Good morning myLot

@NJChicaa (118681)
United States
June 1, 2024 6:32am CST
Hello everyone. I hope your day is off to a good start. It is 60 degrees F and sunny here at the Jersey Shore. I woke up at 6 am today which is annoying for a Saturday. Oh well. Only 9 more wake ups for work and then I'm off until September. I am sure I will wind up taking a nap at some point today. No big plans for the day. I would go to the pool but they won't update my pool pass until I pay the $175 I didn't even know I owed. I did tell a friend that I would make him some ice cream so I will get started on that today. He wants Devil's Food Chocolate and Cheesecake ice creams. (2 separate recipes not combined) My neighbor said she will be up after work to work on the puzzle. And Whiskey the dog is having a sleepover here tonight. My former neighbor will drop him off around 7. What's everyone else up to today?
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2 responses
@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Jun
I'm sorry you woke so early. Enjoy making ice cream for your friend. Those flavors sound good. It sounds like a good day with your neighbor and Whiskey. It's 64 here, but it won't reach 70 today.
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@LindaOHio (171555)
• United States
1 Jun
Nothing much going on here. My weekends are always very quiet. I will most likely talk with my husband tonight. The highlight of my day! lol Have a good weekend.