything to keep him from knocking his water over. We have tried everything. We even had a fountain that had the lid screw on and he somehow found a way to dismantle it. He tips or destroys every bowl or fountain we have tried with him and then he acts like he is dying for water. We can't leave him longer than a day because we can't trust him alone that long. Rascal is very sweet at times and he's a great source of entertainment but he's also a pain in the butt. We wouldn't trade him for anything but he's definitely the resident psycho in our house. He does show love and affection in his own way and we love him. He's a pain in the butt he's our pain in the butt.
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3 responses
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Feb
Your cats sound like great characters.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
28 Feb
They are, especially Rascal. He's got a very strong personality. Felix is just a love bug.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Feb
I like the fact that all cats are different from each other. They all have their own personality.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
28 Feb
They all do, I love that about cats too. A lot of cats have certain qualities that are similar to each other but have an overall different personality from other cats. My two cats couldn't be any more different from each other.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Feb
@sissy15 My two are brothers and each one is different.
@sarik1 (7098)
28 Feb
Your cat is so cute.