Surprise outing yesterday that was great!

June 2, 2024 9:02am CST
Good morning! Yesterday at 2 p.m. I was sitting down to watch my old comedies on TV and got a phone call. My sister hadn't seen me for a couple of weeks because she had been preparing for my nephew's high school graduation. and now needed to go to Walmart. She has some things she will only buy from Walmart because they are the cheapest there. the good part is Sis wanted to know if I wanted to go with her. I have something to do every day this week except Friday so no time to order groceries for home delivery. So, I jumped at the chance to go! I got enough food for the week and my Sis bought me an eight-slice extra cheese pizza at our favorite local pizza place after we went to Walmart. we shared a second pizza. I get two slices of extra cheese and she splurges on eating 4 slices. She then takes some home I have half container of a shredded rotisserie chicken from Walmart so I declined a whole rotisserie chicken that looked so good that was part of a group of them on the way to the cash register. that is when my sister asked me if I wanted to buy one. I have to eat the shredded rotisserie chicken I had when I went to the store in two days and then freeze it before it gets bad. I will put it in lettuce for a chicken salad. my sister also brought me chicken she didn't finish at a restaurant and a big bowl of pierogies. I think she said those were left over from the graduation party for my nephew that she had with another parent. I assume they are homemade as the party was catered. and finally, she brought me a piece of cake I had for breakfast which was delicious! I am so happy my refrigerator is so well-stocked! Is your refrigerator well-stocked or are you like I was yesterday and needed groceries?
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6 responses
@snowy22315 (176746)
• United States
2 Jun
Not at this time, but I am planning to get some food today. I haven't tried freezing rotisserie chicken but I should, Do you have good luck with doing that? I should because I can never eat it all before it goes bad. I made some chicken broth with some of it last time though.
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@snowy22315 (176746)
• United States
2 Jun
@LovesEverybody Yes, I just put what was left of the chicken carcass(which still had some meat on it )in a big pot and boiled it. Shredding it first and freezing in plastic bags is a good idea. I am going to try that next time. Walmart and Costco have those chickens for less
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Jun
@snowy22315 @LovesEverybody I freeze rotisserie chicken too and it thaws perfectly.
2 people like this
2 Jun
I can't finish a container before it goes bad either. I decided to try and freeze it as it is $9 and some change so that is very expensive for me. I am trying to cut down on all spending as much as possible I buy it shredded, put one or two servings in a plastic freezer bag, freeze it, and bring it out whenever I want a chicken salad. It works great! Chicken broth sounds yummy. Doesn't one use the bones of the chicken to make broth? I thought I watched a video on frugality on YouTube that showed that.
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• United States
2 Jun
Your outing does sound like fun . Spending time with your sister and stocking up the fridge is a win win. I love rotisserie chickens. There's so much you can do for meals without getting bored. My fridge is well stocked too as yesterday was grocery day for me too. I even snuck in some snacks
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2 Jun
yes! It was definitely a win-win situation. I have been buying rotisserie chicken shredded and put in a plastic container. I buy the seasoned one at Walmart. I only put the chicken in lettuce and make a salad as I don't really cook that much I bought some miniature pies for my snacks. I don't know why but I didn't get any other snack. I must have not been thinking straight!
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jun
@LovesEverybody I like those miniature pies too. Perfect for a single serving and I like that I can get a few different ones and have a variety. Walmart has some pretty good things and I like a lot of their grocery options.
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2 Jun
@Marilynda1225 those miniature pies are my favorites! I like cherry and blueberry best. I love Walmart's options, too, but I just realized yesterday they have coleslaw but it was huge and only had several days to eat it. I am not eating it past the expiration date as I try to be careful and eat dairy before it goes bad as I don't want to get sick
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Jun
I'm glad you went shopping with your sister. Yes, I went Saturday with my son's girlfriend. My fridge is well-stocked too.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
4 Jun
@LovesEverybody Yes, it does feel good.
1 person likes this
4 Jun
@just4him It takes a lot of anxiety out of life whe the refrigerator and pantry are full of food. I don't need to necessarily have a stuffed refrigerator as I feel better as long as I have enough food so that there is no chance of being without food
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3 Jun
thanks! I am glad, too, that I went shopping with my sister. I got some good food! I am thrilled that your fridge is well stocked. Doesn't it feel great to know you have your fridge full?
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@JESSY3236 (19578)
• United States
4 Jun
Sundays we go to the grocery store. We went to Walmart and got some groceries, a tv stand, some underwear, and a curtain rod and a blackout curtain.
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5 Jun
I go grocery shopping whenever I am invited! You sound like you have some great things! I bought mostly groceries. I did buy scotch tape, masking tape, and a set of 192 plastic forks, spoons, and knives so I no longer have to waste water as my water bill is super astronomical. I had paper plates at home i also eating from
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
3 Jun
My fridge is looking good at the moment. I shouldn't need to shop for a while.
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3 Jun
that is great your fridge looks good! I always feel so good when I shop or have food delivered and my fridge has plenty of food
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@dya80dya (36155)
2 Jun
I need groceries. It isn't so well stocked.
1 person likes this
9 Jun
I am sorry. I hope by now you have some groceries. I got groceries yesterday again.