It's Been a Week... It's Only Wednesday

Sparta, Tennessee
June 5, 2024 5:40am CST
It's only Wednesday and it has been a week. Monday I was pacing and trying to fill orders. I was trying to relax about the practicals on Tuesday. We had one last study session that night and it was still nerve wracking. Tuesday was THE day. We had to be there at 8am and Kristies was sweet enough to bring breakfast. No one really ate least not until after. It was very nerve wracking and I ended up going last. Thankfully though we were all worried for nothing. The whole class passed!!!! Now we just need to study for the national test and we'll be set. Too bad that test isn't as easy as everything else. What should be a happy day though turned horrible. I went to work sitting with my friend's grandmother and ended up staying with my friends until about six. I had to call her and tell her dog collapsed. We had to call a friend from her station to help us get her in the car and to the vet. It was time, the time all pet owners dread. At five yesterday evening, we had to put Coco down and we were all a mess. I stayed with Chris and her husband until they were ready to leave. I'll check in on her today. Offered her a girls day to get her out of the house. We don't always see eye to eye and lately I feel like she's taken advantage of my kindness but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Holly was just put down three months ago and now Coco. She now has an empty house and you just don't get used to that. I have a ton of orders to do and I added a few more yesterday. I was supposed to go to an inservice today but I think I need to get the orders done and be here for Chris is she needs me. She didn't know if she was going in to work yet or not. I've been catching up on my reading in the evenings and my puzzles. It's been hard finding a routine but I'm getting there. It would be easier if life would stop handing out curve balls. What is everyone else up to today?
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5 responses
• United States
5 Jun
Congratulations on passing your test! I'm sure you'll do well on the nationals as well. That's really sad to hear about Chris dog passing. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. Chris is lucky to have you as such a great friend. Enjoy your relaxing time with your book and puzzles. Thanks for the recommendation of Identity. My daughter read and finished it before I had a chance to even start it.
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• United States
5 Jun
@JordanLader I'm always happy to hear about good books. I'm going to read it next and maybe I should get Mindgames and read it first and then tell her about it
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• Sparta, Tennessee
5 Jun
@Marilynda1225 You definitely should lol
• Sparta, Tennessee
5 Jun
That's great to hear lol maybe you'll get a chance at it now. Her new book Mindgames is out now but I haven't had a chance to read it yet.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
5 Jun
It sounds like you've had a busy and emotional week. Congratulations on passing the practicals, and I'm sorry for the loss of Coco. It's great that you're there for your friend. Take care of yourself too, and enjoy your reading and puzzles.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
5 Jun
Thank you. It was a very hard day. With as often as we used to be there and now that I'm back there now so often, she was like one of ours as well. My husband took it pretty hard when I told him.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
6 Jun
@JordanLader Take all the time you need to grieve and support each other. Sending you both strength and comfort during this difficult time.
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@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
5 Jun
It's definitely the hardest part of having a pet. It always makes me sad when these things happen.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
5 Jun
It seems like we just put our dog down but it was the beginning of this year. It was hard being back there with them but I couldn't leave either.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Jun
Great that you passed. So sorry to hear of Coco's passing. Glad you were busy. Greef seems easier when we keep active. I am just busy on here.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
5 Jun
Congratulations on passing the test!!! I am so sorry to hear about Coco. I know how much that hurts. I hope your life slows down. Nothing much going on here.
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