Can we the rest of the world sue Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, et al.?

@vandana7 (99882)
May 24, 2024 10:51pm CST
As well as governments that come up with silly policies that ensure more population, larger homes, faster cars, and what not ... I learnt that there are countries that offer incentives to women for having children. More children do not necessarily translate into more taxpayers. Many women took to have kids every other year and turned that into their income source! Our own government is giving more leaves to pregnant women. More population also means more disputes...permutations and combinations of thinking, desires, experiences, and behaviors. Less employment. So more crimes too. Whoa....lot to tackle. I also learned that larger homes require more paint, more cleaning fluids, more repairs, all of which pollute the planet, apart from these homes covering larger area on the floor that prevents water from seeping into the soil. Then people grumble about there is n water, there is no water. Common sense says water will drain off into the rivers and seas...we can live in smaller spaces, we cannot live without water. Overfilled seas means more evaporation, more turbulence in the air, more natural disasters....coupled with denudation since more trees have to be felled to create room for those larger homes. We also need poorer class to do chores for we have a discontented society always. Faster if they did not burn gas and pollute the air.... and cause those accidents...yeah the other day the boy was driving at a speed of 150 KMPH on the main road...and all those formula 1 racing cars use up petrol for daily practice. And that pollutes. But returning to the question of Hamas, Russia, Israel, Ukraine, et. al. Wars pollute. We pay the price. Shouldn't we have a right to stop this? Next generation will not have air or sea travel facility...and may have to wear Oxygen masks...
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6 responses
• Pakistan
25 May
Bringing up such a question raises complex and sensitive issues surrounding international law, human rights, and geopolitical conflicts. While individuals and groups may seek legal recourse for perceived injustices, the feasibility and implications of such actions vary widely depending on factors like jurisdiction, diplomatic relations, and the nature of the alleged violations. Additionally, resolving conflicts and addressing grievances often require diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and cooperation between nations and international organizations.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
25 May
We the somewhat educated folks can feel concern about climate change, and its implications for future generations. We are already too late in controlling it. If we appeal with logic and reasoning, perhaps, we can gain ground. But the way it is done here, I swear it will have an opposite effect. As an after thought, wouldn't it force these people to think and realize what is at stake? When they have to argue their case, they will have to reveal WHY they are attacking or resorting to wrong ways. When such things are out in open, then the judges can think of a solution or suggest a solution and since we are all a party to the case being the petitioners, we will also understand both sides of the story. As things stand, we can understand only what the press or some of the others tell us. That may actually be half truth.
@crossbones27 (49050)
• Mojave, California
25 May
You can, but they do not give a crap. Honorable ways do not create honorable people.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
25 May
I am so tired of these wars. We are the brink of an irreversible damage to the planet, and these leaders don't seem to give a damn.
@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 May
Boy! Aren't you cheery this morning... But yeah, let's sue everybody, tie up the courts, give all those litigators something to do...
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
25 May
Vanny the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands already exists. It is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. They already issued an arrest warrant for Putin... was this useful?
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
25 May
It would be nice if we could
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 May
We have already done irreparable damage to our planet. There are many things that should be discontinued and penalized. Too soon it will be bigger and badder than all of us combined can control.
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