A Dalek invades the Lichfield Bower!
@sharonelton (27384)
Lichfield, England
May 27, 2024 12:34pm CST
Well.........one Dalek! Today we went to the Lichfield Greenhill Bower. We walked it there, and my Mum used her walker. We set out at just after 11:00am. We were just coming passed St Chad's Church when this old chap said hello to me. I was a little way ahead of my Mum. When my Mum caught up the old chap asked if that was my Mum and I said yes. He said, I bet she's not as old as me. He said he was 90! Isaid, No, she's not as old as you! Mum said, I'm 78, 79 in August. After we'd finished talking to the old chap, we carried on. We had to go round a car that was in our way parked infront of St Chad's Church. Then we walked up the road, crossed at the crossing, and went round Stowe Pool on the lower path because it's flat for Mum's walker. We made our way to the Guild Hall where they usually crown the Bower Queen and waited for the procession to start. When it started I made some videos and took some photos. But there were some people infront of me and some of the photos are just of their heads! I did manage to take a few good photos. After a while a lady moved from by the barrier, so I quickly inserted myself in there where I had a better view! I don't remember them crowning a Bower Queen and I didn't see a Bower Queen. Mum said she thought she was in the Guild Hall but I didn't see any Bower Queen. They had the female morris dancers agaIn this year. They had brass bands as usual. Many different floats including one with a big yellow elephant and a small pink elephant on it, one with Mary Poppins on, and one with a guy on it about to be shot out of a cannon! There was a car with the Bower mascot bear in it, a car with a pokeman in it, and then came a dalek! I don't know what the dalek was saying, but it didn't sound like exterminate! I'll have to rewatch my video and see if I can tell what he's saying! There was a dance class float with young dancers on and some following behind and some soldiers marching. There was a doggy day care van and several dogs that really enjoyed their barking! There was a couple of mini buses that do coach trips out. There was a car with a flashing light on top, and an ambulance, as there always is. My weather app said rain at 11:00am and 12:00 midday, but it didn't rain then. After we'd watched the procession once, at about 12:40pm, then it started to rain. I put my hood up for a bit, but the rain didn't last long. We made our way to the toilets by the Cathedral. My Mum went in the disabled loo and I went in the one next to it. When I'd finished my Mum said I could go out and wait round the corner incase the procession came back, so I did. After a while my Mum joined me. I made a video of us waiting for the procession to start again. Then it started raining again, so I put my hood back up. It stopped again just before the procession started again, then I started making more videos and taking more photos. The picture of the dalek (above) was taken when we watched the procession the second time around. When the procession had finished the second time around I told my Mum I.wanted to find a bench to sit on. We went round market street looking for something to eat but couldn't find anything suitable. We went up the three spires shopping centre and saw a fish and chip van at the bottom. I went and found a bench to sit on, and then Mum went to get some fish and chips for her and a large fish for me, but when she got there they were closed! So we went to the Jungle Street Kitchen instead. It's not usually open on a Monday, but it was today. I had Coco King Prawns and a Jasmine green tea. Mum had a Salmon Catch. It came to just over £35! It was very tasty and I really enjoyed it. After we'd eaten, we set off for home. As we were walking home my Mum said she wanted the toilet. Then she said she thought she'd done it! So I made up a little song to the tune of Let It Go from Frozen. SONG FOR THE INCONTINENCE Let it go Let it go Can't hold it in anymore Let it go Let it go I've done it on the floor I can't hold It anymore Let the pee flow free The pee never bothered me anyway! When we got home I went to the toilet and started watching some telly. My Mum said she was going to go to the toilet when she got in, but instead she sat down and went to sleep, and she's still there now! What have you lot been getting up to today? I hope you are all well. Have a nice evening.
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5 responses
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 May
We rarely have processions of that sort here but I've watched a few on YouTube. It sounds really entertaining.
2 people like this
@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
28 May
I enjoy going to the Lichfield Greenhill Bower. I'll have some of my own videos up on YouTube. They should be premiering in early June. I'll put some of them up tonight, to premiere. It was very entertaining. I didn't expect the Dalek to turn up, but when he did I was taking pictures of it like there was no tomorrow.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 May
@sharonelton I do that when something new comes along. Take dozens of photos.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
28 May
@JudyEv It's a good thing to do and it helps with your memories.
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• Southend-On-Sea, England
27 May
Sounds good. I have not heard of this place before.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
27 May
You mean Lichfield? That's where I live.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
27 May
The two of you had a nice day and nice walk.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
27 May
Yes, we did. Although all that standing did make us a bit stiff! My Mum had her walker to sit on!
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@AliCanary (3198)
27 May
That's a funny song! I'm American and just recently learned what Morris dancers are. It's very interesting! If you got pictures of them, maybe you can write about them.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
27 May
Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it! Took my all of 30 seconds to think it up! I'll add a picture of the Morris Dancers here.
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@AliCanary (3198)
27 May
@sharonelton cool, thanks!
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
28 May
@AliCanary You're welcome.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
28 May
Sounds like you had a very entertaining day. Have a good week.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
28 May
@sharonelton You're welcome. Thank you very much.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
29 May
@LindaOHio Thank you very much. It's my pleasure. I hope you are well. Have a nice day.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
28 May
Thank you very much. Yes, it was very enjoyable. We were really stiff at the end though! You have a good week too.
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