Bad Habits

United States
April 11, 2024 9:57am CST
Happy Thursday Everyone! it's a rainy day here in my little corner of the myLot world. I'm trying to break a bad habit. You know how much I love to read and I read almost every day. Some days I have more time than others but I try to at least read a chapter or two. My bad habit is....I like to snack while I read. It's a bad habit to have especially when I'm engrossed in a good story and my hand is just absentmindedly going from snack to mouth. 99% of the time I don't even remember what I've eaten so it's not like I'm enjoying whatever snack I'm munching on. It doesn't matter if it's chips or grapes but reading just brings out the hand to mouth motion. You would think this wouldn't be a problem but when I forego the snack my mind is only half paying attention to the story. I don't know why this is or how I started this bad habit. I'm determined to kick it mostly because it's silly. If I'm going to eat something I should be enjoying it. I keep telling myself that calories are calories and they still count even if I don't remember eating them Do you have a bad habit you're trying to break?
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11 responses
@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
11 Apr
Yes, trying to break eating a piece of chocolate before bed. Of course, the only kind i have now is dark chocolate and not a big fan of it hasn't been that hard.
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• United States
11 Apr
I love dark chocolate so that would be hard for me. I try not to keep any in the house
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
11 Apr
@Marilynda1225 It's OK, but not a big fan. It has health benefits though. Why I bought it .plus calories not that bad.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr
@snowy22315 I've always been partial to dark chocolate and I'm the only one in my family that likes it. What a bonus for me that I never had to share it with my kids when they were growing up
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Apr
I'm addicted to trying to earn enough points on various websites so I can get gift cards, I'm even playing games on just to help them and of course I love the games. I will stop doing this one day. The other bad habit is I keep trying to win millions on PCH, that's so damn time consuming.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr
I don't know if playing games to win gift cards is a bad habit since you are getting a reward in return for your time. Hope you win those millions on PCH
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@rebelann (112254)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Apr
I suppose earning giftcards is ok it's just that it's time consuming ..... as for PCH, I really need to get over it, I won't win anyway.
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
12 Apr
My bad habit is the piece of chocolate I have while I watch a movie after dinner. Summer is coming, so I think I can give up this habit.
@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
11 Apr
I can be a bit of a procrastinator. Trying not to be.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
11 Apr
@Marilynda1225 it’s hard to change.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Apr
I'm a big procrastinator and I doubt I will ever change that
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Apr
I've done that. It wasn't a habit, so I just stopped doing it. I hope you can kick this habit and not let it take over your life.
@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 Apr
the books you read must be interesting and i understand you. too many bad habits, i think. being less worried about rude situations or life in general and so on.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Apr
Where to begin? I have many bad habits I snack all evening away. I am retired so I do what I want when I want. Many bad habits.
@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Apr
I have many bad habits . But in terms of snacking - sometimes I just can't stop. Admittedly I do snack a lot while being on the computer (um, myLotting). I am trying to be on the computer less these days, but I don't know if that's really stopping my from the snacking .
@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Apr
Just trying to cut back on all snacking
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
12 Apr
I really don't have any bad habits that I can think of. Even though I'm very heavy, I don't think I eat that's just because I'm very sedentary due to my spinal issues. Hope you can break your snacking habit! Have a good day.
@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
12 Apr
I also love to snack when I read.