Border More Out of Control Than Ever- Laken Riley

@dgobucks226 (36252)
March 3, 2024 10:31am CST
If you seek multiple media outlets to get your news you will notice reports of ever-increasing numbers of illegal immigrants entering our country. And not from neighboring areas like Mexico and South America. The U.S. has seen an influx of migrants from countries like Africa, China, and Russia too. We have also seen more and more incidents of violence from illegals because of the Biden administrations "catch and release" program. There are no background checks of these foreigners who enter our country, and for all we know, they may have a past criminal history. Sadly Laken Riley, the Georgia nursing student found this out while going for a jog to get some exercise. She was abducted, raped, and brutally murdered, by one of those increasing number of criminal elements entering through the open borders of the U.S. What angers me is we are becoming less safe because illegals are being quickly processed without proper security checks and secretly flown all over the U.S with the complete cooperation of the Democratic administration. In my view, Biden and the Mayor of this sanctuary area have blood on their hands for what happened to this beautiful girl. The only way to stop this madness I believe is to vote out political candidates who support such policies in your state and on the national level. I wonder if people are getting fed up with hearing about 2-yr olds being shot in an illegal immigrant crossfire and Washington D.C. police being attacked and beaten by some migrants who have no allegiance to our laws and country. What do you think? Photo: yahoo news
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8 responses
@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
4 Mar 24
We cannot continue to support hundreds of illegal aliens coming into our country. We need to nip this problem in the bud. Have a good week.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
@porwest The Trump Derangement Syndrome is so heightened people will accept America's current situation rather than vote for Trump to correct it. Now that's a mental illness with apparently no cure. And pure stupidity. Look, the guy says things off the cuff I wish he wouldn't. And the name calling is juvenile for sure, but you cannot say the country is better off today than it was under his administration.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
Glad to hear it. I think many are finally coming around to realizing this is not sustainable. It's got to be a mother's worst nightmare having to worry if your daughter is safe at her college. And with any illegal immigrant allowed to enter the U.S. with these Biden policies the chance of it happening increases a lot.
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
4 Mar 24
We almost did under Trump, but no one questioned Biden when he reversed Trump's policies within hours of taking the oath and NOW we are calling for action three years later? And yet there are still people willing to give Biden a thumbs up in 2024 despite it all even though the actions he is taking now do nothing to secure the border. Makes no sense.
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@jstory07 (142433)
• Roseburg, Oregon
3 Mar 24
I think they should have to come legal or not at all. Quit just letting thousand in at a time. Than we have no place to house them and no money to take care of them.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Mar 24
I agree. And collect money. You all cannot wipe out retirement savings of people to let such people in.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Mar 24
@porwest Factors that must have led to such decisions, maybe ... right now, it is "humane" to admit Ukrainians, as well as Russians, fleeing the war torn region. Kinda, America maybe feeling guilty for not doing much about Jews during World War II, even when they knew the horrendous facts. So image repair... Similar thing about Palestinians. Other reason maybe ... lack of workforce for smaller jobs. Many Americans would not take up jobs that don't pay well. They are familiar with cost of living, and have gotten accustomed to some standard of living - life is not imaginable without that standard. Unlike them, we Indians, tend to live together. You will find joint families, with distant relatives. What this does is, it enables us to take up smaller jobs. So we save on hefty rent, utilities, gadgets (we don't need multiple TV sets, sofas, etc. ). Everybody contributes, of course, but everybody saves as well, for eventual shift to other jobs, or studies. For Americans, such living is inconceivable. Third reason ... maintaining relationships with other nations. There has been persistent discord with China and North Korea. With Pakistan having played truant, it has become difficult for America to find a base at this end, should the need arise. So India has gotten into America's good books. Consequently, Indian immigrants have been allowed in. What can be done to overcome such issues? I don't know. It is not my problem. You all have to think it over and resolve them. Each one of them may seem minor but does have huge repercussions. If Palestinians perceive America as a nation that does not accept refugees from their lands, they can take it out on America. If Russians perceive something similar about their relatives, again you will be the soft target.
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
4 Mar 24
Which is why it was pure stupidity and irresponsible for Biden to reverse Trump's policy which reduced border crossings by over 50% and would have further reduced crossings if construction of the wall were not halted.
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@vandana7 (101558)
• India
4 Mar 24
You and I ..are on the same page. Though I am not from the US. There are many aspects of immigration which can affect immigrants, as well as citizens. Usually, not enough thought is given to such things because people are so enamored at the thought of living in a very rich country. Healthcare gets mauled, because a dollar for one person gets divided resulting in lesser amount being left for those who are the original citizens. How is that fair at all? You, your father, your grand father, great grandfather and your wife, your mother, your grandmother, and great grandmother all contributed to make the country what it is. You all sacrificed for it, you all paid taxes for it, you all worked for it, and established healthcare and social security that should be available for you all. Those taxes built roads, hospitals, airports, dams, industries, etc. You all did that so that next generations got jobs, and you all got safe retirement and health care. The immigrants need to pay immigration taxes for sharing it. Hefty taxes. I bet they will not come if you all did that. You say criminal background is not checked. I agree. It is difficult to identify if a person committed some crime in my country. Even religious views should be known. You never know when the person is gonna create ruckus for religion. At our end, Indians going to America may behave there, but back home, they treat us as second or third class citizens. They also import into your country customs which are wrong, such as dowry system for which there is no cure. Think before you let a person become a citizen.
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@kaylachan (76018)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Mar 24
I think we need to stop passing the blame and procute the person, not the type. This is getting redicioulious. We were all immigrates once, and there was no such thing as a legal or illegal way to enter the country. I think our need to blame a group, outweighs the fact that a person did this to another person. Do you think it would've made headlines if the person was "americian?" Whatever that is?
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
4 Mar 24
Immigration was always controlled in the United States, with strict rules about entry. To gain citizenship you had to learn English. You had to learn the Constitution. You had to pledge allegiance. And many of those immigrants wanted to BE Americans and assimilate into our culture.
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@kaylachan (76018)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Mar 24
@porwest Yeah, I know. that's how it is now. I just get annoyed with pointless steroytyping when we can focus on the crime and person not assume everyone of that race or background is a criminal and is going to kill someone.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
Actually, your mistaken. There are legal and illegal ways to enter a country. There are ports of entry, proper processing and background checks. Immigrants need to have a valid reason to come which is political persecution from the country they came. Many are just walking across the border because the Biden administration says they can. I think we are stereotyping here but drawing attention to a serious problem. You just can't let anyone cross the border, as it could lead to a tragic situation like this one. Some will say its not just illegal aliens who kill people in the U.S. Of course, that's true, but why add to this problem by allowing unvetted migrants who may be rapists and murderers from other countries to enter our borders.
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@rebelann (113411)
• El Paso, Texas
3 Mar 24
Here in El Paso illegals have always been part of our residents. I recall that Reagan gave amnesty to illegals residing in the US which created even worse problems for us because those illegals are usually the ones who harbor their illegal family members. They don't even try to speak English.
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@rebelann (113411)
• El Paso, Texas
4 Mar 24
It's a shame that people seem to think there are only 2 parties, not that I belong to one, but when I vote I always look for those not affiliated with them which isn't necessarily a good thing but I just can't pick the 2 evils so I go for the ones outside the box.
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
4 Mar 24
This is something many Democrats are oblivious to when we look at Biden's border policy. It DEFIES age old tenets of the Democrat's position on border security. It was not so much ever a Republican issue until Trump made it one. The Democrats were the ones calling for fences, walls and border security while the Republicans accepted some illegal immigration as answers to labor shortages in certain fields. Suddenly the Democrats changed their position when Trump made it a key component of his campaign, and therefore reversed Trump's effective policies, and now we have this disaster. It's nuts. It's dangerous. And I think Americans are understanding how bad it is, finally. It is the #1 concern in all polling and unfortunately the Biden administration still doesn't get it.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
@rebelann Well, that's your prerogative as an American citizen. To vote for who you want. That's why it is disgusting what some Democratic run states are trying to do, by keeping Trump off the ballot. A citizen has a right to decide who he wants to vote for. States should not deny a person his right.
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@LeaPea2417 (37623)
• Toccoa, Georgia
3 Mar 24
I am outraged by it. Athens Georgia where that murder happened is 1 hour away from my town.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
Very sad situation. Our children are not safe because of this administration. It's got to be a mother's worst nightmare having to worry if your daughter is safe at her college. And with any illegal immigrant allowed to enter the U.S. with these Biden policies the chance of it happening increases a lot.
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@RebeccasFarm (92831)
• United States
4 Mar 24
You know it's the plan..all engineered DB. Hard pill to swallow, but they have destroyed America as we know it. These invaders are criminals of the worst order. They are killing Americans. It's sanctioned by the powers that be..I can't call it Government even. It is going to get worse for all of us ..bottom line. What these invaders don't realize though, is when the shite actually hits the fan, they'll be targets too.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
All so true OT. Although immigrants arrested for crossing illegally are supposed to undergo background checks, those checks only scan against the FBI terrorist watch list and U.S. criminal databases, leaving an individual’s criminal record in other countries unknown. It's got to be a mother's worst nightmare having to worry if your daughter is safe at her college. And with any illegal immigrant allowed to enter the U.S. with these Biden policies the chance of it happening increases a lot.
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• United States
6 Mar 24
@dgobucks226 I would hate to be worrying like that of my kids growing up DB.
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
4 Mar 24
The entire border crisis issue infuriates me in that it was an issue largely dealt with through Trump's border policies which were proven to be effective in reducing border crossings by roughly 50%. Why would an administration reverse policy that worked and that was a key issue in the previous administration that got Donald Trump elected? The fact that they NOW seem to see it as an issue, after several Democrat run cities are now feeling the pain of this failed policy is too little, too late. And on top of that, touting a border security bill that doesn't actually secure the border, which is the reason Republicans rejected it, is just a measure to NOT actually address the issue and point fingers during an election year. Even the media has come out and said, in so many words, "Why not just go back to Trump's policies that worked?" The bottom line is that sometimes you just have to admit you were wrong, the other side was right, and do things that support the needs of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Not your egos. And not your politics. The danger we face on the border issue is not just one of cases like this one. It's about national security. If terrorists and other people know they can walk right across the border, who knows who's coming and what they are up to?
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
5 Mar 24
Yes, all points are true. Some facts to consider: 1. Illegal immigration policies instituted by the Biden administration have caused tremendous hardship on people subsisting at the poverty level due to more job competition and free resources and programs being spent on migrants instead of American citizens who need help. 2. Do you know the cost of immigration in Texas alone is over 7 billion dollars. Imagine what the cost is for the whole U.S. Our economy no matter how strong, cannot continue to stay unaffected by this increased spending. The value of our dollar will become as worthless as the Third World countries of the illegals who flee here. 3. Did you know over 50% of the country now disapproves of Biden's phony Border Bill which does nothing of substance to secure the border and attempts to lump in more money to Ukraine. 4. Laken Riley might still be alive if it wasn’t for NYC’s sanctuary city laws. If laws were not changed the killer who had a previously arrested and charged with a crime (for endangering a child) could have been turned over to federal immigration officials for deportation. 5. If an illegal undocumented immigrant is residing in your state illegally, they are breaking the law and should be arrested and deported. Now that's one effective deterrent to stop this border crisis.
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@dgobucks226 (36252)
8 Mar 24
@porwest Yes, I have heard the same thing. It's funny how in 2016, when Trump was elected, he was the first to make border security a big issue, which helped him immensely in the election. And now, in 2024, the issue again is as relevant as ever! This current crime wave and disrespect of law and order by illegals in our country has further spotlighted the need for border security.
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@porwest (97225)
• United States
6 Mar 24
@dgobucks226 I was even surprised to hear SOME liberal leaning commentators pointing out that all Biden has ever had to do was to return to Trump's policies Biden reversed within hours of taking his oath. That liberals are now beginning to realize that whatever they think of Trump, that his border policies worked, is a plus. If they start getting it on the border issue, perhaps they also start getting it on all the other issues right now.
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