What is up with all these tornadoes in the USA?

May 27, 2024 1:29am CST
I mean, yeah, Illinois, tornadoes, old acquaintances from way back, and 99% of the time I don't even bother acknowledging the sirens when they go off. Which they did last night - and I slept right through them and woke up an hour or two later to see a few messages and several facebook posts from friends about some storm that went through the area. No one injured in my area, no tornado actually sighted by anyone.But there have been several deaths in the US from them this year (which is a might unusual) and what in the Holy Name of Harry is causing all these tornadoes? Is it Global Warming? Is it a Secret Russian Weather Weapon? I'm beginning to wonder...
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19 responses
@JudyEv (329854)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 May
Well, I don't think the Russians are involved but you never know.
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@JudyEv (329854)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 May
@Scarred4Lyfe He seems capable of just about anything.
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@kobesbuddy (76405)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 May
@JudyEv They are praying for bad weather, for the USA
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28 May
I guess it could be all the hot air Trump is always blowing around
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@LadyDuck (464226)
• Switzerland
27 May
I would like to know, we have no tornadoes but it's May, still cold and it rains every day. May be we could blame Russia.
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@BarBaraPrz (46045)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
27 May
Yeah, that's it: blame Russia, or China, or the entire middle east...
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@LadyDuck (464226)
• Switzerland
27 May
@BarBaraPrz I think the Middle East is a better guessing.
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@much2say (54066)
• Los Angeles, California
27 May
Bizarre, right? We here in CA have even had some tornado warnings in the past couple years . . . and how weird they actually came (not supposed to happen in CA). Maybe it's cuz the earth is flat .
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@much2say (54066)
• Los Angeles, California
28 May
@Scarred4Lyfe Oh, you're probably right . . . it's a twisted strip, so no wonder about the twisters !
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@kobesbuddy (76405)
• East Tawas, Michigan
2 Jun
@much2say I have TWO twisted sisters!
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28 May
The Earth is actually a Mobius strip
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@wolfgirl569 (98555)
• Marion, Ohio
27 May
It has been a bad season so far
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@anya12adwi (6153)
• India
27 May
80% Global Warming, 5% nature, 15% may be some manmade stuffs
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@kobesbuddy (76405)
• East Tawas, Michigan
2 Jun
@anya12adwi The dinner I burnt in the microwave, this damaged the ozone!
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• India
3 Jun
@kobesbuddy I bet! We are also damaging the ozone by using ac during summers but no alternatives!
@LindaOHio (162843)
• United States
27 May
It's climate change/global warming. I'm sure of it.
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@BarBaraPrz (46045)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
27 May
I don't know what it is... maybe the Piurifaynes from Majipoor left the printed pages while I'm rereading the series and think they can do their stuff here.
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@annierose (20646)
• Philippines
27 May
It's a relief to hear that no one was hurt in your area despite the storm. The increase in tornado-related deaths across the US is definitely alarming. While climate change might play a role in extreme weather events, including tornadoes, linking specific events to it can be tricky.
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@LeaPea2417 (36861)
• Toccoa, Georgia
27 May
I forget where I heard it, but there is a conspiracy theory about controlling the weather. It could be a world leader who hates America, controlling the weather.
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@RasmaSandra (75467)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 May
It is odd about all the tornados and bad weather. Sounds very strange, I checked online and it says the culprit is El Nino and it is not a Mexican bandit, Here is the story from online, The recent surge in tornadoes across the central and southern United States has been somewhat surprising. Over 100 tornadoes swept through areas including Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Iowa in just one week, causing destruction and loss of life. An expert explains that this increase in tornado activity is due to El Niño, a natural climate phenomenon. El Niño can create an environment conducive to severe weather and tornadoes during spring. As we exit a strong El Niño winter, the atmosphere produces a strong subtropical air current, leading to fluctuations along the subtropical jet stream that facilitate tornado formation1
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@TheHorse (209958)
• Walnut Creek, California
27 May
I think Biden is seeding clouds to there will be more rain and tomatoes and we'll vote for him because global warming is real.
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@NJChicaa (116882)
• United States
27 May
climate change
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@kobesbuddy (76405)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 May
What is causing these tornadoes? I'm just guessing. Maybe the fast heating up and cooling down, weather is displaying this pattern everywhere. One day, it's fairly warm. The next day, in the 40s. In the atmosphere, this is a tornadoes favorite beginning. Hot air meets cold air, creating turbulence. We haven't had tornado threats in Michigan, we will eventually.
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@kobesbuddy (76405)
• East Tawas, Michigan
31 May
@LovesEverybody The warming up and cooling down, tornadoes will form in the clouds.
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1 Jun
@kobesbuddy too many tornadoes are forming. It is making me petrified. I dread that my phone will make a piercingly loud alarm and tell me there is a tornado seen in my area. Causes me too much stress
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
27 May
I don't know what's going on with all these tornadoes that's going on it's like several every week since may started it's crazy.
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@GardenGerty (158507)
• United States
28 May
La Nina? For the last year or two we have had fewer than usual tornadoes, we must be due some now.
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@popciclecold (36272)
• United States
27 May
We had s pop up storm last night. No tornado, but the storm was bad enough
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@FourWalls (63616)
• United States
28 May
It’s springtime, and we’re having a rapid shift from El Niño to La Niña. Or methane gas from cow farts is causing it.
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@JESSY3236 (19273)
• United States
28 May
Yeah we had a warning a few weeks ago, but it didn't touch here. But there was a tornado a towns from here. I think it's global warming.
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@Hannihar (130231)
• Israel
28 May
@Scarred4Lyfe I grew up in the Midwestern part of the United States and I would say the place where you grow up has certain weather and we had tornadoes but I never experienced one. It is just part of where one comes from and the weather they have. My father was born in Russia and heard he picked Minneapolis because of the weather seminar to Russia. We had very harsh winters and there was flooding and tornadoes and have seen the funnels but never experienced one. Where I live now in Israel we have earthquakes and I did experience one and lived through it. I was more worried about the cat I had that was at home than I was worried about me. She survived and went on to live more years.
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