It's time to get rid of some things- I'm done

Cloverdale, Indiana
May 21, 2024 6:32am CST
Well I've ponder on it long enough & the time has come to get rid of some things I've held on to LONG enough, like my 3-55 gal fish tanks I've had on the front porch for long enough, I've got a 3X5 metal shed I want to get put up. So to do that I have to get rid of the fish tanks being I've had them sitting on the porch for over 3 yrs & haven't done anything with them, I'm DONE debating on the matter. I have a few tanks I'm debating on getting rid of BUT I'm just not ready to get rid of them JUST yet in case I need them, but they're not as big as the 55 gal tanks either, SO I'll save them cause I may want to put 1 on my back deck when I get it set up at some point after the cabin is done. I done used up most the PVC pipe I had for the 100 gal stock tank pond, & I am using it for what fish I do have for now, till I can get them BACK in the 75 gal tank I got when I get the cabin all set back up again & moved in. I will keep the 2-100 gal stock tanks cause I MAY get some gold fish like I use to have & raise them again so I can sell them BUT that won't be till next year. I sold the last 1's I had & they brought some pretty good $ for me, so I'm thinking about doing that again after I get everything else done I need to get done 1st. The 3X5 metal shed that I'm putting on the front porch will be for the dog food cans I've had in the cabin & it's time to get them OUT where I have more room in the cabin, & that will be a big help. So yeah things are getting done it just takes time to figure it all out on what is getting done WHEN & this week is getting the front porch cleaned off. I have a large yard swing on a metal frame that I want to just use the swing part of it (not the frame) & hang it in my cabin where I'm going to put my TV so I will have a swing to sit in while watching TV. It will be repainted & look real good in the cabin since we don't have any company or friends that like to come over & hang out that's fine with me. I hope every 1 is having a good week of getting things done & enjoying the outcome whatever it is you all are doing, & having a blessed week.
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11 responses
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
21 May
I have realized too late how important it is to get rid of everything we do not need immediately and as soon as we know we do not need them anymore.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
22 May
@2ndchances24 Trying to sell is a waste of time, I donate what is good, I throw what is not even worth donating.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
@LadyDuck same here, I have donated so much stuff to the thrift stores & good wills I should get stuff for free BUT???
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
Yeah that's about the way it happens at times I don't try & sell anything any more cause it's just not worth my time & effort to deal with it so I just give whatever it is away to get it GONE.
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@annierose (21570)
• Philippines
21 May
Letting go of those fish tanks must feel liberating, and repurposing the shed for more practical storage sounds like a smart move. And turning your cabin into a cozy retreat with a swing for TV watching? That sounds like the perfect touch! It's great to hear that you're tackling things one step at a time and finding joy in the process. Wishing you continued success with your endeavors and a wonderfully blessed week ahead!
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
21 May
Thank you, yes it's been on my mind for awhile even B-4 I crashed in the hosp a yr ago & when things keep pondering on your mind that's a sign it's time to do something about it & the time has come to do it. Yeah I think the porch swing will be a great idea I just need to get or find the right cushions for it I have 1 to sit on but I need 1 for the back part being it's all metal but it's nice to sit on.
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@annierose (21570)
• Philippines
22 May
@2ndchances24 Gayle, it sounds like you're making some really positive changes! Recognizing when it's time to take action and following through is such an empowering feeling. And I agree, a porch swing sounds like the perfect addition to your cozy retreat. I hope you find the perfect cushions to make it even more comfortable.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
@annierose That's the type of person I am, I try to stay on top of things in my life but I fell into a health issue & landed in the hosp & was there for 6 mons & during that time of recovering it hit me to start a new life change & thank God he gave me a 2nd chance.
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@wolfgirl569 (112946)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
I have thought about putting a swing in our house.
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@wolfgirl569 (112946)
• Marion, Ohio
22 May
@2ndchances24 I thought about the frame so I could move it around. Some of them look very nice
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
23 May
@wolfgirl569 I'm not going to use the frame cause I have a 2 X 6 beam that mine is going to hang from, & the frame will just take up more space than I need in the cabin.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
Hey, there's nothing wrong with it, a lot of people thinks a swing is just for outside but it's not it's just a new style rocker, you just have to make sure you have a good place to put it & if your going to hang it make sure the support is strong enough to hold 2 people.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 May
I love your idea of putting the swing in the cabin so you can use it when watching tv. Sounds like things are moving along. I find it hard sometimes to part with things that I've been holding onto for longer than I should.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
Not every 1 thinks the way I do & that's just 1 of them I had a smaller 1 in the cabin but I didn't like the way it sat, but the 1 I'm putting in there is a lot better & a little bigger & feels good to sit on so why not?? I've never been 1 to just collect & hoard stuff where it crowds me out of my space & collects dust, I love my space & can't stand clutter.
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• United States
22 May
@2ndchances24 I hate clutter too yet I seem to always be organizing and getting rid of stuff.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
23 May
@Marilynda1225 I knew a person that had so much stuff everywhere that it made me leery about going in her house cause of snakes, I'd hate to be where I couldn't get away from 1 cause of too much stuff everywhere & get bit.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 May
If you're not using the fish tanks, it's good to get rid of them. The metal shed will be a good place to store the dog food. I hope you can get it all done the way you want.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 May
@2ndchances24 You'll get it done now.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
@just4him you sure right about that cause I'm done with the dog food in the cabin which was the only place I had to put it at the time. But with it out on the front porch of the trailer it frees up a lot of extra space in the cabin FINALLY, it'll be well worth it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
21 May
I should have done it LONG B-4 now but your right the time has come to get things like they need to be & stop pondering on it like we do, like the shed I bought B-4 I crashed it should have ALREADY been put up BUT everything went the way it did & here we are.
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@grenery8 (14900)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
24 May
when you don't see use in something, let going is the best call.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 May
That's what I do, if I don't get any idea of what to use it for I let it go that's why I hang on to stuff as long as I do, it gives me time to see if there is a way to use it B-4 letting it go.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
26 May
@grenery8 I've heard that if you haven't used it in 3-5 yrs it's time to let it go, cause by then it's out of date for others.
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@grenery8 (14900)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
25 May
@2ndchances24 precisely that. better then piling things up.
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@RasmaSandra (83082)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 May
Sounds like a lot got done, This week seems to be zipping by, It sounds very relaxing to have a swing to sit in while watching TV, I hope you have a good evening,
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
Yeah this week is just flying by faster than I want but I'm working on getting as much as I can done B-4 we get the rain that sounds like a bad 1. I got rid of 2 of the 55 gal tanks (free of course) but as long as I got rid of 2 is better than none I may keep the 3rd 1 for just a planter in winter. We got the front porch cleaned off to start the shed to put the dog food in so it's safe from the mice & other critters, & the weather.
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@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
21 May
My mother rescued a cichlid fish. We have a 55 gal tank. She wants to get a bigger tank and more fish. But at the moment we have no room to put a larger tank. Cool on the swing. We need a tv stand. We are using an organ as a tv stand for moment. My uncle was an organist.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
COOL beans on rescuing the fish, what size tank does she want? & how many fish does she want IN the tank? cause BOTH questions matter. Yeah I don't have a lot of room or space but I make it work for me to put a swing in & I already have a 75 gal tank that has it's own space to look at & enjoy when I'm sitting at the computer so that works. My Tv will be sitting on a console heater that will be long enough to hold it & sitting in the right spot to watch from the swing OR bed.
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@dya80dya (36950)
21 May
It's better to get rid of the fish tanks if you aren't using them. I have a lot of things that aren't used.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
That's what I'm doing, being they have been on the front porch for the longest so I've debated it long enough, I got rid of 2 of them I may just keep the 3rd 1 for plants to start over winter season.
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@thebos (5961)
• Kisumu, Kenya
21 May
Getting rid of all those things, but hope they can be used somewhere that it can't be a loss
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 May
That's out of my control, I did put a note on the tanks they don't leak, rather that matters is up to them.
• Ogden, Utah
23 May
My husband does that. He gets things he really doesn't need and then keeps it, not using it and then years later he gets rid of it. It can get a little annoying. Good luck with your building and your fish tank.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
24 May
yeah that can be annoying, we can't afford to buy what we don't need Thank you, things are going good with the cabin we worked a few hrs on it but had to go to town & that was the end of woring in the cabin.