My day yesterday/Michigan and Ohio differences

@sissy15 (12290)
United States
March 25, 2024 10:07am CST
Yesterday was a tiring day. We went and saw the new Ghostbusters movie (which was pretty good, no worries I won't give spoilers) and then ended up in Michigan. I live near the Ohio/Michigan border so this isn't as far away as it sounds. We went to Michigan and went to IKEA which was a first for all of us. We then went to Fazolis for dinner on our way home. None of us had been to IKEA before and we wanted to see what the big deal was and it was such a big store and we were surprised at how affordable the store was. It had been a while since my husband and I had been in Michigan and we forgot how much of a difference there actually is between Ohio and Michigan. The roads in Michigan are about a thousand times more terrible than Ohio and Ohio has some terrible roads but they are worse in Michigan. Michigan also has things more spread out and has a lot more set up as far as bike trails and walking paths than Ohio. Ohio has some of bike trails and walking paths but not quite like Michigan. In Ohio, we have a lot of country and farmland but in Michigan, we've found their cities are more spread out. In Ohio, a lot of things are stacked up next to each other. Everything in the city is next to each other and then you get farmland for miles and then there's a city and once again everything is right there and then more farmland. I've found in Michigan their cities just seem more spread out all over the city instead of all together. It was just an interesting difference. The driving in Michigan at least where we were (I'm sure it's much worse in bigger cities/I have been stuck in traffic in Detroit before so I know there are exceptions) seemed like there was a lot less traffic. In Ohio most of our towns and cities there are cars on top of cars even in our smaller towns. I live in a small town and the traffic on any given day is worse than it was in any part of Michigan we traveled through last night. It was such an odd difference between states even though we border each other once we crossed the border everything just seemed different and you wouldn't think you'd notice any big differences so quickly but you do. I can't quite put into words all of the differences but there were so many.
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3 responses
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Mar
I loved being on the continent and touring and one minute you were in Germany then suddenly you were in Switzerland. It used to blow my mind.
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@sissy15 (12290)
• United States
26 Mar
What's interesting about the US is that despite it all being one country each state can be very different from the next. Even though we had just crossed the border you instantly noticed the difference. It was just interesting. I've been to Michigan several times over the years but it had been a while and I guess I just forgot the differences. I can't imagine if it were different countries.
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@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Mar
Probably because you're so used to Ohio, that anywhere else is going to feel different because you're not used to it.
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@sissy15 (12290)
• United States
26 Mar
Well, I mean yes but the differences were almost immediate. We just went over the border and it was such a big difference. I've been to the bordering city a ton of times but seldom cross the border. Michigan isn't very far from me at all. I live about twenty to thirty minutes from the border. The city that's at the Ohio/Michigan border is our closest big city and it's where we have to go for a lot of things. I expect things to be different from state to state but it was such an odd difference. It blew my mind how quickly we noticed it.
@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
25 Mar
That is very interesting. Glad you had a good day though and that you enjoyed the movie.
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