Bad day at work

@sissy15 (12285)
United States
February 29, 2024 8:19pm CST
Today was the kind of day that goes slow and fast all at the same time. It was probably the most chaotic terrible day anyone who has worked in education could only really visualize in their nightmares. I mean it could have been worse, it could always be worse but the amount of chaos and bad behaviors were at another level. Today was a leap day as we all know so of course we had to have leap day activities, that in itself isn't so bad. It's everything else about the day that mounted. We had a new student (the poor kid was not prepared for this level of chaos), we are also celebrating Dr. Seuss all week, we had an actual leap year birthday for one of our kids (he also has a twin brother in another class), then they decided to throw on an added lockdown/evacuation drill during a time super close to the end our encore class (encore is PE, art, music) which means we were close to transitioning between rooms. The kids were terrible all day. The birthday boy seemed to think we should have to deal with his terrible behaviors because it was his birthday. I know I'm not his favorite person because I get after him a lot because he's always in everyone else's business and doesn't listen to the directions himself while tattling on everyone else. They chose one of the coldest days to do this drill where we had to go outside with the kids half of whom didn't have anything on their arms and the kids were terrible not realizing if this was the real thing how much danger they'd be putting us in or maybe knowing and not caring. Honestly, I'd probably have to kiss my butt goodbye if this were a real drill because they'd lead the shooter to us. They were giggling and goofing around and being loud not caring at all how serious this situation is. We explained it to them beforehand and told them how serious this was and how we shouldn't be scared but that following directions was important so we know what to do in the event of a real situation but of course once again they didn't care. All day long these kids were loud and didn't listen and the poor new student seemed overwhelmed. She told me that this was a weird first day and I told her that our friends weren't being very good role models for what we should be doing and that not all days are THIS bad, I failed to mention that they are usually bad but not quite this bad. It was bad enough that the teacher had to walk out to take a breather before coming back in and addressing a situation. I yelled all day long. I think I upset one of my friends when she told me she wasn't being bad and I informed her I saw everything and I knew better. She's one of my buddies that I feel relies on me for support and love but I try to be fair and because I love her I feel the need to correct her behavior. She can be super sweet but she's sneaky and doesn't always listen the way she should. I was done with all of the behavior today. She had never seen me get on her quite like today and part of me felt bad but I know I wouldn't be doing her any favors by allowing that behavior to continue. I think it hurt her but in that moment I didn't care it wasn't until later I started feeling a bit bad for how I spoke to her not for what I said. I snapped in a way I don't usually snap but today was overwhelming. Once we got back to the classroom it got worse and the buddy I work with was struggling to get ready so I could get out the door in time. I was a little later getting out today but still got out in enough time for my husband to be able to get me home and go back into town for his second job. It was an insane day all around.
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3 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
1 Mar
Wow that sounds like quite the day. I hope you are able to relax and unwind now that you are home..hope tomorrow is a better day.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
1 Mar
Thank you, I have sat and done almost nothing. I feel bad because I need to start getting the house cleaned again (I had it clean and looking decent but then got sick a couple of weeks ago and haven't had much time to clean it between being busy and exhausted) I just don't have the energy here lately. I love my job but am really looking forward to spring break.
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
1 Mar
@sissy15 When does Spring Break start?
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
1 Mar
@Happy2BeMe The end of this month.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
1 Mar
what age kids are you dealing with? cause I remember back in my school days that went that way it was crazy I never made any friends with the other kids cause of how rude & inconsiderate they were I was there to learn.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
1 Mar
I work with second graders they are 7, 8, and 9 as we have a lot of kids that repeated kindergarten. They aren't so much as rude as out of control because a lot of them have something going on but there are some things they can control and don't. I have empathy but empathy only goes so far when they were being as bad as they were today.
@RebeccasFarm (88351)
• Arvada, Colorado
1 Mar
Wow, sounds like a day from an educator's worst nightmare! Between the new student, celebrations, drills, and difficult behavior, it's no wonder you're drained. Sending virtual hugs! Remember, while you can't control everything, your dedication to setting boundaries and caring for your students shines through.Take some well-deserved time to recharge for tomorrow.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
1 Mar
Thank you, I look forward to the weekend. I just have to get through tomorrow. I was going to make dinner tonight and instead just heated up something in the oven instead of actually cooking. I just don't have it in me at the end of the day. I'm tired of being exhausted all the time but today was worse than usual. I could not do this job if I didn't have patience and a sense of humor but today my patience was gone by the end of the day. This weekend is needed. This is already a busy month for me.
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