May We Never Forget

Sonora, California
May 28, 2024 12:52am CST
Today was a day to remember our fallen soldiers, both of my Grandfathers came back from World War 2, my Mom’s Dad serves in the South pacific, my Dad’s Dad served on a ship, thankfully they both came back, both are gone now. My uncle served in Vietnam, and thankfully is still with us, but deals with the pain from that war!
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2 responses
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
28 May
I'm sorry your uncle is still suffering. You have a rich history of service to our country through your relatives.
@Comforter (173)
• Wuhan, China
28 May
Firstly solute to your grandfathers and uncle! When my father was 16 years old, he joined the army and came from south China to North China. He changed from eating rice every day to eating Chinese pasta every day. Fortunately, he didn't fight in any war. In China, a family like yours that has participated in so many important battles for the country will have a lot of generous welfare benefits, which is very enviable! Wish you all have a good day!