I worked his BUTT off today

Cloverdale, Indiana
April 27, 2024 5:43pm CST
Hope every 1 has had a great Saturday today doing something you enjoy doing, I know I sure did ha ha ha hubby has been pulling this thing where he'll get up at wee hrs of the night & stay up till I get up then he'll go back to bed around 9-10 am & sleep ALL DAY. Well that didn't happen today cause I was on a roll to get SOMETHING done today so I told him we need to work on our 4 legged babies grave getting the trees off it so I can work on getting it REDONE cause the honey suckles are over taking it & if we don't get on it we'll NEVER find the fencing around it that got mangled up by the tree man when he cut down our trees. So we jumped on that got like 4-5 hrs on it done when we got MOST the big stuff away from it & took a break then after that we jumped on another project where we've had this 4 ft tree stump in the front yard since we moved here & I'm tired of looking at it & told him I want it GONE. That was another 4-5 hr job just trying to widdled on it till we got at lest a ft of it cut off & still have another 2-3 ft to go we didn't slice cut it we BUTCHERED it piece by piece till we got a ft of it cut off the top, no certain cut, no certain way as long as we got some of it cut off or down I didn't care. I told him as long as we can get it low enough where I CAN bury it I'll be happy, so here's MY QUESTION to you all. If I can get him to work like he did today OUTSIDE why can't he work like that on my damn cabin???? what's up with that? it's every excuse in the book on why he can't work in the cabin.
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7 responses
@GardenGerty (158228)
• United States
27 Apr
I really have no answers there. I have a non worker here as well.
3 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Apr
I bet it drives you up the wall like it does me huh?
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@LadyDuck (462364)
• Switzerland
28 Apr
I suppose he likes to work in the garden but he does not like what he has to do inside the cabin. My husband liked to do things inside, but he will never help me in the garden.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Apr
That's what I'm thinking, which makes sense to me but he ALSO knows it HAS to be DONE & we can't get any 1 else to do what needs to be done.
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@LadyDuck (462364)
• Switzerland
29 Apr
@2ndchances24 - There is a small thing that needs to be fixed outside. I will do it myself as soon as the weather gets better.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Apr
@LadyDuck There's a lot of things I CAN do with out his help but there's JUST AS much that I need him to do as well too.
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@kaylachan (60048)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Apr
Men are stuborn creatures. it's a power struggle to get George to take feedings on some days.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Apr
Yeah well they have to get it in their thick skull we have things that NEED their help & we have NO other choice.
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@kaylachan (60048)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Apr
@2ndchances24 And, that's where patience is the key.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Apr
@kaylachan Your right but mine is running THIN very THIN.
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@jstory07 (134873)
• Roseburg, Oregon
28 Apr
Men are different creatures and do things their own way.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
28 Apr
Maybe so, but I can't just let things go as they are or I'll be BACK in the hosp AGAIN & may NOT make it the next time around.
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@RasmaSandra (74801)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 May
Sounds like you are the only one interested in the cabin, I hope you can get him motivated to get the cabin done for you,
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
2 May
yeah, I've been on his case & dropping hints I'm not happy & he can't stand it when he knows I'm not happy so we're working on it as much as we can without wearing him out. I just wrote a new post a few mins ago about it just B-4 you responded, we're somewhat CLOSE with the ceiling.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
6 May
We're making some MAJOR progress, cause I told him there's no sense in excuse's cause it's going to get HOT & you will have a lot of time to B-tch then, that changed his mind & got on a roll to getting things done.
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@Ghostlady (557)
• United States
29 Apr
We use the 3rd bedroom for a junk room, and boy is a Junk Room. I would get in there and work on it, but can hardly get through the door, and no where to put the stuff so I can get in to the boxes. When Tom doesn't need something and wants to clean his area in the Livingroom, he takes it and puts it just inside the room. Have mentioned many times that we really need to get in there and get it organized...but..though he agrees...never gets done. He works Sat, Sun, Mon, and since the tourist season has started he will probably work a half day on Tues...off Wed and Thur ..not sure about Friday. He is 66 years old and still pushing and pulling large carts of linen..some weighing about 800lbs. So I kind let it go. I think maybe though if I start pulling stuff out he will atleast help. LOL I just want a pathway so I can go through things and see what to put in a yard sale or donate to Salvation Army.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Apr
Get your mojo in gear & get started & start throwing stuff to get his atten I bet he'll get the hint then, that's what I had to do to mine to get him off his duff to help me.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Apr
@Ghostlady good luck, let me know how it goes.
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• United States
29 Apr
@2ndchances24 Will give it a try. LOL
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
28 Apr
I find that nagging works best with my husband. And if I mention power tools, he’s Johnny on the Spot.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Apr
I don't like to nag or brag I just want to get things done & stop putting it on the back burner to do other things BUT at the same time, other things have to be done as well.
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